Does anyone have any recent updates about the website AnswerBag?
Has their membership gone up or down? Are people still joining? Are people still leaving? Just curious:)
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62 Answers
I made a visit there yesterday and the same trashy questions are being asked. i still did not see a change for the better on Answerbag. new people took over and i think they are the same people that own the FM station JACK RADIO, playing what we want. they must be politicians running Answerbag now. they never listen to what the people want.
Type Answer Bag in the Fluther search engine and see the dozens of questions already asked here about another site. Enough already.
Merry Christmas back at you. john
I’m kind of curious too….there was rumor that they were going to “fix” it, but, I guess they haven’t. Oh well. Their loss is our gain! Yay!
I Stop in from time to time. Staff is now asking questions since no one else is.
It’s dull and boring. No much going on Of real interest to me. I basically look for old friends…if they are still around…..............they are not.
Thanks so much for the info. I am really starting to like this Fluther:) I have been lost ever since the AB changed, but I am starting to figure this website out and I am really enjoying it:)
I’ve been stopping by and just poking around. I mainly read the blog. From the blog Lex says there are “fixes” going on. But from reading the comments it seems that the “fixes” aren’t really fixed all the time. Seems they work part way or not at all. It is going to hell in a handbag! I haven’t had any activity since the 11th. I said I would give AB 1 week to fix it and give it back. Firebrand, BigDaddyBS, Galeanda, Barcluv are all still there.
My one year anniversary WAS on Dec. 22nd! A whole year with it and then they fuck it up! They really just don’t get it!
Great Question Bangin! (((HUGS)))
@Open_Your_Mind Really? The staff is asking questions! ROFLMFAO Wish they’d give it back to us just as it was and they’d have all the question they wanted. I’m gonna have to go and look at it. Thanks for the info.
@NUNYA Thanks for thanking me for the question…I thought Firebrand was also here?..I can’t find her…and BigDaddy gave me a big lecture when I asked my last question on the AB:)
@BanginBaxter I remember that feeling (refugee from Wisdm)…Stranger in a Strange Land! Hey! Fluther=America!!
Someone else mentioned they had seen Firebrand on here. But I’ve never seen her here. She had her 3 yr anniversary a couple of weeks ago. I guess she promised Rich/Lex that she would give it until her 3 yr anniversary before she quit. She said she was planning on coming here. She was pretty sure she would. But she must have changed her mind. She is probably doing a lot of moderating. Because the categories are really messed up. I mean terrible. I could spend days on end “cleaning house” and I bet that is what she is doing. They aren’t pointing it, is the way I understand it. But Firebrand always tries to keep the site clean of wrong categories. She is probably VERY busy! lol
And your welcome!
@Val123 very strange to start all over again and learn a bunch of new rules…but I think it will be worth it:):) thanks Val!!!!!
@NUNYA I miss Firebrand…I need to go over to the AB and let her know I am over here…she worries about me”)”) laughoutloud
Oh I figured it out—it took me a minute or two—
Yup you got it. Do you see the stuff under this box? It tells you how to do it. :-)
Thanks Nunya….((((HUGGS)))__..oh shoot i messed it up
I accidentally clicked “stop following” So now I am commenting to be able to start following it again. oops! (you didn’t mess it up BB, it’s workin)
I am slowly figuring it out!!! I am going to have everyone pissed off by the end of the night! __lol__
@BanginBaxter Naw you won’t! (What were you trying to do with the LOL? Make it small, bold, or italicized? I’ll help….)
@NUNYA (You can also re-click the “follow this” link at the botton of the question section….)
@BanginBaxter Ik zie u!!!
Like this. * bold * (asterisks on either side, NO SPACES. I put spaces in to let the characters show up)
_ italicize _ (one underscore, no spaces.)
—whisper—(little letters double dash—it looks like one long dash in my example, but it’s really two separate dashes.)
- Cross out – (single dash.)
thusly, with no spaces:
See? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (The hearts are advanced learning 101. I just learnt it yestiday!)
I am still working out crossing out…of look at that!!!!! LOL:):):)
I just learned how to Edit!!!:):)
I’m pretty sure that Fluther is not the “Answerbag” question site. Enough with the freaking questions about it.
@mangeons Just mark “unfollow.” It’s just a suddenly homeless person checking out the New World.
@BanginBaxter ; It might not be good right now, with us over here the Adult Section might be S l o w.
The site is barely alive . There is never anyone there anymore.
It is like logging on to the ghost of AB.
I am glad you are all here.
