As I was at great pains to tell my own children:
1. Life is not fair. It’s not designed to be fair. If you want “fair,” you have to make it for yourself.
2. If you want to be liked, if you want to attract the opposite sex, make yourself into the best “you” you can be. People who like that “you” will be attracted to you, and those relationships will outlast any other sort.
3. Never give up. Never surrender. Never say “die.” And take no prisoners.
4. Do you have food to eat, clothes to wear, a roof over your head, some way to occupy your mind, and at least one other human being who loves you? Then you are indeed a wealthy human being!
5. Learn to focus with great intensity over extended periods of time, and you will succeed.
6. Be kind! It costs you nothing. Remember that we are all ‘soldiers of life,’ and that everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle.
7. Most rules are made by others who seek to control our behavior in some way. Ipso facto, freedom dictates that most rules are made to be broken.
8. The greatest ‘sin’ is in dying without ever having truly lived.
9. Youth passes, and beauty fades, but a loving heart lives forever.
10. Live today so you have as few regrets tomorrow as possible. And if you find someone along the broken roads, consider yourself among the most fortunate of humans.