General Question

troubleinharlem's avatar

What is it like to have male genetalia?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) December 28th, 2009 from iPhone

I know this is a weird question, but I’m completely serious.
So, uhm, guys, what’s it like? Is it annoying? A hassle? In the way?

What do you do if you get stimulated at the wrong time? I wouldn’t imagine that it’s very easy to hide. D: Or maybe it would be…

I feel awkward, now.

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153 Answers

sliceswiththings's avatar

Hahaha good question. I’ve always wondered that. I had a dream once where I had a penis, and it was awesome. I spent the whole dream looking for a place to jerk off.

So guys, please enlighten us:)

Jude's avatar

I’m curious, as well. :)

SirGoofy's avatar

Their only bad when you accidentally slide off the roof of the house onto a sawhorse.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@SirGoofy ; is that an innuendo?

Axemusica's avatar

Well, most of the time it’s uncomfortable. I find going without underwear is most comfortable. you often have to think about weather to decide if you want your beans and frank being stuck together in humidity or warmer clothes in the winter since everything shrivels up.

Personally I clean mine up ;) and sometimes when growing back it can be kind of itchy, as if they weren’t to begin with, but ehhh. As for getting excited at the wrong time. It’s kind of a very awkward moment. Especially if someone notices. I’ve never had anyone notice, because I’m usually aware and I go hide somewhere or stand or sit so that it’s not noticeable. It’s really not that great having the junk with the BIG except for sex, because that’s awesome! and being naked, because it’s fun, hehe. Otherwise it’s quite uncomfortable and thus the reason why I go commando, lol.

plus it’s easier to get down to business, if ya know what I’m talking about ;)

scotsbloke's avatar

It’s pretty normal I would say.
It’s sometimes awkward getting an erection at the wrong time but cool at the right time.
Tends not to be too uncomfortable unless your wearing shorts or jeans. It’s annoying when the bollickles decide to go wandering inside the body too.
I wear underpants rather than boxers though as I like to be held in place!

jfos's avatar

It’s not annoying or in the way, nor is it a hassle. It is, however, gutwrenchingly painful to get hit in the sack.

As for an erection at an inopportune time, it is usually easy to “get rid of it” by thinking about how a bill becomes a law.

Axemusica's avatar

@jfos although I don’t agree with “it’s not annoying or in the way…” I totally agree with taking a blow to the boys. That’s painful.

See the thing is that it’s not like getting punched and it bruises. ohhhhh no, This lingers for quite a while maybe even hours of just pain you can feel through out your whole body. Shit just thinking about taking a shot is hurting, lol.

gemiwing's avatar

so if it hurts so bad, why do guys laugh so hard when it happens to someone else?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@sliceswiththings, you just described a big part of many guys’ day.

But this kind of reminds me of a joke… (I know, I know, “What doesn’t?”)

A mother was giving her two young kids a bath, and to save time she was bathing the little boy and the little girl together. The little girl looked at her brother and asked him, “What’s that?”

He laughed at her for asking, and said, “I’ve got one, and you can’t have one!”

After the bath, the little girl was crying about this to her mother. “Don’t worry,” her mother soothed her. “When you get older, if you’re good, you can have one of your own. And if you’re bad, you can have all you want.”

Axemusica's avatar

@gemiwing I don’t. I wince. only the idiots on jackass laugh at that. I for one would like to have kids one day.

jfos's avatar

@gemiwing Why do people laugh when others trip and fall?

gemiwing's avatar

@jfos But you guys said it hurts worse than that, so that’s why I asked. I don’t laugh at pratfall stuff either. Except for Mr.Bean, I can’t help myself.

Val123's avatar

@jfos Yeah..I don’t find it funny at all. Nor do I find burping funny.

Jay170590's avatar

It’s kind of annoying when It pops out of my trouser leg.

gemiwing's avatar

The main reason I cant imagine being a guy is having to pee in front of someone else. The urinal/trough thing? Ugghghh I mean I know there are rules but in my head it goes something like this: “Hey Bob, how’s it goin. Penis lookin’ good today huh? Yeah this trouser snake needed a good leak haha”

Val123's avatar

@gemiwing—I don’t get that either. Why the wide open spaces? Why not at least some sort of partition between the urinals….

