What Do You Think of the Infragard-FBI relationship ?
Have you heard of the FBI-Infragard relationship where they partner with private citizens to report on each other and other private citizens ?
How do you like reports about you and your life going into the FBI files ?
Is this relationship just another example of Big Brother at work ?
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11 Answers
Like that’s never happened before. Ever heard of J. Edgar Hoover? He had a warehouse full of files on just about everyone who was anyone.
I hope that the FBI is watching me, it means that someone cares about me. I just wanna be loved…is that so wrong?
@Fluthermucker Haha. How do I feel? I feel fine. How about you? lol Big Brother, I believe, is a good thing. Go ahead, let them look at me. I’ve got nothing to hide. Those who do, though, should be weary. That’s the whole point. When someone does something wrong, you go after them. I’m a big brother of four boys, and that’s what I do. Someone messes with my brothers, I take care of it. But when I step out of line, I get reprimanded. And so does the government. By the people.
Reports on people keep keep the community safe, so that when someone does a crime, its taken care of quickly.
I personally don’t care if they want to check up on me. Because of the nature of my father’s job before he retired, the government ran security checks on all of us at least every couple years, even though I am a working class adult with a family of my own. This is nothing new. Even in ancient times, the “leaders” had informants that would feed them information. I guess the way I see it, if you are doing nothing wrong, then you have nothing to worry about.
Never mind that, what about the Patriot Act and the lawsuit the librarians are going through? If you’re asked to provide information, and you decide you don’t want to, you can’t seek legal counsel or you go to jail without due process.
@PandoraBoxx You are corrrect ; and THAT is only the tip of what is going on right now in our country…
@Maximillian it is not a good thing. What if someone decides they don’t like you and use their special power and turn you over to the FBI.
Infragard should be closed down. It does nothing to keep us “safer”.
This idea that big brother is a good thing is crazy. Most people don’t value what they have until it is gone (or they realize it is gone). We need to value our freedom and protect it.
I don’t really care what information “they” have on me any more. My security clearances mean that everything is in a file somewhere anyway. At this point in my life all I want is enough warning so that the bastards can’t take me alive.(Always save the last round for yourself),
i would love to work with/for them ! sounds like a nice idea to clean up our society from bad eggs !
Last night I saw a program on Tru TV- Conspiracy Theory and it was about this very subject and how Infragaard works. On the surface, it looks fine and dandy, but it is really easy to see how it can become corrupt very easily. We need to keep an eye on those that are keeping an eye on us so they don’t abuse the power they have.
@dustintownsend Nothing is ever free. Ever. Not freedom, not life, not even the little special deals you get on TV. Nothing is free. And to achieve the liberties that US citizens have, we must keep those citizens in check. If a group of people become too out of hand, and cause a threat to the stability of the US, they must be dealt with. And if someone doesn’t like me, what do they have? I don’t know about it, but I’m pretty sure if I get told on, then the snitch needs proof, or the teacher can’t do anything to me. And being framed is totally different. It happens with the FBI or not. Big Brother is good. But yes, they can get annoying. Can’t live with em, can’t live without em.
i believe that infagaurd is is one of the many things leading up to us loosing all of our privacy and all of our rights period
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