When did you realize that you were "old fashioned"?
What activities do you consider to be antiquated, writing letters (for instance), or friendly social manners (perhaps, holding a door for another)? What is outdated behaviour, to you?
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24 Answers
Not wearing pants, being articulate, and acting like a lady….~
I hold doors for other people, I call other men sir and women ma’am or miss, depending upon their age. I am polite in public, sharing smiles with those that don’t have one. I help people that ask for help. If that is old-fashioned, then call me old fashioned.
Rather be that than they way a lot of the younger folks are today, bunch of selfish ego-maniacal little shits.
I don’t think I do many old fashioned things, but good question!
@ camouflage pants (until I find a more efficient method of communicating across threads); stellar response, and plus points for “bunch of selfish ego-maniacle little shits”. :)
Since i am 66 years old, i guess i qualify as being “outdated”. i will say this. i have a cellphone, a pc, a Wii, a dvd, and the latest cds. does this still make me antique? i only write letters, when the situation calls for it. i still open doors for my wife and other people. and, i still respect my elders. now that i think about it, i now classify myself as a new antique and i am proud of it. good manners and respect for your fellow man never goes out of style. my children know this because this is what i have taught them.
I have always considered myself old fashioned. It is the way I was taught and old habits are hard to break.
When I realized how perfect of a Saturday night going to the Sock Hop would have been for me :(
When I thought my nephew was insane for moving in with his girlfriend of three months.
she moved out a year later and took all his stuff while he was at work.
In general, my view on relationships is very old-fashioned. I feel it is perfectly reasonable to date for a few months before having sex and at least a couple of years before considering marriage. I think dating only one person at a time is practical and I completely don’t agree with living together (unless you’re engaged). I think the person you marry should be your best friend first and foremost and I think it’s a pretty good idea to have gone through some major ups and downs (hardships, death, illness) together before getting engaged.
I apply this dinosaur logic to couples both straight and gay.
now I’m off to the tar pits
There is nothing wrong with being “Old Fashioned” ...
I still write letters , still am polite and courteous , I say Thank you , I try to say yes sir and no sir as well as yes mamme and no mamme , ..... I open the doors for others… and I make nasty faces a little kids who are allowed to run thru stores tearing things up and bumping into people.
I call it having some self respect and principles in my life… so if that is Old fashioned ; I’m just an old fashioned kiind of guy…. thanks to being raised that way by my mother .
@ HighShaman, no offense meant. :) I wondered when did one realize that “times were-a-changin’”. ;) Thank you for carrying the torch of decency!
Well, I don’t feel very old-fashioned. The fact that I believe that gay marriage should exist, that chivalry is sexist, and that Facebook and texting and iPhones are awesome make me feel quite with the times.
The only ways in which I do feel a little old-fashioned are that I like classical music, even some very old classical music from the 17th century. Also, Twitter and the concept of “constant connection” don’t appeal to me at all. So there.
Furthermore, holding a door open for someone isn’t “antiquated”. I’ve done it and I’ve had people my age do it for me. Holding a door open for women only because you think they deserve special “chivalrous” treatment is antiquated and for good reason, in my opinion.
@CorwinofAmber Oh no; sorry if you felt I was offended .
I’ve noticed that times were changing many years ago when I saw kids running the streets stealing, vandalising, and charging their elders to help them / do chores…
I noticed that times were changing when a woman can’t go shopping at night for fear of being robbed , carjacked or WORSE…
I noticed that times are changing when kids started to get KILLED in schools….
I noticed times were changing as I saw younger people shoving their ways past elder folks to get into a store or at something in a store….
It is sad commentary on our society… great Question ; by the way !
I’ve always been old-fashioned. I still hold doors open for women, especially women with young children, and give up my seat on the bus for little old ladies and the infirm. I still write letters with ink and paper and send them with a postage stamp. And I still shine my shoes with Kiwi shoe polish the old-fashioned way (lol) and believe in romancing by wine and candlelight. And I still believe the importance of younger people respecting older people, children behaving in public and showing deference to adults, and mothers staying home with their young pre-school children only if it is economically possible.
The only things I think should be deemed “out-of-date” are bad manners and over-political correctness, both of which do not belong in a sensible, practical society.
I do good work, period. and have pride in my work.. All who are really old fashioned will know what I mean.
What @HighShaman said. I don’t care how times are changing. I like wallpaper!
When I first heard Lady Gaga and wanted to kill myself.
@DominicX Well said. I also love classical music. I don’t think it’s old-fashioned to like it, just sophisticated. And I’m glad to hear I’m not the only young person who doesn’t Twitter!
Being a mom to a teenaged boy in 2009. yeah.
Antiquated? Dang. Apt word there pardner. Not only do I write letters, I do calligraphy when I’m feeling really creative. I’m also working on learning illumination. Finding a supplier of dental pink powder is a pain in the butt, let me tell you.
I realized that I was old fashioned when I had it forcibly pointed out to me not too long ago. I was griping about a stupid guy in the building that had not removed his hat. I was saying that I found it disrespectful and that I wouldn’t even answer a man who addressed me like that. The person I was talking to said “Gosh, you ARE old fashioned.” I was going to argue that it was fifteen years of military service that initiated that sentiment, then realized that this was probably not the case.
Whatever. I HATE ball caps for the most part, and more so if they’re backward or tweaked in some stupid way, and a man wearing a hat inside a building ignites something in me better left alone.
In the other hand, I’ll hold a door for a man or woman if I’m at the door first. Courtesy doesn’t cost anything, right? I don’t EXPECT it from anyone, but I’m always pleasantly surprised and always say thank you if someone extends the courtesy to me.
Most of the video games I play are pretty old. Some of my favourites are more than ten years old, and when buying new games, I often look for older concepts and formats.
I’m kinda biased as I want fuckall to do with online play, I think Conan will always be more badass than Kratos, and I generally shun or dismiss entirely new concepts and gaming ideas, especially if these were introduced to some long time series that I’ve loved for years and are all different currently.
That’s not to say I never play new games, won’t check em out or nothing…I do play a lot of new stuff and I do totally want a PS3, but despite how wrong I often find my assumptions to be with modern products, I can’t seem to get rid of this initial approach, ever.
Magus pwns.
Manners and writing letters will never be outdated to me. And, I’m not ancient.
When I thought Paris Hilton was a place to stay in the French capital.
I don’t think people are not polite these days – so being polite is NOT old-fashioned. A lot of things like chivalry (when it’s only men towards women), traditional gender norms, etc should be the way of the archaic, that’s fine by me. It is outdated, to me, to be racist and homophobic or to think that the ‘nuclear family’ is the only way to go.
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