Honestly. Are you a little apprehensive about 2012?
I mean, I know that it’s silly to be scared, but deep inside I’m a little bit nervous about what might or might not happen. Are you?
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78 Answers
Not one tiny little itty bitty iota.
@Rarebear ; not a little tiny eentsy-teensy bit?
Not even remotely. Are you scared because there was a movie made? Or are you scared because you’ve decided to believe the myth that an ancient civilization predicted the end of the world at that year. They didn’t, fwiw.
@MrItty ; no, I didn’t even see the movie. I just am kind of scared about what might happen. And I don’t necessarily believe in the thing, but I’m afraid that it /might/ happen.. I don’t know.
Not me, I have lived a long life. Besides I might be in bed when the poles shift (I heard that is going to happen) and I will not know the difference because I am a very heavy sleeper.
Why are you afraid of 2012? Why not 2011 or 2010 or 2052? There is absolutely nothing special about this particular year.
@Flo_Nightengale ; the poles shifting? o__o
@MrItty ; I’m not afraid of 2012, I’m afraid that it just might happen to be true.
Not even a bit. It’s all such bs, and pretty much an Internet hoax. It’s been said that the Mayan calendar pointed to the end of a specific cycle, not the world.
And even if that ISN’T it, I highly doubt it’s the end of all.
And if it is? Well nothing lasts forever right. Could be apprehensive about it all I want, but there ain’t a whole lot I can do about that.
@Symbeline ; I know that it seems silly, but I’m just having doubts and stuff. And you’re right, there’s not much I can do.
@MrItty ; I don’t know, something. D:
A little bit. Not enough to make me worry about it for any extended period of time, but you can’t blame me; this is the first wide-spread apocalypse prediction that I’ve experienced other than Y2K, which I was too young to understand.
I don’t really think anything is going to happen, but I feel the same way about ghosts and spirits and what not, and you’ll find many who disagree with me on that.
@troubleinharlem okay, but “something” can happen any day of any month of any year. Why did you mention 2012 specifically?
Honestly, you should be worried about 2038. That’s at least an actual problem
@DominicX ; Yeah, me too! I only just turned 18, so this is my first whole… doomsday thing.
@MrItty ; I am not clicking that. It’ll scare me even more. D:
No I am not apprehensive about 2012 at all.
@troubleinharlem no it’s not. People have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of time. Most recently, when you were 9, the wakko’s were predicting the end of the world in 2000. This isn’t your first idiotic end-of-the-world doomsday prophecy.
@MrItty ; It is so my first one, because I wasn’t old enough to really understand what people were even afraid of.
Yeah, I turned 18 in August. The thing is, though, that there have been many different doomsday predictions before and this one is more widespread partly because of the increased online connections and such. Makes spreading information about it a lot quicker and a lot more likely.
@DominicX ; That’s what I’m screaming… this is my first /real/ one. This one seems a lot bigger though, for some reason. I know it doesn’t make sense, but I really am a little scared.
@troubleinharlem whether you understood it or not, you still lived through it. That’s my point. You lived through it, and a hell of a lot more wakkos were predicting the end of the world then then there are now. So since that end-of-the-world prediction was bunk, that should be a clue to you that this one is too.
Eh, anything can happen. If the world does end up ending, I’ll probably laugh.
But if it does happen, I won’t graduate! :(
@troubleinharlem I wouldn’t worry about it.
@MrItty ; I know that I lived through it. That’s not the point, though. The point just is that I’m a bit nervous about what might or might not happen. I’m just a bit nervous.
If things stay the same,the human race is probably going to be killed off in the not-so-distant future. It could be tommorow for all we know. You never know what is going to happen. The chance of 2012 being the end of the world is the same as any other day or year. You might as well enjoy life, because you have no idea when it is going to end.
