General Question

antimatter's avatar

How can I sign up in facebook?

Asked by antimatter (4434points) December 27th, 2009

I tried a few times to sign up in facebook but it seems I am doing something wrong or I simply don’t don’t know what to do next after I entered my e-mail address, my name, my gender and birth date it shows done but than nothing happens.

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8 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Do you then hit the sign up button?

Have you created a profile and do not realize it? If you want to PM me your name and what you signed up with, I can search for you on Facebook.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

The next screen after the information is a security screen where you have to enter the words shown. It is case sensitive. Are you getting that far? Also check your e-mail to see if there’s a confirmation e-mail from Facebook. Depending on your settings, it may be in your spam folder.

JesusWasAJewbot's avatar

Why dont you try using a different browser? Internet Explorer vs Mozilla. Have you checked youre email for there verification email?

Kelly_Obrien's avatar

Did you clear your computer cache? delete cookies etcetera?

mollypop51797's avatar

if it doesn’t work, then maybe you can go and download the safari we browser or the new google chrome. hope this helps!

mollypop51797's avatar

*i meant safari web browser

supperwood001's avatar

Do you finished this steps?
Step 1
Visit Facebook and click on “Register” to get started. Before you sign up, you can “Take the Tour” or look for friends
Step 2
Fill in your name, email address and birthday. You will also be asked to select if you’re in college, at a company, in high school or none of those. What you select will determine your main network.
Step 3
Check your email. A confirmation will arrive with a link to confirm your email. If you don’t see it right away, check you spam or junk mail folder.

dyavol's avatar

oh well cnt help there my sis did it 4me

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