Did you get anything interesting for Christmas?
I got a Coach Purse, a Slinky and Silly Putty
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Nope. You were not under my tree.:-(
My husband gave me a little solar panel that you plug into your car lighter and leave on the dash, which continuously recharges your battery. It’s great because I don’t drive it much, and things like the alarm wear it down.
My mother-in-law gave me two books by Mike Huckabee. I’m wondering if I should get her a couple by Richard Dawkins next year.
the joy of giving is the best gift ever :)
Yes my hearter broke down… :(
Luggage, uno cards, underwear, makeup, a Marilyn Monroe coffee cup, a pig stuffed animal, a wallet, underwear, fuzzy socks, body wash, lotion and more underwear.
I got two jewelry boxes. For all that jewelry I wear. (I have only one piece of jewelry, my engagement ring, and I never wear it.)
400 pairs of socks and a smoker for making my own beef jerky. I’m not sure what the GF got me since she isn’t here yet.
Allie got me something too but it isn’t here yet. Pretty sure that it is a book.
@johnpowell is that hyperbole or did you really get 400 freakin’ pairs of socks??
@holden Why so many jewerly boxes then?:)
@Vunessuh Can you regift me that Monroe Cup…Please!!!LOL:)
@j_ninja (((HUGGS))))
@johnpowell I love socks…you can never have to many socks:)
@flameboi True True True:):)
@Zackyy Santa’s threw me under the wrong tree this year..we were drinking:)LOL:P
See me typing to you? I’m doing it on my very own brand new 13” MacBook Pro! My husband may have his faults but he has always been a good present buyer!
@tedibear39…very nice Yo!!!! Merry Christmas to You!!!:) Nothing says I love you like a 13’Mac:):)LOL:)
Two cute nieces, three cute nephews and a bunch of giggles.
The very thing I wished for!
And a very nice time with my family.
Oh, I forgot! We got a new niece on Sunday. Haven’t seen her yet, but I’m guessing she will rock more than the Mac… maybe…
@toomuchcoffee911…wow I have always wanted one of those:):)...Nice:)
@tedibear39 ..I was just kidding about the MAC…Congrats on the Niece..I have 4 of them..they cry alot:):)LOL:P”)
@holden :: My sister did get me 400 pairs of socks. She does every year. I never wear the same pair twice. Well, I do if they are fancy socks.
Don’t worry, we wash them and give them to local homeless and battered women shelters.
Having a fresh pair of socks is the only reason I can get out of bed in the morning. And she buys in bulk so it is cheap. Like under a hundred bucks.
@johnpowell, so you have no such thing as a favorite pair? You have, like, a sock harem? That seems sad somehow.
@BanginBaxter – i had to go re-read what you wrote! LoL!. Kidding or not, it was funny.
@Jeruba :: It was weird. I was watching a interview on Nightline with Jason Williams (NBA) and he said that was the best thing about being in the NBA. He never had to wear the same pair twice. I almost shat myself. I learned that I was not alone.
@tedibear39…hopefullly your husband got you some socks too!!! Socks are Hot!!!”) I have a pair of green and hotpink ones on right now…they match nothing but keep my feet so warm:)
@johnpowell I like your way of thinking:):)
I got several old coins for my coin collection. I also got 20 scratch tickets where I ended up winning $20. Not bad! I also got some great stuff from “Bath and BodyWorks”! I love their stuff.
@NUNYA I love Bath and Body…my mom got me a care package like she does every year:) She always gets me the real nice razors but after I use them I can never afford the refill cartridges:)LOL:)..but my legs are at least smooth for a month:):)LOL:P
I got body lotion, hand lotion, pillow mist and body spray in the smell of “Lavender Vanilla”. It is to die for!!!!!! I make it last for one year and hope I get it each year to refill.
@NUNYA…got the same pillow mist..my son makes me spray it on his pillows when he can’t sleep…the stuff is Amazing!!!:)
TMNT PAJAMAS!!! money and I’m still waiting for the new keyboard. I’m getting a new cellphone, too. =)
Merry Christmas!!!!
I got a baseball cap with a solar panel and headlights, it is for walking the dogs at night or for cooking and camping in the dark, hehehehe.
Never let it be said that I am not doing my part to contain climate change!
@toomuchcoffee911 – I love your cardboard moosehead, much nicer (especially for the moose) than a real one, heheh!
@cyndihugs:):):)Teenage Mutant Turtles!!!!! I love Leo!!!!!:):) Awesome Merry Chreistmas:)
@rooeytoo…Now that is what I call a “Great Gift”...but nothing beats Silly Putty and a Slinky:):)LOL:P
Some really good homemade, from scratch, cinnamon rolls.
And I bought myself a Snuggie so I can Fluther while warm.
@BanginBaxter – yeah but it comes close! hehehe (I can’t have silly putty, this crazy dog eats everything!)
@Darwin…that’s what my 4 year old son asked for…a Snuggie!!!:) He loves it:)
@rooeytoo…what kind of dog? and how do you whisper?
@BanginBaxter – my avatar is the one who eats everything. She is part dingo, part heeler. She was born in an aboriginal camp and never had enough to eat as a baby, so now she eats anything that doesn’t move despite the fact that she is very well fed.
I tried to tell you how to whisper in your official question, but it is not easy because the symbols disappear when you type them in, heheheh. click below the answer box where it says Entire list! that will tell you.
No disrespect…it is very hard for me to read whispers:) I did not know all of this when I came to Fluther..there is a entire list????
yep you need a magnifying glass or you have to increase the font size to read them.
Under the box you type your answers in, there is a sentence that says\
Style your text! strong emphasis whisper link → link. See the entire list.
