1. What we need to live.
This involves shelter, food, warmth. To get these, I need money to pay for them, which means a job. I’m not neglecting my family to do this, since what shelters, feeds, and warms me, also covers my spouse.
2. What I need to feel like I’m living.
This involves time with my sweetie, some level of entertainment, food that is better than ramen noodles, community college classes, and alone time. Since my guy and I feel similarly about these things, again, they mesh together well.
3. What I need to continue living, hopefully well, in the future.
That is, investments, 401k, a full pantry, etc. Again, since we’re both in this together, success here means success for both of us.
4. Taking care of kith and kin.
Once we have our own oxygen masks on, so to speak, we can help put them on the people next to us in the event of a crash. ;) Here we find donations for local charities, gifts for family, friends and neighbors, energy to help people move, that sort of thing.
5. Taking care of everyone and everything else.
Donations for larger charities, random acts of kindness for strangers, being “green” (although we try to fit that in to 1–4), etc.
If I have enough resources to get as deep as #5, I feel like I’m particularly successful. I’m not sure why that would make me neglect my family, though. Generally, the things that help me, would also help my mate.