Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Who wants to join me in a Christmas night bash for Galileogirl's 10K?

Asked by janbb (63391points) December 25th, 2009

One of Fluther’s feistiest and most thought-provoking Jellies has achieved 10K. Pour another round of egg-nog and let’s get the party going.

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53 Answers

janbb's avatar

And let me be the first to say Mazel Tov™!

gailcalled's avatar

We could throw her off the Leaning Tower of Pisa and see whether she really deserves her name. Or we could celebrate her erudition and experience and the ability to explain complex subjects in a clear and simple matter. I vote for number two.

rooeytoo's avatar

oh wow, oh wow, (jeez there for a minute I thought I would be first, but never mind)

Congratulations to you on your achievement! What a proud group we are!


jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Merry Christmas and Congrats!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations galileogirl, although I really thought you were well past 10K! I love reading your posts as you pull no punches and are to the point.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Congrats! What a great day to have it on!

holden's avatar


Narl's avatar

Congratulations and Happy Holidays!

Jude's avatar

Galileogirl,, I’m scared of you. ;-) No, really, you tell it like it is and always stand your ground. I think that you’re wonderful! Welcome to the 10K club.

tedibear's avatar

Congratulations on your accomplishment!

jrpowell's avatar


and happy b-day PnL

BanginBaxter's avatar

Did someone say Party and Egg Nog…I am there”) Congrate probably don’t me, but I love parties and I brought presents!!!!

Darwin's avatar

Congratulations! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. secret Galileo reference, he, he

Did someone say there was eggnog?

dpworkin's avatar

O,like woah, 2 kool. I cn rlly dig like g-girl getn 10k. kthxbai.

Jeruba's avatar

Just sitting around here with our empty glasses on Christmas night, waiting for some elf or sprite to drop by with a magnum of champagne—and here we have another celebration! Congratulations, GG.

AstroChuck's avatar

Congratulations and Merry Fluthermas! Christmas lurve is the sweetest lurve. Welcome to the 10K Kandy Kane Kastle.

IBERnineD's avatar

YAY! Congrats!

chyna's avatar

@Jeruba My glass was sitting here empty too. Now, the champaign will be flowing again.

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

ccrow's avatar

Congratulations!! more eggnog please

filmfann's avatar

Congrats, wtg, and Great Googlie Wooglie! You are one of the reasons Fluther rocks!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Congratulations ma’am. I brought the 30 year old Glenfiddich,

Buttonstc's avatar

Whenever I need an answer to something that will be solidly based in science and research, yours is the name I look for.

You add a lot to Fluther. Congrats and felicitations to you.

cyn's avatar

@galileogirl CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! WOOHOO!!!

J0E's avatar

There’s no day,
like today,
to reach 10K.

Darwin's avatar

Wheresh the rum? My eggnog needs pepping up. Hic!

wundayatta's avatar

GG: you always piss me off, and I love you anyway. Congratulations!

absalom's avatar

Congrats on Christmas day! I like your username.

cookieman's avatar

Here’s to a great jelly who always speaks her mind, is bitingly direct, and is relentless in her pursuit of a bullshit-free world.

I don’t often (rarely?) agree with her, but I respect the heck out of her. Thanks for adding spice to the lagoon.

Dr_C's avatar

Hey way to go!!!!!! What an awesome time to reach 10k no?
Very well deserved! here’s to 20k!

mangeons's avatar

Congarats! I think yer pretty G, GG

I’d write something longer, but these darn iTouch keyboards are so hard to get used to!

Blondesjon's avatar

Way to go teach! I should just add the link but I feel this little bit of @Galileogirl’s brilliance bears repeating:

Sakata, child: When I see such an immature question, I will sometimes look at the profile to see if we are dealing with a pre-adolescent or an unemployed 40 yo idiot. Luckily you seem to be the former. So I am thinking it is a lack of experience in adult behavior rather than a personality disorder that explains this question. Here are a couple of hints:

1. You are new to this site according to your profile yet you have asked a dozen questions in less than 2 weeks and only received 95 “lurve” points. When you go into a new environment, it is wiser to look around and make note of the culture so you know who you are dealing with.

