Social Question

What cellphones were made for children by January 1, 2005? (Whether for Japanese, Korean, or American markets)?
On Chapter 1 of my “Second Childhood” story, a college student who now possesses a child’s body is going to discuss with his parents getting a cellphone, over breakfast. The day is January 1, 2005, so I cannot write in mentions of the Cingular Firefly, nor the LG Migo. (Firefly was introduced that Spring, and the LG Migo – well, I couldn’t find the launch date but it doesn’t look 2004 vintage.)
Even though “children’s cellphones” weren’t yet common in America back then, they may have been common in Japan or Korea. The father is Japanese and the mother Korean, so they might be able to order a phone from those countries through an online store.
Is anyone able to find what children’s phones were available by 1–1-2005? Also, would Japanese and Korean phones work on American networks?