Social Question

philosopher's avatar

Do you follow people to avoid confrontation?

Asked by philosopher (9065points) December 29th, 2009

I am not a follower or a leader. I will stand up to anyone who wants me to do something I believe is wrong. I can not understand the Sheep like behavior of people. Especially when they are being exploited or asked to behave immorally. I will even say no to a boss if they take too much advantage.
I think that the inability to say NO is how dangerous leaders gain control. Do you have the strength to say NO ?

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11 Answers

CyanoticWasp's avatar


Hey! I guess that I do, after all! How about that?

lloydbird's avatar

No I do not.

But I might pretend to – for a while..

Silhouette's avatar

I have fine tuned my ability to say no. I have a look that keeps people from asking. I have one that says no loud and clear. Last but not least, saying no is easy for me.

smashbox's avatar

I do have the strength to say NO. One of my biggest pet peeves, is someone who is a follower. It peeves me to know people will go along with a crowd, just to fit in, to feel accepted, and knowing what they are doing is wrong.

I want to hand these “Sheep like behavior of people,” a kleenex, and say wipe that brown crap off your nose.

john65pennington's avatar

I am a leader, not a followerer. one criminal asked me one time if would let him go. you do not want to know my answer. basically, it was no.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I do what I do to get the results I need, the rest of the time I do what I do to get what I want or what I want other people to have.

faye's avatar

I have strong lines on right and wrong and will say so if I have to. No one much asks me to do stuff I wouldn’t do. I know I’ve been told can look disapproving pretty easily. And am getting more intolerant daily!!!

JustPlainBarb's avatar

I’m not a follower, but not a real “leader” either. I’m more of an observer. I like to watch and listen and make up my own mind. I have absolutely no problem saying “No” to anything that is not right for me.

definitive's avatar

I’ve always been quietly confident and totally will not conform to something I don’t believe in. However, if I don’t agree/believe in something I don’t manage the situation in a confrontational way…there’s better ways to communicate and respect that it may be my belief but everybody to there own…who’s to say I’m right and they’re wrong. It’s down to personal values and belief systems.

philosopher's avatar

Some people refuse to allow you to behave that way definitive. They keep pushing until you tell them you disagree.
I have had to work with people like that and have had bosses like that too . Day after day you must either listen too the BS or put then in their place. Some people think only they are entitled to an opinion.

definitive's avatar

@philosopher…I’m a social worker/care manager for adults with learning disabilities so understandably I’m faced with confrontation and conflict pretty regularly not only with the people who I work for and their families but also my management.

As I believe in what I am doing and acting in the best interests of the people who I am advocating for in order to meet their needs I totally will stand up to my managers to justify my case. I feel that it actually gains respect to stand up for what you believe in and in my case has earned me a promotion.

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