2. It is unwise to go shooting off your mouth. You may think that being crudely outrageous is funny, but it only indicates a callow nature and if most of us want to deal with that we would be teaching middle school.

3. You need to work on your communication skills. You didn’t come even close to funny or sarcastic or whatever you were aiming at. You just look stupid by pretending you would disrespect people who are raising money for the needy. Any adult can recognize an adolescent fantasy when s/he reads one.

So here is my advice. If you want to be taken seriously in this community, check out what is happening here and join in thoughtfully. On the other hand if you just want to show off, go do skateboard tricks in the schoolyard. Be sure to wear your helmet.

And if I am mistaken and you are in fact an unemployed 40 yo idiot, turn off the computer, clean up your room and go set the table for your mom. <;)

This ^^ is why I respect you and don’t fuck with you.

although if we went 2 out of 3 falls i think i could take ya.

loser's avatar

Wow!!! A national holiday to celebrate your 10k day! That’s great! CONGRATS!!!

dalepetrie's avatar

Finally, an actual reason for a non-Christian to celebrate this day!

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, GG!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Congratulations! :D

fireinthepriory's avatar

Whoops, little late to the party! I hope you got in some good eggnog in celebration. :)

galileogirl's avatar

Thanks everyone, but what happened to sweet-natured, caring and kind?

chyna's avatar

…and sweet-natured and caring and kind!

Val123's avatar

ððððððððððððððððððððððððððððð Congrats! ðððððððððððððððððððððððððððððððððð

(Could those be….Congo Rats?? They showed up early…)

Judi's avatar

Wow, One of the most articulate, and common since minded jellies made it to the Mansion. We just classed up a notch!!
Happy 10K!!!!

gailcalled's avatar

@galileogirl: Your white paper on Fluther behavior (thanks to @Blondesjon ^^) is a model of the perfect essay. I wish that I had written it. It should be included in its entirely, without the salutation, in the Fluther guidelines or perhaps in the banner. Whenever I start to froth at the mouth (often these days), I will refer back to it.

When I see such an immature question, I will sometimes look at the profile to see if we are dealing with a pre-adolescent or an unemployed 40 yo idiot. ... hints:

1. You are new to this site according to your profile yet you have asked a dozen questions in less than 2 weeks and only received 95 “lurve” points.

2. It is unwise to go shooting off your mouth.

3. You need to work on your communication skills.

So here is my advice. If you want to be taken seriously in this community, check out what is happening here and join in thoughtfully. On the other hand if you just want to show off, go do skateboard tricks in the schoolyard. Be sure to wear your helmet.

And if I am mistaken and you are in fact an unemployed 40 yo idiot, turn off the computer, clean up your room and go set the table for your mom. <;)

proXXi's avatar

That’s congA rats.

The Congo “Republic” rats are in thier government.

Val123's avatar

@proXXi Oh! My bad!

gailcalled's avatar

@Val123: That may be a forbidden expression on a site revolving around Galileo girl. Her writing (example above) is the touchstone for everyone here

(Yell at me privately. I wait in the wings.)

Val123's avatar

@gailcalled What’s there to yell about? It’s her preference, I shall respect that. It’s certainly not an issue for me to take a stand on. Nothing to get my undies in a fluther, if you will!

gailcalled's avatar

@Val123 Long johns here, given the weather.
All is good then?

Val123's avatar

@gailcalled Yep! It’s like that here too. Long johns and waffle stompers.
Of course all is good. I mean, if it’s her question, or the subject is about her, or if I am replying to her comment, well, it’s like I’m in her house now, and I need to respect her preferences. Common sense courtesy. I hate certain words (cuss words) with a passion, and I just hate it when someone uses them when replying to one of my questions. I take it kind of personally. In another person’s question, I can just go “ew” and ignore it. (You don’t like that short-hand text speak either, do you? I’ll try to remember that!)

filmfann's avatar

@galileogirl asked: what happened to sweet-natured, caring and kind?

Here I am!!!!

zephyr826's avatar

Huzzah! Every time I feel alone in this crazy profession, I find one of your posts and realize that I’m not alone, and that there are others working tirelessly for these things. Your insight is infinitely valuable. Well done!

mattbrowne's avatar

Unglaublich geiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil !

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