Have you ever taken something to a Pawnshop,been treated nice and received a fair price for the item(s) ?
My cousin recently had some extra items (new electronics, jewelery) he wanted to get rid of and even though he did not need the money, he took them to a pawnshop. The attendants acted indifferent,ornery and uninterested,they offered a low amount on all the items. He decided he would rather burn them or donate them to a charity than to make some A-hole Pawnshop owner a hefty profit.
How can it be possible that everything Pawnshops sell is quality items but when they buy these same items from the public,it is barely useless crap ?
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12 Answers
You’ll never get a fair price at a pawn shop. Never.
Fair price is whatever the market will bear. If you think you can get more, go get it.
In my experience as a buyer and seller of photo equipment and musical instruments, a fair price is 50% of the expected selling price.
So yes, I think I have received a fair price. And I am a pretty friendly and cheerful guy, and people reciprocate.
Pawn shops front you the cash. They pay rent/mortgage, taxes and utilities. They pay employees. That’s where the other 50% goes.
The Pawn Shop is a business too, and they’re there to make money. So even if your item is in mint condition, they’re gonna give you a quarter of what its worth, and sell if for half of the retail price.
That was not my point,,,I am not saying Pawnshops should pay premium price for the items they purchase but I have been in Pawnshops a few times and seen desperate people (mothers with children) being mistreated and taken advantage of because they know they are desperate and will take whatever they are given !
I just hope I will never be in that situation !
@jaytkay You sound like the A-Holes Pawnshop employees!! If you don’t like it there’s the door!!
@Pretty_Lilly I’m not unsympathetic. I have pawned valuable belongings to pay for rent and food. But I don’t begrudge the pawn shop its profit. It’s business.
For most items, I would recommend eBay. There’s still a middle man. But eBay’s fee is small, and with a bigger audience, the selling price can be much higher.
Or sell the items on craigslist. You can usually sell the items for around half the retail price.
Pawn shops are not a charity, period. If they can make money the way they make money, they will.
“AGAIN” and for the last time !!! I am saying Pawnshops should lose money by giving away money,I understand it is a business with expenses and created for the purpose of generating an income “BUT” at the very least they should not be assholes and put desperate,needy clients through the ringer.
“Offer a fair price and be polite !”
I haven’t used a pawn shop since the advent of craigslist. When I did use them I never got a fair price nor was I treated politely.
@gemiwing Thank You !! Finally someone understood what I meant !
I’ve never been treated badly at the pawn shop I like to go to. I go there and look around because they always interesting stuff. I took our old Playstation 2 there to sell. They treated me really nicely and with respect. Maybe your cousin just picked a bad shop.
You’ve got the “asshole” part correct (that’s for sure). I’ve NEVER seen a friendly person at a pawn shop. They rush you, act indifferent or look at you suspiciously. Totally uncomfortable whether buying or pawning an item. Guess I won’t be visiting a pawn shop anytime soon.
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