@Darwin – I saw you were composing an answer, I was going to link, but I wanted to beat you and cuz I knew you would do the link!! hehehe you are fast!
But not quick enough to beat the fastest keyboard in the Northern Territory!
—Thanks Y’All——for helping a sister out___
okay now I got it—the whisper—
whisper…okay now I see how this fluther works..now I understand
Wait a minute..in my live preview crap was supposed to be a word with emphasis…I will work on it
I got how to—whisper—down
I think one dash on each side of the word. got it ? So it would be _ . You need to put one of those dashes on each side of the word (s) you are emphasising. For the BOLD you use the * key on the #8 key. And put the * on each side of the word/sentence. * then the word and another * So this is BOLD and this is whisper and this is emphasis Practice by sending me comments/replies so that you don’t use any more spaces on here. It works for sending the mail too.
Yep- I got total relief from my intestinal distress. :-)
Yes! A birdhouse custom-built to look exactly like my 2-story house. One of the best gifts I’ve received EVER!
To emphasize a word, use a single underscore (_) before and after it.
@BanginBaxter – Put a space between the words preceding your whisper and the dashes, and then between the last dash and the following words, and do not leave any spaces between the dashes and the words you want to whisper or emphasize.
Also to whisper you need to use two of the small dashes like this:—
You wrote: I got how to—whisper—down
With the spaces it becomes I got how to whisper down
Look in the space below the comment box to see a preview of how your post will look.
@Austinlad – that does sound really neat, I love that idea! Do you have a link or was it done by a local artisan?
I got a rhino!It was a Xmas day miracle!;)
HAHAHAHAHA @lucillelucillelucille Where is Cruiser when ya need him? I saw this conversation going on last week! Rolling On The Floor Laughing!! [hugs]
I don’t know if I can remember that when I am drinking oh dear it will be a mess!!! I really want to laugh really hard right now:):) @lucillelucillelucille can I ride your Rhino???
oh look at me riding a Rhino
@holden Oh, that is too funny!!
@SeventhSense And on the Fourth Day of Christmas?? :)
@johnpowell Ok.. What’s up with not wearing the same pair of socks twice??
@BanginBaxter LOL! You so remind me of me! Let’s just practice out in front of everyone instead of going behind closed doors, figuring it, then coming back out and acting like “Meh! I always knew how to do it!” I am so LOL’ing! Nice…you’re gettin’ it!
w00t I got modern warfare 2 AND even more exciting I got new PJ’s (that I am wearing right now)
I got a nice picture of me and my guy looking sweet together – best gift ever! Also, a Best of the Eels album, which is cool because I’ve never heard of the Eels before and I think I like them. I’m always bemused and surprised when others get my music taste.
I got Casting Crowns new CD. Now I have all of their studio CD’s. Awesome Band!
I got a bottle of “Glogg”, a Swedish alcoholic drink made from wine, spices such as clove and nutmeg, and sugar. You’re supposed to drink it hot, with a bit of orange peel to taste.
I got some books that I really wanted (David Attenboroughs book of Life for example) and I also got some Michael Palin DVDs (Full Circle and Pole to Pole) as well as his newest book. I know I sound like a complete nerd but I love things like that :)
Edit: @Darwin I got a snuggie too.
My thoughtful grandma gave me my first set of wine glasses:) No more wine drunk out of mugs!
I did!
I found an adorable, starving kitten in a shed in my yard on Christmas Eve.
He was snuggled up in some straw, crying his face off…I think I’ll call him Jesus.
@Merriment – good on ya, and I love the name, that should elicit some interesting reactions, heheheh!
@rooeytoo Thanks! It ought to be good for a laugh, especially when I take little Jesus in to be neutered :)
@Merriment – lol, yep I love it! Some people may not find it amusing though, they will probably burn a litterbox in your front yard in protest!
“Snuggies”—that’s funny! Here’s what the word used to mean. My mother made me wear them to school when I was a little girl (back when girls always wore skirts and dresses to school, never pants) because I refused to wear leggings, which were like long wool trousers worn beneath your skirt, to be taken off just like snowboots when you arrived at your destination.
@Merriment Ah! He was crying his face off? Did you glue it back on with milk and eggs and stuff? Poor little guy! Picture?
I just got William S. Burrough’s Naked Lunch! So excited. If that’s not interesting then I don’t know the meaning of the word.
@Val123 – I stuck it back on with cat food. Unfortunately he is so starved out it made him crap his butt off! :)
@ Everyone in this Thread…I am so Amused, and Interested…Please tell me more:):)
@Merriment, I love your story of finding a kitten in the straw on Christmas Eve and naming it Jesus. I hope it is true. Did you by any chance look up and notice any heavenly host?
@Val123 – poor little devil is already acting like he owns the place :)
@Jeruba – it’s true, although the final verdict on the name is up for a family vote.
I’m afraid, for this kitten, I am the “heavenly host” for the rest of his life :)
You could make his public name “Jiminy Christmas” and just call him Jesus in private.
Can we see a picture?
LOL, that pseudonym is a good idea…if only to not piss off the vet who is a believer :)
I’ll post a pic, if I can figure out how
Can you post pics on Fluther????
No. You have to go to someplace like Photobucket and then post the link here.
Awwwwwweeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! so cute!!!!
thanks I have to say I am already totally smitten with this kitten :)
I think I could learn to love that Jesus!
(smitten with this kitten, hehehe, good one!)
Definitely awww. Thanks! I think you win this thread, @Merriment. (Even though there’s no competition and no prizes.)
thanks all. I’m still loving little jesus even though he crapped behind my bed in a moment of confusion :)
lol! sorry,,,but I have three kids and I understand Dogs are like kids:):)
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