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Macaulay's avatar

What are you thoughts on the following lyrics of Simon Joyner?

Asked by Macaulay (778points) December 26th, 2009

From 2006’s “Beautiful Losers” is the song “Is This How Generous You Are?”
Number 20:
The last verse knocked me out of my chair:
“I asked you to watch over me, you joined the bystanders. I asked you then to catch me, you got out the binoculars. I asked for you mercy, you covered me in feathers and tar.”

What are your thoughts on Joyner’s song? If you don’t like lo-fi indie, I recommend at least reading the song’s lyrics. Surely we can all relate to a level of unrequited love and disappointment. As a master of allusions, Simon Joyner seems to write it better than we feel it.

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5 Answers

troubleinharlem's avatar

I’ve never understood what it meant… but I love Joyner.
I understand the first line and the last line, but the middle one… not so much.

haha, this didn’t help at all, did it?

asmonet's avatar

@troubleinharlem: The binoculars bit? You don’t get that the person is falling and the other would rather watch the show then run and help?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I understand them. Expecting support and getting none. Thinking a comrade was at your back but instead was napping. Thinking someone likes you but is really laughing behind your back. I’ve experienced this at various times in my life. I wonder if the lyricist is slightly autistic like me?

nebule's avatar

very Leonard Cohen…I’ve never heard of Simon Joyner before but will be certainly checking out some if his other songs.

I certainly relate to this and his lyrics are interesting…I like the form and it does seem to lend itself to the plodding music base line

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@asmonet You’ve got it right. @lynneblundell You’re right, very Leonard Cohen-ish. Someone you are depending on to “watch your six” who really doesn’t give a shit.

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