General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Can someone recommend ways by which I can begin to see things as they are instead of how I expect them to be?

Asked by tinyfaery (44297points) December 24th, 2009 from iPhone

This trait of mine mostly manifests into me bumping into things all the time, as well as having to resubmit paperwork because of ridiculous type-o’s.

It seems as though my eyes do not see the outside world but give me visions of my inner world instead.

I’m tired of being bruised all the time and having to waste paper because my eyes see what I thought I wrote instead of what I actually wrote.

Both philosophical and practical advice would be helpful.

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13 Answers

mollypop51797's avatar

I think that the reason these little mistakes or mishaps are happening is because there might me something else on your mind. Maybe, when you are scurrying through this work, you are thinking about something else, I don’t know what, and you are skipping over those little things. Maybe you should try and focus on what is in front of you, not what is ahead or behind. Hope this helps!

Zackyy's avatar

That kind of thing is going to take you changing the way you think and also thinking as an individual. Its going to take time.

gemiwing's avatar

It could be neurological. I only say that because of the bumping into things all the time can be a sign of some health issues.

stratman37's avatar

two words: De Caf

Futomara's avatar

Learn a little about Buddhism and become self-aware.

barbiedoll's avatar

I would get a physical and tell the doctor in case a referral to a specialist is necessary. Then do all the other suggestions.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Study Zen or meditative practices.

Suggested reading:

Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes (video review)

Taming Your Gremlin by Rick Carson

nebule's avatar

is this question about raised expectations or typos? I’m confused…

kevbo's avatar

Slow down a little more/take your time and breathe while you do it.

Proofread stuff by reading it backwards.

the100thmonkey's avatar

Leave at least a day between writing something and proofreading it.

Leave at least a day between learning about something and acting on it.

Basically, you should always sleep on it.

gailcalled's avatar

My sister calls it “mindfulness.” I call it “paying more attention and no longer multi-tasking.” If it seems to be more serious, then I second a neurological check-up. (Do you wear glasses? Is the RX up-to-date? I know that is a simple-minded approach.)

YARNLADY's avatar

Proofread, get a second opinion, have your vision checked, take more time to review your work, ask your doctor for a complete examination to eliminate any physical issues.

Pandora's avatar

I would have my eyes and ears checked first. Eyes for possible vision problems and ears can cause physical imbalances. Get a whole physical. Not if its none of those things than it maybe you are over worked and tired or you are too much in a rush. Slow down and get proper rest. Don’t run through life, Take it in soak it up. You only get one life. If your running through it quickly you’ll miss a lot and in the end you’ll feel cheated.
As for proof reading your stuff, just slowly read it. Pronounce every syllable as if you were a first time reader. Read it out loud to yourself or have someone else read it to you out loud. Its easy to misread your own stuff because you remember what you wanted to say and you will simply read back from memory.

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