I have no worries about 2012 that I don’t have about any other time in the future. Will my son graduate from high school? Will he ever get a job? Will my daughter get scholarship money? Will she get into medical school? Will my husband keep hanging on to life? Will the stock market ever make me rich enough to pay for college and a nursing home for my husband? Will my new car break down 3 miles and 1 month after the factory warranty runs out? What if an asteroid hits Dallas?
Compared to any other future year, 2012 is right in the same pack with the rest.
@troubleinharlem I get that you’re nervous. And I’m trying to explain to you, logically, that it’s a really stupid thing to be nervous about. <shrug> Logic doesn’t apply to emotions though, so I’m not gonna convince you. Oh well. You’ll see soon enough how silly it was.
I rather strongly recommend you don’t go on a wild rampage of f***ing everyone in sight and committing grand theft because there won’t be any consequence, though…. -P
I wish I was. I wish something does change in 2012. I’m all up for hoping a shift in consciousness, God knows we need it.
@MrItty ; I know that it may not be logical, but neither are a lot of other things. And I’m not going to do that, that’s ridiculous. =/
@Darwin ; okay..
@Master ; true.
Actually I’m looking forward to 2012 coming and going so that we can be done with all these 2012 questions.
Well, seeing that the concepts of time, calendars and years, predictions, nightmare apocalypse scenarios and all that are human fabrications, I’d have to say no.
I’m more frightened of things that people can do to each other that will destroy us all, such as bio-weapons and the like.
Aww @Rarebear that was a nice comment to leave.
@Rarebear ; that is exactly what i needed. thank you.
@troubleinharlem Good, I’m glad. Read the .pdf articles included with the link. It’s all a hoax.
Not really. I’m sure that there are a lot of other people that have foretold the apocalypse, but they aren’t getting any fame like the Mayans.
I’m not scared at all. My dad joked that they ran out of room (on whatever they used) to write calenders. And the world can end at any time, truthfully. An asteroid could come out of nowhere and hit the earth, wiping out civilization, just like the with the dinosaurs.
No, not any more than about any other date. Dates are just part of an arbitrary record-keeping system and have no meaning in themselves.
My opinion on America’s future is not favorable but, as far as being afraid of 2012 specifically…
… nope, nada, nyet.
I’m not apprehensive but I am annoyed by all the concern.
Yes…I mean in terms of it won’t be the end of the world, and we will continue ever onward as always.
Actually, I guess I am more looking forward to it than apprehensive.
I still have extra toilet paper and bottled water which I stocked up for Y2K and didn’t need. So I am ready just in case I survive the disaster.
One thing I am not looking forward to is the immediately pre and post Jan. 1, 2012 questions.
If I am not working or otherwise occupied, I am just going to watch movies or something for a few days. Consider me to be hiding in the closet.
Imagined danger of 2012 – The world will end because the numbers line up as 12 – 21 -12 (even though no one says the world is going to end on 10–01-10, nor did it end on 01–10-01 or any date of the sort), or because some ancient culture that collapsed before the advent of modern science (having existed during an age where people believed in all manner of superstitious bullshit) attached some significance to a date they were destined to never see, or because some planets are aligning in a way they align relatively frequently in astronomical terms.
Real danger of 2012: This economy doesn’t get better and Republicans succeed in blocking every future initiative of the Obama administration…meanwhile the Republicans don’t by and large think they’ll win in 2012, so they by and large let the crazies take over and nominate Sarah Palin, and she wins. If that happens, well…you betcha I’m scared.
with enough crap getting to the boiling point with mankind it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the shit hits the fan someday soon. Whether it will be in 2012 or some other time will be a mystery till it happens. Make friends with a family who lives off the grid just for the hell of it.
@woodcutter That is exactly what I am thinking. It isn’t uncontrollable nature that we need to fear, unless it’s the uncontrollable nature of humankind. Whether that comes to a head in 2012 or at a later date, it IS coming.
I wonder if it will be anything like Shadowrun; the return of magic, dragons, elves…..
