Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

What constitutes a stalker?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) December 28th, 2009

Married woman worked at a shoe factory. male co-worker fell in love with her. she was not interested in him. he leaves notes on her car and follows her home, routinely. she tells him to back off. she goes home one day to find her home burglarized. on her bed was a red rose and a pink feminine nightgown. woman then calls the police. did this woman wait too long to notify the police? when should she have made the first police call? what action would you have taken against this person, if you were this womans husband?

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9 Answers

PandoraBoxx's avatar

After the second note, and the first incident of following home, I’d be having a discussion with HR, and the police.

marinelife's avatar

After the note, which constitutes evidence, I would have gone to the police. I would have gotten a restraining order.

Other than those actions her husband should have done nothing.

john65pennington's avatar

What responsibility, if any, should her employer have had in this situation, since both worked for the same company?

PandoraBoxx's avatar

HR has a responsibility to ensure that you are not harassed at work. I believe if you are co-workers, and the employer does nothing, it’s hard to get a restraining order against the person.

randomness's avatar

I’d definitely say that this was stalking. Perhaps the woman should have notified the authorities sooner. However, I don’t blame her for waiting as long as she did. If women called the police on every pathetic loser who was a little too persistent, jails would be overflowing… Occasionally guys take a while to get the message, and seem to think that if they keep sending notes or flowers a woman will change her mind… This woman probably did not think that her admirer was capable of escalating to violent behaviour, and so she probably let it go on longer than it should have.

If I was the husband in this case, I’d call the police and report the stalker. However, I really wouldn’t trust them to get things done, honestly. It’s often difficult to prove that a person is stalking, and even if my wife did keep the notes as evidence, there is no guarantee that the police will do anything serious. I’d go down to my wife’s workplace and meet with this man. I wouldn’t threaten him with violence or anything like that, but I would let him know that I am the husband, this is my wife, she doesn’t appreciate his attempts to court her, and if he continues he might find himself in jail.

JesusWasAJewbot's avatar

Id confront the dude if that was my wife being stalked.

She should have became a little cautious around the time the notes started being left.

Fluthermucker's avatar

@john65pennington Do you think it is too late for me to simply apologize to her and let it go?

Violet's avatar

did this woman wait too long to notify the police?
what action would you have taken against this person, if you were this womans husband?
I don’t want to incriminate myself..

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