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Why is my hair coming out?
Background info: I am a guy, 16, my dad is bald, my mom and her side of the family has no history of baldness, I have red hair, bad acne (which I’m taking the antibiotic tetracycline and before that minocycline), I eat fast food regularly (twice or three times a week), I hate drinking water unless I have too, but I love all other drinks. I use garnier fructis sleek and shine shampoo and conditioner and American crew “grooming cream” (pomade), likes too take hot showers. Don’t wear hats often. So in the past few months my hair has started to fall out sparingly, like maybe 15 to 25 hairs a day. I cannot tell whether or not it’s growing back. I have been taking minocycline for about 8 months then switches over to tetracycline for about 3. My dad said he started to lose his hair same age but very quickly. He also said he was put on acne Meds when he was my age. I haven’t been very stressed overall (atleast not as bad as last year). Should I be worried? Is there a way I can find out why this is happenin? What about genetics? And also sorry about going overboard with info, just want to state all variables.
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