Nope. It’s rubbish. So some ancient calendar “runs out” in 2012…. our calendar runs out EVERY YEAR…. but I don’t freak out and prepare for apocalypse every time December rolls around.
... Because the Lord’s not returning for more than 20 years yetLOL!
So, you still have just a LITTLE time to work and repent of your ways, and come to know Him!
But I’ll tell you wot!
Things are going to get extremely worse before He comes… but 2020 will be worse than 2012!!!LOL
No, there are still two more years to survive before we even get to 2012.
Yes; 2 more years til 2012; but since things will continue to worsen unti lthe Lord’s Return during the 2030’s, 2020 will be much worse than 2012LOL!
Personally, I think the world will end in 2024. I have no basis for it. No proof. No logic behind it. I just assume it will.
I mean there are no proof it won’t end in 2024 somehow! Is there?
Isn’t that scary?
NASA says that we will be fine.
Armageddon tired of hearing about this. I’m apocolyptic with rage. Not going to happen sshhh!
About as nervous as I was about Y2K. I think I fell asleep.
Xenu is my bezzie mate, I wrote him last week and its all good baby.
He said if I play my cards right, an be a good slave, I can have Australia.
In 1990 they said world war 3 would start when Bush attacked Iran, in 2000 they said all the computers would crash, some said Jesus would come. Nothing happened, I think nothing would happen in 2012, but if it does, thats the way the cookie crumbles and you can’t do nothing about it. So live with it.
Heck, I’m apprehensive about MONDAY mornings!!!
@Pazza – you can’t have Australia, cos I already got it: the Lord and I have a PactLOL! :)
Try New Zealand – the Land of the Long White Cloud!!LOL! ;)
Xenu’s soooo gonna kick God’s arse!......=)
The Miya didn’t predict the end of the world, they just said there was a bloody big change coming.
@troubleinharlem – I do not know why it will be in the early 30’s; all I was given was that that would effectively be the time. Time to prepare now, I believe… in order to be truly ‘ready’.
I BELIEVE it may have something to do with holy writ’s statement that “1000 years unto man is as a day with God” ... seeing God rested the 7th Day, I am believing that because religious history currently sits near the end of 6,000 years, He is about to usher in that ‘Promised’ Millenium of 1000 years of pure peace and order: I am thinking that as Jesus Resurrection [or Heavenly Birth] was of far greater import than His mere earthly birth [He lived for about 33 years], that somewhere in the 30’s fits perfectly.
But more importantly than this, He told me so… and that counts for “everything”!
@denidowi Xenu was the evil intergalactic overlord for a few trillion years.
Xenu is the scientologist imaginary God.
I hope he didn’t hear me say that!
I think you’re right there, folks… the imaginary god is the devil himself – so in his typical past fashion, he is now trying to further confuse by calling himself “Xenu”; Huh?? LOL!!
Don’t worry!! We got him nailedLOL!
ThanX guys.
No. And we should use our time and energy for things that really matter. Like dealing with climate change and promoting green technologies.
The world didn’t end on January 1, 2000 and it won’t in 2012. But our world will change if we don’t stop overusing our atmosphere.
The only thing that scares me about 2012 is the thought that the PTB will be planning yet another false flag op at the olympic’s.
Other than that, bring it on baby.
I’m hoping your not an advocate of man-made global-warming global climate change via the co2 method?
Totally agree on the green energy, but I don’t see that ever coming to fruition as long as the oil and utilities companies keep mopping up all the patents on green technology.
I think its time all Mr Tesla’a patents were turned over to the people. If its going to be as bad as they make out, then commerce is going to have to take a back seat for a while, and anyway, there’s no reason why the can’t just bring this technology into the market, and just legislate for the protection of commerce that only corporations are aloud to produce the technology, were as the people have to say, rent a water splitter.
I’m pretty sure they could just enact some health and safety legislation that says it all has to be certified as safe, and thus leave the ball in the corporations side of the court.
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