Axemusica's avatar

@gemiwing um, yea and urinals it’s a MAN LAW to look straight forward and not say a word. lol

~edit~ unless you’ve been drinking, then you may speak, but still must only look up and forward, lol.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

I don’t use urinals, I use the stalls. I’m pee shy
Go ahead, laugh all you want!

Val123's avatar

@PretentiousArtist That’s what I mean! Why would anyone laugh???

MrItty's avatar

Why laugh at them? Because it’s happened to us, so it’s joyful to know we’re not alone. Plus, the pain, while excruciating at that moment, will be gone within 5 – 10 minutes, so we know there’s no lasting effect.

jfos's avatar

@Axemusica I don’t know about not saying a word. I think it’s appropriate to voice a greeting if you’re doing the same thing, i.e. both using urinal, both washing hands, etc.

Zen_Again's avatar

There’s a look straight ahead unwritten rule at the urinals. Not something I ever gave any thought to before. Don’t you all use public showers at the pool or gym sometimes – or when you play on a team?

jfos's avatar

@Axemusica As for looking forward, I’m with you.

MrItty's avatar

At the urinal – you just don’t look to the side. You just don’t. In my personal addendum to Man-Law, you also don’t converse. At all. EVER. Annoyingly, not everyone follows this addendum.

The boys can be a pretty phenomenally big nuisance when they’re just not hanging “normally”, and you somehow manage to sit on them. Not only is it painful, but you look like an idiot trying to extricate yourself from the situation without making it obvious what just happened.

Same with needing an “adjustment”, because you became just slightly errect enough for it to shift position into uncomfortableness. You can either be blunt and obvious and grab yourself, or you can just deal with it until you’re alone, or you can try to shake it out by walking like an idiot.

Erections at inappropriate times are embarassing, but really if someone’s staring at your crotch intently enough to know you have one, you probably have a pretty close relationship. I find them most embarassing only when I get one while hugging a platonic female friend.

MrItty's avatar

@Zen_Again sure we do. But the crotch is down there, and our eyes are up here. There’s no need to look down at anyone else.

Axemusica's avatar

@jfos yea, but I think they mean having a full on conversation. If I’m finished in a public bathroom that I entered with a friend and we were having a conversation, I wouldn’t wait. The bathroom is not a place to conversation to me, much less with a stranger with his material in hand.

gemiwing's avatar

I never knew men could control where their eyes went. (insert tilda here, that I have no idea how to make.)

MrItty's avatar

@gemiwing sure we can. But we don’t always want to. When staring inappropriately at a woman’s chest, it’s because we want to look at the chest, and only as an afterthought remember we’re not supposed to. When in a state of disclothing with other men, we don’t have any desire to look at their crotch, so it doesn’t happen.

john65pennington's avatar

I only have one comment: Zippers are not our friend.

MrItty's avatar

Also – being able to pee, not only standing up, but by simply going “unzip, aim, fire, zip, wash” is pretty fricking wonderful. It’s the primary reason women’s rooms have lines and men’s don’t.

Anon_Jihad's avatar

As john65pennington said, we’re at war with our zippers constantly. I used to be embarrassed by errections when out and about, then one day I stopped caring and have never tried to hide once since, it’s natural. Also at urinals always look straight ahead and keep quiet, but that is more to benefit others as it is the rule, because I for one have no problem peeing anywhere in front or around anyone. I just get it done.

Anon_Jihad's avatar

@MrItty You can aim!?!?!?!?!?! Please tell me the secret.

J0E's avatar

Well, it’s pretty much a body part with a mind of it’s own. Sometimes it can be your friend, other times it can be your enemy especially during puberty. But, he’s always there for you no matter what.

