You discover the weeds growing in your yard are edible. Do you eat them?
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December 24th, 2009
I googled the description of the weeds all over my back yard, and the listing said they are edible. I’m thinking I might try them, would you?
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22 Answers
I eat the young dandelion greens regularly.
You sure you can’t smoke them? ;)
Yes, at least I’d try them to see if I find them palatable, maybe offer them to neighbors.
I’d try one first. If it tasted good then yes definitely.
Eat, smoke…potato, potahto.
Always. I eat the wild lettuce and the dandelion greens whenever I can. I also feed them to my lizard and cultivate many of them intentionally.
“Purslane” sounds very Dickensian to me. I would go fo it; maybe add them to a bowl of porridge?
A lot of the weeds in my yard are edible, but the dog precludes me from wanting to eat them.
@janbb ; Sounds gruelish to me. But feel free to haversham more.
Bring them to the local homeless shelter then check the newspaper the next day. Just kidding. I’d eat them if I liked the way they taste, even if they were poisonous. But that’s just me.
Sure, add a tomato, some cucumber and a little balsamic vinaigrette and it’s good to go!
Dandelion greens. A giant puffball now and then.
No since we have a guy come to spray them… I think I’ll pass.
The way your question is worded sounds like something that may come from a video game. In that context, heck yes! I’ve drank poison, no questions asked before in a game. Always worth it.
In real life, I doubt I could get it in my mouth long enough to chew and swallow. @lynfromnm has a good idea with making a garden salad out of it.
@dee1313: One doesn’t chew and swallow the greens in a salad?
And I hope you haven’t drunk poison in real life. (Why would that question sound related to a video game, or have I lost complete touch with reality?)
@gailcalled Many game scenarios start with “You find…....... – what do you do with it?”
@YARNLADY : Thank you. I am relieved to not know that.
@gailcalled I do, but its mind over matter, and my mind insists that I gag at anything remotely gross. Something that came from my yard is gross. Which is strange now that I think about it because whenever I made mashed potatoes I always grabbed fresh chives from my mom’s overgrown garden… I grew up doing that so I suppose I never thought about it.
I guess if I could verify that whatever it is wont hurt me I could eat it. Definitely depends on the texture at that point. And if I don’t get anything out of it (like it has some nutritional value) then it isn’t worth it.
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