Should I pursue a career in web design?
Asked by
Futomara (
December 24th, 2009
Being disabled for nearly 10 years, I recently went back to school. I took a class to learn to hand code HTML and CSS. The final required creating a site. I received great response from my classmates who encouraged me to take my site public. So I did.
SpunChops is my site.
I’d really like to know if I have what it takes to make a career out of web design. I’d appreciate any comments and opinions about my site and whether a future career in web design is in the cards for me.
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6 Answers
I think that if you really feel like devoting your time to web designing then web designing is what you want. If it doesn’t work out, there’s always another day with new opportunities. I just looked at your website, it is SO cool! I think that you are very talented at it and that trying it out won’t do any harm. Just make sure that becoming a web designer is work (if I know anything), and you really have to want it to succeed. But i’m sure you’ll do great, good luck!
I will start by saying that your code is great.
You are like me you should probably stay away from the design part of things. If you get a client hire a design person. I did and it saved my ass.
I hope that didn’t sound dickish.
And here is what I came up without a designer. The horror
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Do you have anything to lose?
Versatility and resourcefulness is what makes or breaks your career as a web designer.
Being able to develop and design will really help you too.
That is an extremely professional looking site layout. I wish you all the best. But beware that this is a highly competitive field. Long hours for little renumeration since you are competing with designers is countries where the cost of living is quite low.
My oldest son makes his living with web design, of course, my answer is go for it.
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