Val123's avatar

@MrItty I’m not sure that’s the reason. I think women spend more time in the bathroom doing “other things,” like fixing their hair and make up and stuff, than men do. I just know that when ever any man and I have gone to our respective bathrooms at the same time, I’m almost always out before him.
Also, not sure about this, but I think women probably have smaller bladders, therefore need to go more often than men. But yes. I certainly envy you the ability to just whip it out and git ‘er done!

Val123's avatar

@Anon_Jihad (He carries a yellow rubber ducky around with him, and puts it where he wants to aim for!)

MrItty's avatar

…. the converse of what I just said, unfortunately, is when waking up with “morning wood” (or any other time with an erection), it’s anywhere from annoying to downright painful to pee. When it’s sticking straight up, it does not want to be bent down in order to aim at the toilet.

MrItty's avatar

@Val123 I don’t know many women trying to fix their hair or makeup at the movie theatre or an amusement park. Besides which, those just cause you to be in the bathroom for a long period of time. They don’t create a line preventing other women from getting in. Only the lack of avaialable stalls does that.

gemiwing's avatar

I think women take longer because we have to clean up what the woman before us left behind. Tinkle and sprinkle etc.

Axemusica's avatar

Ohhhh and to add to @MrItty with the morning wood. When you wake up with morning wood and you’re not in the mood to say, “Hey, beat it!” It never goes away. Seriously, I’ve had morning wood sometimes that just would linger and linger and I was getting quite angry, lol.

@gemiwing ewwww

sliceswiththings's avatar

@gemiwing Ugh. So true. Why can’t women just get it all in???

MrItty's avatar

@Axemusica “If you have an erection lasting more than four hours, consult your physician….” :-P

sliceswiththings's avatar

@MrItty I loooooove sleeping with a boy and waking up to feel his morning wood. Best way to start the day:)

Axemusica's avatar

@MrItty haha, it wasn’t that long, but I definitely would be calling some lady friends if it was that long, lol.

Val123's avatar

@MrItty My point is, there isn’t any real difference in the amount of time it takes for a woman to pee vs a man…..unless the woman has innumerable buttons to unfasten or refasten, or some bulky clothing to tuck back in just so or something. More than anything it’s probably the difference in bladder size.

MrItty's avatar

@sliceswiththings well yeah, when you’re with someone, having an erection is nearly always wonderful. When you’re not… or when you really just need to empty the bladder… not so much.

gemiwing's avatar

@sliceswiththings I just don’t know. I have no idea how women can piss in such a range of areas. And why their hands stop working immediately afterward so they can’t clean off their own piss. Ick.

Axemusica's avatar

@MrItty Agreed. Having company with the wood of the morning is fantastic, usually for both parties, ;) but yea you can’t pee with morning wood. So if you were drinking all night and wake up in the morning and have to pee, you’ll be shit outta luck.

MrItty's avatar

@Val123 but that’s my point. Women’s clothing needs to be unbuckled, untucked, unfastened, etc. Then after you go, and you wipe – and hopefully you’re decent enough to cleanup wherever you missed – you have to re-buckle/tuck/fasten/etc.

Men just have to unzip, whip it out, go, shove it back, and zip. Done. It’s not the length of actual urination that’s the issue. It’s the setup and endgame.

Val123's avatar

@MrItty I have to agree with that…in my case, however, I rarely have any complicated redressing to do….

sliceswiththings's avatar

The peeing wherever is really what I’m most jealous of. I’ve gotten too many mosquito bites on my arse to consider women’s peeing outside close to equal.

Val123's avatar

@sliceswiththings Yeah, and how they can do it almost right in front of everyone, with their backs to them, and folks might not even realize what he’s doing!

MrItty's avatar

@Val123 I have absolutely done that. No almost about it. A couple years ago, after watching the July 4th fireworks, and clearly not being able to leave the park for an hour so due to traffic, we were milling about. It was dark, I walked over to a chain link fence, my back to everyone else, and subtly unzipped, went, and zipped.

Didn’t want to, but it had to be done.

PapaLeo's avatar

I remember clearly the very first time I switched from whitey tighties to boxers. I felt like I was walking naked in public. The wind blew through, but it felt GREAT!!!

