What is 'immature' to you, for an adult?
A lot of things we call immature are black and white. But what are some immature things that adults do that aren’t so black and white? For example: my ex wife said I was immature because I divorced her after a year. But I would say it’s immature that she got credit cards in my name and maxed them out because I stopped sharing my check with her once I knew we were done.
What do you think is immature?
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36 Answers
I am married to a 50 year old 12 year old so nothing I guess is immature to me, but as I have a sophmoric sense of humour its ok
Older gents who dress younger, and act a lot younger than their age (partly, because they’re trying to impress the youngins’ (legal, of course)), and end up looking like fools.
Out at the bar, I’ve come across many of these types of fellows.
Secretly watching “Wow Wow Wubbzy!” and “Ni Hao, Kai Lan” at 4 in the morning, I suppose.
People in their 20’s and 30’s + behaving like the universe is still in high school, to me, this is immature.
Those who cannot identify repeating negavtive behaviors that obviously have everything to do with the way their life is going. Or those that do know what the negative behaviors are and do nothing but complain about them and accept their lives for what they have allowed it to become.
Extreme selfishness seems to a trait of less mature folks.
Wasting your money by getting drunk at a bar several times a week when your spouse is sitting at home with the children, wondering where you are at.
or extreme selfishness, as @peedub said
Still getting in petty fights with your friends, flirting with someone else’s S/O, overlapping relationships because you can’t stand being alone, purposely having children without being married, treating serious situations like jokes, avoiding confrontations, not making eye contact (even though I do have a problem with this)...I could go on…
Wow, these are all great answers guys :)
Adults who are immature tend to be focused on their own immediate gratification without regard to how their behaviors may adversely affect themselves or others. Another way to say this is that they are irresponsible. Rather than being guided by an awareness of consequences for themselves or others, they just do what they please when they please. This makes them poor at taking advantage of their own learning experiences or the experiences of others.
Just because someone can at times relax and disregard the rules of convention and act free and even as if they are younger and unrestrained does nor mean they are immature. If they hurt nobody including themselves, their ability to let loose in an appropriate setting and at a reasonable time is to be appreciated and even admired.
I sometimes wish I could more easily do that!
If people fail to live up to their responsibilities to family and friends repeatedly and with no effort to correct their failure, I would consider their behaviour immature.
Adults who are self-centered and thoughtless of others are very immature. You would hope that as we mature, we gain the understanding that everything isn’t all about US or what we need or want. Unfortunately, some folks just never grow up in that regard and demand special treatment or feel that they don’t have to be courteous or follow rules they don’t agree with.
I think egotistical people are immature. I think people that must always control every situation are immature. I find procrastination and disorganization Child like.
Some Adults attempt to live second Childhoods . They want everyone to tell them how wonderful they are . They want people to idolize them. They can not spend much time with people who do not. They are completely self absorbed .
LOL I am describing my Sister In Law.
People who can’t admit they are wrong even when it is blatantly obvious to everyone. People who refuse to apologize when they are wrong. People who can’t let go of petty arguments.
People who think all of their problems are someone else’s fault. When the same thing keeps happening to you over and over – it’s time to take in the mirror.
Any adult either male or female who pouts because things did not go their way.
@philosopher Wow. I’m writing a novel about a Second Childhood.
@Supacase That describes someone I know at our local LDS Institute who has anger issues. I’ll call her “Miss Eggshells,” after the expression “to walk on eggshells for someone.”
Ooooo, whatever. I said you are… no YOU are… na-uh. I saw it first, no I did, no I did, na-uh. Whatever. You are like, sooooo lame.
@Rachienz That sounded like it just came from an 8-year-old.
Not taking responsibility for anything, acting like they’re younger than they are, trying to get other people to relate to them as if they are the age they act and not the age they are, being egotistical and thinking everything that they ever have though is the best idea ever… the list could go on for a week.
Being self-absorbed is immature. It takes some level of maturity to think about how your actions affect others, and to be concerned about others.
Basically, anything that resembles the behavior of Michael Jackson is immature. And creepy.
It’s immature to think everybody else should change the world.
@Blondesjon That’s the good kind of immaturity. The bad kind is being immature in un-cute ways, like getting drunk and letting loose your inhibitions.
@EgaoNoGenki All immaturity from adults is un-cute. See above about Michael Jackson.
@avvooooooo If play-acting younger ages is mutually agreed upon beforehand, then both parties may treat it cutely.
@EgaoNoGenki If. And that’s a big “if.” And no one observing it thinks its cute.
The more I think about it, the more I think that there are two different things here. There’s adult immaturity, like getting drunk and behaving badly or not going to work in the morning because you were up all night playing video games or having an orgy or whatever. Then there’s childishness, like pitching fits, talking baby talk, pretending that you’re younger than you are, and other things that people should grow out of. Immaturity in an adult is a bad thing, but it has nothing on childishness which is completely unacceptable. Immaturity exists in both adults and children and is something that can be discarded (or not) as a part of growing up. Childishness needs to be left for children, its not for even immature adults. Its not cute, its not attractive, its just ridiculious.
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