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phoenyx's avatar

So I'm thinking of switching to Komodo Edit...

Asked by phoenyx (7416points) December 25th, 2009

I currently use Textmate and it does a good job, but Komodo Edit looks like it has some pretty nice features (free, open source version). Googling hasn’t answered the following questions for me:

1. Can you open a file or folder of files into a project-like mode from the command line?
2. Can you import a folder of files into a project?
3. Is there an equivalent to cmd+enter? (going from the middle of a line to start a new line underneath)
4. Are there any good themes? Is there any (easy) way to convert a Textmate theme to a Komodo Edit theme?
5. What makes Komodo Edit awesome?
6. What are the headaches/bugs?
7. Is it worth the switch?
8. Anything else you want to mention?

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6 Answers

andrew's avatar

Tim uses Textmate, and we use Komodo.

I use it because it has VIM bindings. It also gives you autocompletion of your python code. That alone makes it superior. Gives you method declarations and docstrings as you autocomplete as well.

The project stuff is good. The fuzzy find (called FastOpen in Komodo) is nearly as good as textmate. From what I’ve seen, Komodo is more project centric than Textmate. I think of Komodo as a lightweight, python-centric Eclipse verses a pretty, mac-oriented emacs like I see Textmate.

ben's avatar

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes (in Vim bindings, or you could create a shortcut)
4. Yes. Doubt you can convert a theme, but the default ones are fine, and you can customize.
5. Fast Open, Intellisense, good for multiple languages, open source, and cross platform (so I can use it when I someday migrate to linux). Project friendly without being too heaving-weight.
6. Pro version is expensive. CPU hog when it scans your source in the background. Intellisense good, not the very best. Not a huge community.
7. Yeah, I’d say so. Quite frankly I’m shocked how many people use TextMate—I think it’s pretty weak.
8. It’s good. It’s not the perfect text editor from Heaven for me (I’ve been searching for years), but I think it’s the best choice out there right now, and I’ve been really productive with it.

timtrueman's avatar

I say do it, see if you can get the Twilight TextMate theme ported, use it for a while then tell us (ok, just me) how things went and if it’s worth it.

markyy's avatar

Psssst.. Twilight (although I have no idea if it’s exactly the same as Twilight on Textmate, it sure is easier on the eyes than the old black, red and white).

phoenyx's avatar

I couldn’t find a theme that I liked, so I created my own:

I’ve been using it for a couple of days now. Textmate is faster for me when I know what I want to do, but Komodo is faster for me when I’m experimenting and I’m not sure what I want to do yet.

markyy's avatar

Don’t just brag about it, share it! I’m loving it so far, thanks for the tip.

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