What’s it like to have male genitalia? Always had it, so I couldn’t tell you otherwise. It’s like explaining to a color blind person what colors are. But I truly find it wonderful: having something there to grab onto now and then when I feel insecure, being able to piss standing up if I damn feel like it. And, most of all, being the dominant one in sex. The last is probably, no certainly, the best.

CMaz's avatar

Its my best friend.
And, it can go places I cant stick my head in.

J0E's avatar

I should address some of the other issues. I find commando very uncomfortable, I don’t like the fellas to be bouncing around only a thin piece of fabric between them and the world. As for urinals, I’m lazy and I like to sit down so the stalls are always my first choice.

MrItty's avatar

@J0E I would never go commando either. If I’m wearing jeans, that’s a pretty rough material to be rubbing against all day. Even if I’m just wearing slacks, there’s still the metal zipper I don’t want to be rubbing against. I really don’t get guys who choose it.

jfos's avatar

@MrItty I choose the boxer briefs solution, but I have friends that go commando. I’ve tried it before, and jeans aren’t that vicious or anything.

MrItty's avatar

@jfos I don’t get boxer-briefs either. It’s briefs with more leg-coverings. What’s the advantage?

sliceswiththings's avatar

As far as erections at inopportune times go, it’s the main reason I’m glad to be a girl. I spend boring lectures going over my sex fantasies and getting horny as fuck but no one knows:)

jfos's avatar

It’s not briefs with more leg-coverings. It’s boxers that hold everything together.

MrItty's avatar

@sliceswiththings yeah, but we can always tell when you’re cold

@jfos To-MAY-to, To-MAH-to. :-)

Val123's avatar

@MrItty (Lucky you weren’t a girl at that time!!!!)

MrItty's avatar

Oh, one more thing – having male genitalia means we’ll never be tasked with expelling a 10 pound human being through an itty-bitty opening…. I’m pretty thankful for that.

@Val123 Indeed!

jfos's avatar

@MrItty Briefs are so uncomfortable, in my opinion. It’s the under-cheek grip that steers me away.

MrItty's avatar

@jfos ah. Okay. I can understand that. I wear them when working out, but other than that, boxers all the way. (Or as one comedian described them – “curtains for my balls”)

Sampson's avatar

Its like having a bunched up pair of socks on your crotch at all times.

Val123's avatar

@Sampson That sounds uncomfortable! Where in the world did Freud ever come up with “penis envy”????

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Man Law = lol
I find it interesting that mens’ sexualities are so easily threatened or offended – if people are clearly straight, then it doesn’t matter if you look at another penis or talk to it…who cares, you’re straight, right?

CMaz's avatar

“it doesn’t matter if you look at another penis or talk to it…who cares, you’re straight, right?”

But it is more fun to look at and talk to a woman’s penis.

MrItty's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir you misinterpret the reason behind the policy. It’s not “Hey, don’t look at my penis, you’ll turn me gay!”. It’s “Hey, buddy, what’s the interest here? Do we need to have a conversation?” Or “Damn dude, I’m not exactly at my best here. Let me give you a measurement later, would you?”

jfos's avatar

@MrItty Later measurement, hahaha.

gemiwing's avatar

So do guys actually compare themselves to other guys in regards to penis length? Is there a point where one is no longer jealous, just in a sort of ‘look at that freakish penis’ shock? For example some of the men in porn are just so large, how do guys feel about that?

gemiwing's avatar

As a side- you guys are being really great to talk to about all of this. I appreciate your candor.

MrItty's avatar

@gemiwing I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that some do. But in my experience, no. I’ve never once in my life asked any of my friends “Hey, mac, so how much are you sporting?”.

I think the female cliche that men compare sizes is about as realistic as the male cliche that women spending time with each other will automatically result in a topless pillow fight.

gemiwing's avatar

@MrItty then I’ll be sure to leave my pillow fight stories for another day. Interesting, I really did think that men compared penis sizes. Huh. Now my whole word view has been rocked.

jfos's avatar

@gemiwing I think some guys do compare, especially if they are self-conscious about their size. I think it would be inaccurate to say that all or most guys compare length, width, etc. It is nice to be watching a porn and notice that you are larger than the guy, though.

