Mirror, mirror, on the wall - What is your relationship with reflective surfaces?
Many of the mornings when I ride the train, I realize that I haven’t even looked in the mirror those days and that I must have all sorts of things wrong with my face and hair (toothpaste, toddler drew on me, etc.) I realize I very rarely look in the mirror to check myself out. Yet a mirror does play a big role in my yoga practice where, as a rule, we look at ourselves in order to correct our bodies and become better practitioners. I have to take my glasses off before class which makes me see only a blurry outline of myself. All the better, I think, because I’d be so critical of how ‘fat’ I am and all that. When I was younger, I used to be a lot more into seeing myself reflected in store’s windows and I really don’t do that anymore. Perhaps it’s because I am, again, afraid that I won’t like what I see so I avoid doing that at all costs and also because it looks ridiculous, imo. I have a mirror in my wallet, I guess, but I have no idea why I put it there, because it’s useless and I never look into it. I have a mirror in my compact but it’s dirty and I never ‘powder the face’. Sometimes at work, I’ll catch my face in the bathroom mirror and then I fix my glasses (they’re always crooked) but that’s pretty much it. Oh, I guess, sometimes in certain positions during sex, it’s nice to check yourself out in the mirror, just for kicks…but the mirror isn’t located conveniently anymore.
So, for you, how important are mirrors. Are they everywhere in the apartment? Do you hate them, love them, are indifferent to them?
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31 Answers
I actively avoid them except to avoid cutting my throat when shaving. I do not need constant reminders of my own ugliness.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Just being objective. Ugliness is more than skin deep and I qualify on both counts.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir maybe but there are more judges out there than just ourselves. I, for one, think you’re a stable, intelligent being and I enjoy your responses. It’s all I have to go on, but it’s enough for me.
I don’t know where I stand on this. My opinion about myself reflectively speaking changes like a street light. I have a mirror facing the bathroom tub, so as soon as I get out of the shower I see myself completely naked. Some days I think I look like a goof, some days I hate the way I look and it depresses me and then there’s some days where I find myself quite attractive and say aloud, “God damn I’m one sexy bitch!” lol, I’m not joking either. So as I prefer not to look into mirrors, sometimes I do like what I see.
As for shaving, I never really think about how I look. All I I think about is, ‘is my facial hair crooked?’ I constantly am scanning my facial hair area to see if I did an adequate job, lol. I’m kind of a perfectionist when it comes to customizing things for myself.
As for sex and mirrors…. I’ll just say, YES please!
@Simone_De_Beauvoir In this area, my own judgement is the only one that counts. As is true with all other individuals.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land this is not true with all other individuals or we wouldn’t even be here on fluther…it does matter to some of us how we’re reflected in other’s eyes and minds…at least in the eyes and minds of those that matter and those we deem as important
@Axemusica for some reason I have an image of you spanking your butt in front of the mirror. it’s a nice image.
Every time I see a reflection there’s a skinny old man in there occupying my spot.
@pdworkin Who is it, George Burns?
I was going to say, “Never met a reflective surface I liked,” but sometimes I look in the mirror and say, “Not too bad looking today.”
@Simone_De_Beauvoir haha, I literally laughed pretty hard at that, but no…... not all the time ;)
@janbb “George burns” classic!
I grin at a mirror, they crack…. another 7 years bad luck.
Seriously I am generally pleased with my appearance but I do not go out of my way to look in reflective surfaces.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m only on Fluther to keep my mind active, learn a few things and maybe help someone along the way. I beg to disagree on your assessment, as each individual is the absolute arbiter of her/his own attractiveness, especially the inner variety. I for one am grateful to be physically unattractive as it pushes people away who would otherwise be truly horrified at my social ineptitude. I accept my status as a loner; if society permitted it I would only appear in public with a bag over my head with eye holes for navigational purposes.
I like mirrors. They treat me much better than cameras. Sometimes I’ll look in a mirror and think “That looks pretty good! You should take a photo!” Then when I snap a picture I end up looking strange.
I think mirrors are necessary. Vanity aside, I’m a student but I often have to work full-time in a business-casual environment. I’m directly rated on my performance, and other potential employers can access this information. These ratings are very subjective, so it’s important for me to work hard as well as to make a positive impression based on appearance.
I usually just check the mirror quickly before I leave the house, or when shaving/flossing.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir and @stranger_in_a_strange_land I think both sides of the argument are valid, but I agree that it’s important to be objective. If everyone around me keeps telling me that I look great and I’m in good shape that won’t help me be a better person. It works the same way with personality… if I’m acting like an asshole I’d want to know.
We have the average amount of mirrors in my home.They are a useful tool because I like to know that the spinach is on my front tooth rather than somewhere in the back where no one can see it.Also I can determine correct placement of the cat toy stuck in my hair.(I like it directly on top, like a mini-crown)We do have a full length mirror.That gives me a good view of the 3 foot length of toilet paper stuck to my shoe, which I wave in the air like a surrender flag during heated arguements.So .I’d say I’m about average;)
My mother,on the other hand ,could apply her “Ragin’ Red” lipstick from the top of a speeding train with her foot,all without drawing a second mouth on her face.She was a mirror minimalist :)
I like to make sure everything is in place, so mirrors are pretty important. As far as looking at my nude body goes, I only do that after a few days of working out when things begin to change. I’m way too critical to do it otherwise.
It’s a tool to help me see if my clothes are hanging right or if I’ve got eyecrusts going on or something. And to make sure I’m maintaining the right form for my stances and katas in karate class.
As an adult, after awhile I got tired of critiquing my looks in general. It wastes a lot of energy to do that.
Mirrors are important to me because as a military member, I have to shave every day before going to work and I need the mirror to watch myself to make sure I’m shaving completely and evenly across my face. Also, I keep my hair very short and cut it all off every 2 to 3 weeks and I need the mirror to make sure I’m clipping it all off evenly.
I never really get to see them. They always shatter.
This is a GQ @Simone_De_Beauvoir!
I actually used to look at myself in the mirror quite a bit, and liked what I saw.
I think the last 10 years or so I only look in the mirror once a day to shave.
I guess you at least came to the right place to ask a reflective question. I’m going to reflect on this a bit more, I think, before I really answer.
I’m afraid that if I look in a mirror too long, some evil fairy godmother will show up and turn me into a poison apple or a frog or something.
Too late, @daloon. But at least you can concentrate your thoughts elsewhere now.
@CyanoticWasp But which is it? Frog? Or apple?
Thanks for setting my fears to rest, though. You are far kinder than you can possibly imagine.
I use a mirror as a functional tool. I check to make sure I properly apply make up,brush my teeth, Ironed my clothes properly etc.
My reflection usually runs away from me.
That filthy bitch.
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