Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

The Grinch made me ask this: does anyone actually like receiving e-cards?

Asked by Jeruba (56153points) December 27th, 2009

Plenty of people send electronic greetings these days, either commercial ones or some they’ve created themselves, or possibly just an e-mail message. They are convenient, to be sure, and they don’t cost anything in postage, and they get you off the hook when you didn’t mail in time. So it’s easy to see why they’re popular with senders.

But do you enjoy being on the receiving end? or do you feel as if you were missing out on a real card? This goes for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, and other occasions, as well as year-end holidays.

And do you think your age might be a factor in how you feel about them?

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13 Answers

jamcanfi74's avatar

ya why not? Sometimes people can’t afford to send many cards over the snail mail so it is easier for them to do it online. Also, it is faster than snail mail

Sarcasm's avatar

I don’t really like cards of any sort.
I’d much rather just have the person say it to me. Physically, or phone call, or email, or facebook message, whatever.

E-cards feel so ridiculously impersonal and like a waste of effort. Real cards feel so ridiculously impersonal, like a waste of effort, and a waste of money.

J0E's avatar

Easier to get rid of…so yes.

JONESGH's avatar

I think they’re kinda lame. I understand that some people put time and thought into them, but they just seem effortless and unthoughtful to me.

fundevogel's avatar

A friend and I used to randomly send eachother penny postcards. That was fun since we were both amused by the inexplicable nature of the cards and their unexpected arrival. It was never as interesting when ecards arrived for regular holidays.

phoenyx's avatar

Like @fundevogel says.

My friends and I used to send e-cards to each other all of the time. We’d try to find the most unusual or obscure ones we could. Out of the blue you might receive something like this with some message underneath like:

“Gound” sounds classier than “eye-boogers.” Try it and see.

Hmm, I should bring that back.

drdoombot's avatar

If it’s from, then yes.

Haleth's avatar

@fundevogel That website is awesome. That works because it’s funny and unexpected to surprise someone with that at a random time. That carrot card makes absolutely no sense and is vaguely disturbing. It’s everything I want in a card and more. :)

Otherwise I’m with @Sarcasm. Holiday cards combine impersonal sentiment with annual obligation. That’s no fun.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

I think they’re great. I’m happy that someone thought enough of me to take the time to send me one.

StupidGirl's avatar

I don’t like cards. No paper. No e.

Austinlad's avatar

I love to receive cards in the mail—for the holidays, and for my birthday. It’s nice to know someone took the time and effort to buy a card, write in it, address and stamp it, and mail it. Only thing is, I don’t send cards like I used to, so I always feel a little guilty when someone sends me one and I don’t reciprocate.

jlm11f's avatar

I don’t mind ecards, mainly because I know that not all of us are built in a “send all cards on the first of each month” way like my mother is. There, I said it. I am bad with mailing things. It’s not that I am not thinking about doing it, I most likely have probably already bought the card! It’s just the mailing that I am terrible at. And eventually, it gets too late and you can’t mail it anymore without looking worse. I still have so many unsent cards that I bought for people over the years.

So to me, an e-card is A-okay. You show the person you care, you send your message, it’s more eco-friendly, and it’s done in real time. Plus, I don’t send overly obnoxious cards. I like simple stuff from Hallmark or fun stuff from someecards. And I don’t get how it is not personal, because I am still inserting my own message and saying the same thing I would otherwise say on a card. I would still prefer to get a card and mail a card, and hopefully one day I’ll be on top of that stuff.

lifeflame's avatar

I don’t particulary like the e-cards per se, but I do like the fact that it gives me a chance to reconnect with people whom I haven’t made time to do the rest of the year. I’d actually though, prefer a proper e-mail with photos.

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