MrItty's avatar

@jfos agreed completely. It’s not guys who are comfortable with their lengths/widths who’d compare. It’s the guys who are self-conscious about it, who might be trying to sneak peaks in the locker room, thinking “Is there anyone here I’m bigger than???”

MrItty's avatar

@gemiwing I’m not sure you wanna use the phrase “rock my world” in this particular discussion :-P

gemiwing's avatar

@MrItty Oh, shit. You’re absolutely erect correct.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@MrItty yeah I’d imagine conversation then is unnecessary

MrItty's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir yes. Exactly. I can’t for life of me imagine a scenario in which two (or more) guys were mutually comparing to one another. It just wouldn’t happen.

faye's avatar

Wher do you put it all when you’re riding a bike {pedal}?

denidowi's avatar

I think the only problem for us guys seems to be self-consciousness about penis size in public. Other than that, It certainly hurts if the testes get nailed in a footy game or something, but generally the arrangement leaves them quite well-protected by the body parts around them.
Very occasionally, they may need adjustment within the foldings of the materials you might be wearing, but other than that, it is absolutely WONDERFUL to have the Package.
I love it when something about a girl or feeling sexy causes erection: it’s even better of course when the arrangement is such that she does something about itLOL!!! That’s the Best!
I just Love girls; most of them really do feel it their place to keep guys happy, and I think that’s Kinda special; I just hope we are just as kind to them.
Erection discoveries??
Well… it can generally be quickly hidden by sitting, or bending over to grab something on the floor, or turning around a moment and bending forward, etc, raising a leg nearest the observer to tie up a shoe lace – not usually much problem really, as the urgency causes the guy to go down pretty quicklyLOL!!!
Oh… it’s all a lotta Fun really.
What about you girls: how does it feel to be a girl?? You don’t have to worry about getting horny in public!!??

Val123's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir It’s just common courtesy. Like the Japanese who live in paper houses. They pretend that they can’t hear the conversations going on in the next room.

@faye Ahahahahahaha! Now we’re gettin’ somewhere!

Val123's avatar

@denidowi No, we don’t! We don’t have to worry about it because nothing happens to us that has the potential to tell the whole world, including our mothers, that we’re horny!
I can’t believe I’m having this conversation…..

MrItty's avatar

@faye the same place we put it all when we’re sitting down on a chair. It’s not silly putty. It’s not going to droop over either side of the thin part of the bicycle seat. As long as a good sized-portion of it is sitting there, the rest will happily be contained next to it.

(I feel like I should be drawing a blueprint here…)

MrItty's avatar

Oh. While we’re on the topic. Ladies, for those of you unaware, the idea of “blue balls” is a myth. Any guy who tries to pressure you into finishing what was started because otherwise he’ll suffer some ill effect is a complete jackass, and you’d be well served to punch him in his nether regions. It’s uncomfortable to get that close and not finish, to be sure. But medically? Nothing to it.

DominicX's avatar

I like it. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. :)

Females always think that it would be uncomfortable to have something there all the time, but it’s not really. You just might find that may have to…adjust…sometimes. But don’t wear really tight clothing. That’s part of the reason I don’t understand the appeal in briefs or those tight emo jeans. The worst con is the magnitude of the pain that occurs when hit in that area. It’s really quite awful. :\

As for certain unexpectedness in public, the best you can do is think unsexy thoughts and try to avoid standing up. :)

Being gay, I have the unique situation of being attracted to people who possess the same genitalia. It’s interesting… :P

And yes, I feel very awkward now. lol

denidowi's avatar

@Val123 – the Beauty is that You ARE having this conversation… and you are having it with a guy: that’s what makes everything so special between guys and girls. I believe God made it that way – so that each sex could take the other to heaven, and would have the most Wonderful effect on the other.
I think that if we let nature take its course in our lives and make its natural effect on us, we were born with the instinct inside us to please each other: it’s only when we let silly incidentals and preconceived judgments and harmful thinking get in our way that we spoil things for others and for ourselves at the same time: othewise, if we let it all flow, we are born to serve and please one another. :)

Sampson's avatar

@MrItty Blue balls are all too real.

