Does electing paranoid schizophrenics as our leaders make us safer?
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ETpro (
December 23rd, 2009
The old zombie death panel lie is baaack. Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann have breathed new life into it the ‘deather’ corpse. Now, though, it’s not end of life counseling, it’s the Medicare Advisory Board. Wow, wouldn’t we be a whole lot safer if only we could keep the people who have to run Medicare from getting any expert advice from a panel of the nation’s leading doctors and health care experts?
How paranoid and suspicious of everything ‘government’ do politicians have to get before they pose a clear and present danger when given leadership power?
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18 Answers
They may not actually believe it themselves. They might just be saying it to please the people who pay for their campaigns.
Don’t be rediculous, of course it does.
only if they are anti-s——il
It didn’t do any good with george W. .... so i don’t think so .
Thanks, everyone who has chimed in.
@filmfann That’s even more sinister in a way.
This debate takes us back to the first time Reagan was elected president. He famously said something to the effect that government doesn’t solve the problems, but that government is the problem.
In my opinion, he was wrong.
@hawaii_jake I think the quote was, ”...[G]overnment is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” He was talking at the time about a specific crisis, but the line quickly got adopted by the right and generalized. It’s become a persistent meme in the US and now threatens the very foundations of good governance here.
The reason it resonates so powerfully is there is a kernel of truth in it. But like most things, when taken to the extreme, it’s quite destructive.
The persaonal beliefs of our elected leaders really don’t matter (if they actually have any) as they are merely mouthpieces for those who fund them. The very few who actually follow thier consciences are such a tiny minority as to be insignificant,
The problem with using paranoid schizophenics are “guardians” is that they tend to see dangers that do not really exist and miss those that are dangerous. They are disconnected from reality.
if you really want to findout paranoid schizophrenics as our leaders read Transformation of America Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien.
@tvshowhos The book you have in mind is Trance Formation of America and it claims to expose a 40-year plus plot by the CIA to shape the future through mind control.
My thoughts? Time to take off the tinfoil hat, tvshowhos. They aren’t controlling my thoughts through the telebison. The flouride in the water isn’t turning me into a commie. It’s actually doing a good job of keeping my teeth from rotting out of my mouth.
Now I know you aren’t going to believe a word of this. For you, the world is a vast conspiracy and all the obvious facts we see are part of the massive plot to devceive us.
Whatever. Have a Great New Year anyway.
is it @filnflan your joking ( how much time have you done ) as for a tin foil hat just google…...shzzz not yet I must control myself. Have you ever meet Cathy? or Mark, and I dont mean at the ramada inn? I gots ta break wind. out of here
No, I have never met Cathy or Mark. In fact, of all the many books I have read in my long life, I’ve only met the author of a tiny handful of them. Meeting L. Ron Hubbard helped convince me of what an obvious con man he was. If I need to meet the author and come under their spell in order for their work to ring true to me, that’s reason enough for me to view it with great suspicion. Any work of literature that can’t stand on its own merits isn’t going to make me redefine my entire world view.
@filmfann Ted Gunderson, Anthony Hidler,David Icke, Zeph Daniles, as for L.Ron Hubbard, your correct.
paranoid schizophrenics would make bettter leaders than the ones we have now…I think making the link bewteen paranoid schizophrenics and bad leadership is offensive to paranoid schizophrenics.
@tvshowhost Are you sure you want to link that answer to me?
I don’t recall making any statements about L. Ron Hubbard recently.
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