We are here, I just checked it and it seems like it loads sooooo fast! and I had only One alert to respond to.
Oh jeez!!!! I think I might be having a HEARTATTACK!!!! Someone please help me!!!! Right Now…you can Italic on the Fluther????? ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
@BanginBaxter Ok. You’re doin great! Italicize is like this, but with no spaces:
_ Italicize, one underscore, no spaces, another underscore at the end. (Shift + the key next to the 0 on the number row up top of your keyboard is underscore) _
talicize, one underscore, no spaces, another underscore at the end, no space. (Shift + the key next to the 0 on the number row up top is underscore)
@philosopher I remember visiting Wisdm when it was bleeding out. It was like…going home to this mansion that was….deserted. Of people. Of wandering from room to room. Rooms echoing with laughter and love and parties that had gone before, memories, but no people. :( I STILL want to cry!
@Val123 ..Yo you are a Great Writer!!!!! That’s how I feel on the AB…I am just looking for Life there:):) You put that into great words!!!
[mod says] Let’s try to stay on topic, folks. Please take side conversations to PMs or the chatroom. Thanks!
It still sucks pretty bad…I you miss AB, just go to facebook, I think they are the same..haha!!! I do not know what they were thinking with the changes. All my friends from there have left. Just a bunch of kids swearing and asking dumb questions…
Right now, you can find the chatroom here.
Ach @augustian. Well. Went there, done that. G’night!
I am on there (and here) every night. It is a Ghost town there this time of night. There is advantages and disadvantages there like there is here. Most of the Answerbaggers that left came here. Still miss the Old Answerbag.
I’ll never understand why some of the folks back on AB were so hard on those of us who decided it wasn’t what we wanted anymore. It wasn’t anything personal for sure.
But that’s old history. Fluther has been very welcoming and I appreciate that.
@phil196662…Nurse Bangin is here to help you..if you get out of hand I will have to restraint you::):)..So Please behave yourself:):
Could be difficult… I will try but if I fall out of line you might have to take me…
hmmmmm…please explain:):):)
awwwwwwweeeeeeeeeee I will give it a try…I am new to this:):)
February 3, 2010 Report:
Same old, same old.
For fun in December I blanted them with a lot of “lurve” questions.
Where is the lurve?
Lurve for sale? But is it real lurve?
Can you lurve more than one?
Make lurve, not war. Agreed?
To live, to lurve. We were put here to lurve one another. Agreed?
Is it RUDE to so freely give lurve, to so freely express your lurve?
Some people want to fill the world with silly lurve songs. What’s wrong with that?
Yesterday, I asked a lot of silly questions about “lurve”. Do you think other AB’ers will do likewise?
as well as this.
Many AB’ers have gone to Fluther. How would you feel if a similar proportion of Yahoo! Answerer’s (or Facebookers) flooded AB?
A few of my “lurve” questioned were flagged, such as “Do you lurve Celine Dion.”
Looks like flutherite
not only was last seen in January 3, but all the posts seem to have been removed.
I got PB’ed mostly due to skeeter,
once until Jan 26, and on Jan 28 until Feb 26—accusations of stalking, though I think a more accurate word would be “troll-posting” if even that.
The html got messed up in my profile and I can’t correct it until then.
Not that I’m waiting with baited breath.
@Civic_Cat: You can take AB questions (particularly the AB questions “questions”) to the meta section and spare the rest of us, please.
@Civic_Cat: Click on “Home” above; then note the horizontal list of tags; “meta” is at the far right. New, Questions, Discussions, Active, Orphans, Meta.
So noted.
Mind you phillis thought the questions were hilarious.
I was thinking about sticking it out there as well, but since being PB’d (Penalty Boxed) until Feb. 26, I’ll likely be semi-closing up there. Buncha finger-wagging wet blankets.
Okay, so you want to be spared my questions.
So what do I do?
Create a new thread in the meta and put a link here, or what?
After all, the question was for recent updates, and if Phillis liked the questions, so might have the others.
Help me gail.
@Civic_Cat: Ask mods. I was simply giving directions.
You were implying that others, as well as you, didn’t want to see my questions.
Gotta go now.
You Gail, and everyone else: have a nice weekend.
@Civic_Cat: I am implying nothing (and certainly wouldn’t presume to know what “others” want or don’t want. I should have said “and spare me.”)
AB questions have been kicked to meta, due to the enormous number of them a while back. That’s a fact. PM @phillis or other former ABer’s for any private info. Or type “Answer Bag” into the fluther google engine.
See the second answer here to find the link already listed.
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