MrItty's avatar

@Sampson The “condition” is real. The effect that some guys try to claim is a myth. It causes discomfort and mild pain for a little while, an hour at the most. Some guys try to tell their partners that if they don’t get to climax, they’ll have a serious medical problem as a result. That’s the myth.

Sampson's avatar

@MrItty I’m aware. But as you stated, blue balls in and of itself, is real.

Just maintaining clarification…

MrItty's avatar

@Sampson thanks for the forced clarification.

Sampson's avatar

@MrItty You said something that isn’t a myth is one. I’m not a fan of false or misleading statements.

MrItty's avatar

@Sampson And I’m thanking you for forcing me to clarify my easy-to-misinterpret statement. Shocking though it may be, I’m not always being sarcastic. :-)

ucme's avatar

Isn’t it awfully nice to have a penis.
Isn’t it frightfully good to have a dong.
It’s swell to have a stiffy,
It’s divine to own a dick,
from the tiniest little todger
to the world’s biggest prick.
So 3 cheers for your willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one eyed trouser snake.
Your piece of pork,
your wife’s best friend,
your percy or your cock.
You can wrap it up in ribbons
You can slip it in your sock,
but don’t take it out in public
or they will stick you in the dock
and you won’t come back.
Lyrics by Eric Idle courtesy of The Meaning of Life. Just about sums it all up for me.

MrItty's avatar

@ucme I was wondering what you were typing for so long…. :-)

faye's avatar

Girls have to ‘adjust’ sometimes. A breast tries to peek out of a bra or panties slip up the behind. And sometimes if we’re get very horny in a boring meeting, it’s necessary to squirm the tiniest bit.

ucme's avatar

@MrItty Yeah.Worth it for a nod to python. Legends.

robaccus's avatar

I wouldn’t be without them.

denidowi's avatar

I did enjoy the poem; it pretty much says it allLOL ;)

denidowi's avatar

FlutherMucker, wot on earth are you doing there??!!! ... Writing a BOOK???!!!LOL

Fluthermucker's avatar

PROS – some of them
You always have a sword handy for waving around and swashbuckling at your mate.
You can write your name in the snow. With a little control you can dot the I’s.
If you are lucky, you’ve got bragging rights. Call me lucky.
You can use phrases like, “Look what I bring to the party”.
It’s a toy from cradle to the grave. You have a bat and balls, you just need a glove.
Masturbation is AWESOME, I can paste a blow-fly to the wall from across the room.

Public Boners Heeeerrrrreeeesss JOHNNY! Very embarrassing at funerals.
You have a built in handle for women to lead you around by.
They think for themselves, often to your detriment.
Taking one to the scrote is NOT fun, funny or whimsical…AT ALL!
Zippers bite…and chew.
Cold is good for nipples, not so much for Ye Olde Nut Cannon.

gemiwing's avatar

@Fluthermucker Cold is not good for nipples. It hurts!

Fluthermucker's avatar

@gemiwing It is a matter of perspective. Your pain is my pleasure. Sorry…I’m a ManBearPig

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

It’s quite nice…. except on those awkward mornings after too much coffee when you are uh… standing at attention.. involuntarily.

poisonedantidote's avatar

the only down side i can think of, is doing your pants up too fast. ouch. and every time you do it, you think ’‘crap, i thought i had learned how to avoid that’’

but for the most part its all good. it can be a little crappy i suppose on a hot day when your testicles insist on clinging to the sides of your legs.

Naked_Homer's avatar

It feels great.

Your very self-concience when your young and you dance with someone for the first time with a hard on.

I got more uncomfortable after a bad vasectomy. Now it hurts when I get in and out of cars.

