Meta Question

Jude's avatar

Have you ever wondered what your fellow jellies looked like?

Asked by Jude (32210points) December 28th, 2009

Going by their questions/answers and bio, how do you picture them (without having seen a photo)?

And, when you did get to see a picture of them, either through the Fluther photobucket or, say, Facebook, were you surprised at all by their appearance?

Here’s the Fluther photobucket. Aw, I want to pinch Dr. C’s cheeks. Dimples!

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34 Answers

DominicX's avatar

When I first started frequenting Q&A sites when I was 14, I didn’t have a picture up at first, but soon after that, it became my thing to make my avatar a picture of me and that’s what I’ve been doing the whole time on Fluther. Because my beautiful face should be there for all to see…! ;)

But there are so many others I’ve never seen and it’s awesome when I finally do see them. Sometimes it’s completely different than what I thought. Sometimes it’s a different gender than what I thought. :P

DrBill's avatar

<——- I look like this

J0E's avatar

I never really picture anyone unless I hear their voice. I can’t make any visual connections by reading someone’s text, but I do wonder what they look like sometimes. I don’t think anyone would be able to picture me just by reading my posts. But I do have pics in the Photobucket group.

pearls's avatar

I’ve tried to imagine what some of the fellow jellies looked like and I see that some of them actually have their own image as they avatar. Yes, I was surprised when I saw them, because they were not anything at all like the image I had pictured in my mind. .

pjanaway's avatar

<——thats me

ratboy's avatar

I thought each person used his own photo as an avatar, as I do. I’m glad to learn that this is untrue—I thought I was talking to some very strange looking folks.

Grisaille's avatar

A few on here. Not a huge deal.

Though it is quite nice to put a face to a name.

Fluthermucker's avatar

Not really…if you’ve seen one sphincter, you’ve pretty much seen ‘em all.

gggritso's avatar

I was always extremely curious. The Fluther Photobucket group was a goldmine for me. Putting a face to a username and their ideas was a lot of fun. I still check back to see if new photos have been posted.

tinyfaery's avatar

No. I know what a few look like, but I prefer not knowing.

gemiwing's avatar

That was an interesting link. Good lookin’ bunch of jellies.

Sometimes I want to know and sometimes I don’t. It can color how I see them and I like to just go by actions and behavior during conversations. Then again, it is really cool to have some faces to the names.

Fernspider's avatar

Wow, that Photobucket Group is great. Just had myself a little perv! :D You guys are real and not a figment of my imagination!

tinyfaery's avatar

It makes no difference either way so I prefer to keep the mystery.

Haleth's avatar

Wow… you guys are all really good looking.

DominicX's avatar

Alright, I just added a little family pic to the Photobucket album. I hadn’t added anything to it since I was Dansedescygnes. :P

OpryLeigh's avatar

I wonder all the time what certain jellies look like. Obviously some have their pictures up as their avatar ie @DominicX who does indeed have a beautiful face and it’s nice to put faces to names. I don’t have a picture of myself on here because I can’t find one that looks decent as a little avatar. Plus I have had this picture up since I joined and I am too scared to change it now!

Gossamer's avatar

I beleive that natural curiousity does get to you and let your imagination run wild in terms of what everyone looks like unlessthey already have a pic of themselves up….but its human nature to be nosey….I play with people on xbox live and wonder often what they look like or where they are from

mattbrowne's avatar

Yeah, I always wondered how daloon will look when he turns around.

ucme's avatar

What I find hilarious are the dog like creatures who, & this is the pathetic part. Put up pictures of an attractive person to garner attention. Truly disturbing. What’s worse the people who respond with flirtation. How gullible to believe so readily.

jonsblond's avatar

@mattbrowne I believe he would look something like this.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Besides Photo Bucket., I’ve exchanged pix with several who aren’t on there. I love to put a face with a “voice”.

JesusWasAJewbot's avatar

No, we are all amazing text artists, we must all hide our identities like Buckethead to make sure people focus on the text man, not the face behind it.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

You’re all wondering if I really am Jeff Goldblum, aren’t you? ~

I’ll never tell.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities My instincts say no, but I bet you’re still a looker. ’-)

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Holy shit!!!! Jeff Goldblum who???????????

Jude's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities you’re much prettier than Jeff Goldblum’s private facilities.

Facade's avatar

I always misplace that link. Thanks @jmah!

Jude's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities I’d love to hear the story on that picture. Oh, and do you have a sister? :)

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@jmah That was a sailfish I caught in Cozumel this summer. It was about 120 lbs, and took over an hour to reel in. Later that night we had a barbecue on the beach and had sailfish steaks, which were amazing! It was a great trip. And yes, I have a lil’ sister. ;)

sliceswiththings's avatar

Just added my pic:)

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