General Question

Berserker's avatar

I cleaned the inside of my computer today, and now it's twice as loud, any idea why?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) December 27th, 2009

I opened it and blew compressed air everywhere and then went nuts with Q tips cleaning it, especially the three fans.
(Except the power supply fan, since I can’t take apart the box.)
Now my computer is like twice as loud as before…my bf says it’s a difference between dirty and clean fans, but shouldn’t it make more noise when they’re all dirty due to them struggling?

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10 Answers

Muertoz's avatar

Check your motherboard fan settings

Berserker's avatar

@Muertoz How do I check that?

Muertoz's avatar

When you turn on your computer there’s a BIOS intro image, it say something like ASUS, INTEL, DELL, underneath it says something like PRESS F12(can be any key) FOR SETTINGS, so you press the F12 key and now you are on the settings of the motherboard so just explore until you find the Fan settings. Every motherboard builder makes a different settings app so there’s no accurate procedure :D but eventually you may find the fan settings

pjanaway's avatar

A fan could be hitting a cable, that would make it rattle :)

jrpowell's avatar

I’m with your boyfriend. They can spin now at full speed. There is also the possibility that one or two of them weren’t able to spin at all.

dpworkin's avatar

Perhaps a stray piece of cotton from a Q-Tip is interfering with a fan blade and making a noise.

proXXi's avatar

You disturbed the fan’s balance by cleaning one blade just a little more than the others.

Fluthermucker's avatar

~The dust and crap was making a great sound dampener.

“And what did we learn today, children?” “Don’t mess with the computer, teacher.” “That’s right…don’t touch the f’ing computer without adult supervision, you nasty little shits tots.”

JesusWasAJewbot's avatar

Either you pushed a wire or soemthing into a blade or you might have gotten something stuck in one and its trying to get through it.

G_tech's avatar

open case back up.
now turn on and listen for the item making the most noise
as it has been suggested you may have pushed a wire and now it is hitting a fan blade
many time this is the case and just looking and listening you will be able to track down what is the problem.
Be sure you ground your self to the case with one arm, while reaching in with the other hand. If your not using a static strap.
Static electricity is a PC greatest enemy when someone is reaching around inside touching things.
You can’t see it always nut it is there.
also when using compressed air and blowing fan blades either on CPU or power supply, be sure and use a pencil to hold blades from turn while you blow them clean.
You don’t want them turning at a higher RPM than they are designed for.

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