Have you ever had a dream with a fellow flutherite in it that you have never met?
I had a dream with a fellow flutherite in it last night, one that I have never met but that I’m facebook friends with. It was odd. Val123 and I got into a lot of trouble together! Have you ever had a dream with someone you know from online only in it? What did you do?
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16 Answers
Yes, actually. I passed her on the street in my dream.
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@Fluthermucker Really, once you’ve got one of the “o“s out, you’ve pretty much said her name.
yes, but it wasn’t them more their avatar. i wont say who :x
I have plenty of times actually, different people too. The dreams varied from the regular to the strange to the down right sexy. Although I have a vivid imagination :)
I’ve never had a dream about anyone online I’ve never met. But I have had people from these sites tell me that I made appearance in their dreams. I’m flattered. :)
@IBERnineD I know you’re having sexy dreams about me. It’s ok. Really. ;-)
I have, several times. Not sexy ones, though.
@avvooooooo ~~~~~~~~I’d just like to state for the record that my initial response to your question about dreams regarding other Fluther members was meant to be in jest. I feel fairly certain that you will not believe me, and will not take it as such, since I am one of the unwashed masses you have previously made known that you so dislike, but I feel it needed to be said anyway. I offer my sincere apologies.~~~~~~~~~~~
I dream about Vunessuh all the time.
Has nothing to do with Fluther though.
My most recent Flutherite dream featured Allie and johnpowell. (I don’t even know what JP looks like, but somehow I knew it was him.) Looking at my personal Fluther, I have also had dreams including loser, Marina, asmonet, tinyfaery, augustlan (and mangeons and Fly), Jeruba, chelseababyy, jonsblond and Blondesjon, eponymoushipster, Dr_C, casheroo (and her husband and kid), Simone_De_Beauvoir, and Grisaille. Most of the time they’re just there in passing, sort of like an extra in a movie, but I notice them for some reason. Or something they said is an important point, but they never show up in person. JP and Allie were actual “characters” in that most recent dream. And casheroo (and family) always have major roles when they show up, because I’m kind of crazy about that kid. :D
I’m not sure how many people who aren’t in my Fluther have showed up in my dreams. I can think of four off the top of my head with no effort. I could probably come up with a pretty long list if I really thought about it.
It was in November. We were NaNoing together in a Barnes & Noble cafe!
Not yet but I would seriously like to. There are tons of cool people here on Fluther that would probably make some of my dreams both exciting and entertaining.
Yes. and I’m not telling!
great question!
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