Oh, and I always leave foot prints and a trail at the nude beach.

troubleinharlem's avatar

I think I should get an award for having 15 great questions. xD

Fluthermucker's avatar

~I think you should be demoted for self-aggrandizement and arrogance.

denidowi's avatar

@Fluthermucker – that’s a stupid thing to say to the girl, Harlem…
almost as drippy as that last comment to ‘gemiwing’:
Are you aiming for US Presidency popularity with comments like thoseLOL??!!

Let @troubleinharlem enjoy her little victory: I commend her for such a nice open Q… and I’m sure many of either sex have wondered what it would be like to be of opposite sex at some stage or another. ;)

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arnbev959's avatar

[Mod says:] Flame off folks. Further personal attacks or off-topic posts will be removed.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Testicles are very vulnerable to injury from bicycle saddles, equestrian saddles, turnstiles, chair backs, open drawers and so forth.
Erections in public can be embarrassing and of course not under voluntary control.
It is difficult to urinate with an erection.
Without underwear, zippers can inflict serious damage to either the penis or testicles.
In hot humid weather, testicles bind the the skin on the thighs.
Unlike the vagina which has the ability to self-lubricate, the head of the penis does not, resulting in chafing during masturbation or excessive rough handles by an amorous partner.
When very aroused by contact with a partner, ejaculation is frustratingly difficult to prevent.
Multiple orgasms are not normally possible without a 20 or so minute break (refractory period).
After orgasm, it is nearly impossible to maintain a useful erection no matter how arouse the male still feels.
Male orgasms are messy, especially when clothes are within range.
It is difficult to sit on a toilet seat with a full erection.

denidowi's avatar

@petethepothead – Thankx for that removal:
I don’t know what was said the 2nd time, but I certainly don’t Want to know either!
Thankz again
– Deni

Axemusica's avatar

@MrItty ”@Sampson The “condition” is real. The effect that some guys try to claim is a myth. It causes discomfort and mild pain for a little while, an hour at the most. Some guys try to tell their partners that if they don’t get to climax, they’ll have a serious medical problem as a result. That’s the myth.”

I don’t know about the medical problems, but when I’ve gotten blue balls, the pain won’t stop. It’s the same pain as being kicked in the nuts. I have to relieve myself and even then the pain sticks around for a little longer, but then slowly dies away. Maybe it’s different for every guy, but I do get awful pains. Don’t get me wrong I’ll be the first to admit guilt of letting the dry humpity go on she’s partly to blame too, haha, but if things aren’t going to progress by the time pain starts kicking in I need to leave to go relieve myself. Otherwise I’m gonna be in pain for quite a long time.

JesusWasAJewbot's avatar

Having the dipstick isnt the problem, i think its the nuts. Balls just flying everywhere.

jfos's avatar

The condition should not exist. You ladies are just slacking!

fundevogel's avatar

@jfos Do you make sure your girl orgasms every time? You can’t make that complaint unless you do.

jfos's avatar

Not only do I make sure mine does , I make sure yours does too!

fundevogel's avatar

<—-straight girl. But I appreciate the sentiment.

denidowi's avatar

Of Course: I make sure my girl ALWAYS Climaxes – part of the art of being a man and of being human ;)

Ansible1's avatar

It’s like having your most valuable body part in a very vulnerable place, and there’s no hiding it when it wants to do naughty things.

MrItty's avatar

@Ansible1 really? That’s your most “valuable” body part? Most fun-loving, sure. Most manly-feeling, you bet. But most valuable? I’d consider my eyes, ears, mouth, hands, and feet more valuable, in a heartbeat. .... oh yeah, the heart too for that matter! :-P

Ansible1's avatar

@MrItty yeah all those are good too, but they’re not going to give me children.

Anon_Jihad's avatar

@MrItty It’s the only body part I’ve got that will preserve the human race.

Val123's avatar

@troubleinharlem Conga Rats on 15 GA’s!! Here is your award!

MrItty's avatar

@Anon_Jihad Have you seen the Census lately? The human race doesn’t need “preserving”. Quite the opposite, it needs a culling.

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Anon_Jihad's avatar

@MrItty Have you seen the vast amounts of unused space? We’re not overpopulated we’re all just bunched up in small pockets.

MrItty's avatar

@Anon_Jihad ohhhhh I see now. All those poor starving people with no food – they’re just living in the wrong SPOT! How silly of them! They just need to head out to the open spaces, and they’ll be fine!

fundevogel's avatar

@Anon_Jihad There are vast amounts of unused space on earth. That’s because only 6% of the earth’s surface area is habitable to humans (according to Bill Bryson). But it isn’t just about space. It’s about the limited resources the earth produces. There is an equilibrium of population for every species, when a species gets beyond the acceptable range of population it has a negative impact on the welfare of the species, others species and/or it’s environment.

Humans have been able to raise the functional level of human population with advances in the science and technology of food production. However the earth’s resources are not limitless and we see the consequences of that in the poorest corners of the world.

denidowi's avatar

But that’s absolute TRIPE of course – those figures.
I mean, they were saying that we had 70% quite usuable only 10 years backLOL!!
I mean, it is all an agenda for environmental scientists to have notice taken of themLOL!!! ... and bigger pay packets, more prestige, etc etc.
I mean, as ‘Hypocracy’ says, well… u knowLOL!
Only 2% of the world’s surface is ‘paved’.
So there is plenty’o room… what we NOW need is Plenty’o Heart… to help the less productive areas and gradually also build on our various Immiigration policies and give these ineffective lands time to re-establish themselves with a more productive ecology, etc

MrItty's avatar

Wow. We have wandered wayyyyyy off track :-/

fundevogel's avatar

@denidowi 70% of the earth is ocean so I’m not sure where you’re getting you’re figures. Seems suspect. Dare I ask, how much more of the world ought to be paved? I’ve always had enough asphalt to get where I’m going.

@MrItty Yes, this would be a good time for someone to say something about their johnson.

delirium's avatar

W…t..f…. LESS of the world should be ‘paved’. A more productive ecology comes not from ‘paving’.

denidowi's avatar

@fundevogel – So his 6% is now including the ocean:Huh!!???LOL!!!
OK… good oneLOL! ;)
So that brings it back to over 15% of genuine “earth“LOL!

Yes, delirium… keep paving to minimaLOL!

”“Now back to Maverick!”” – the Donger!! ;)
She’s done exceptionally well with this Q this young lady: 142 Responses!!

… with a recent new-thrust by Jihad himself!

fundevogel's avatar

@denidowi – You said “70% quite usuable only 10 years back” I didn’t think that made sense with 70% of the earth being water. My usable 6% easily fits into the land that fills 30% of the earth’s surface. Even if I’ve screwed up Bill’s numbers once you account for deserts and arctic tundra the habitable area probably wouldn’t exceed 20% even if the earth was still pristine.

denidowi's avatar

Nuh… figs ain’t right, Mate.
He didn’t report it properly.
You gotta remember: they’re on an agenda, these boys – self-agenda – very slyLOL!

cornbird's avatar

To me its like having a best friend.

Silhouette's avatar

It’s like having two peas and a pod.

denidowi's avatar

@cornbird – Just Love the way you put that Man!

Michael_Huntington's avatar

It’s like having a third leg

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Val123 ; rofl, thanks. xD

cornbird's avatar

I mean most of the times you have a great time together, occasionally however he embarrasses you real badly. But all and all he makes memorable adventures. Trust me… he is the best thing to have.

denidowi's avatar

Exactly, cornbird, I could not have put it better myselfLOL!

birdland33's avatar

Since I have never not had male genetalia it is hard to desribe. It’s like asking what it’s like to have fingers.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the problem of getting stimulated at the wrong time has not happened to me in quite some time. When it would happen it was in fact difficult to hide. Does it get in the way? Not anymore. It used to when a good stiff breeze would make it stand on end, or when I would roll over on it in my sleep.

But alas, those days are behind me.

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