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Jude's avatar

Do you usually have a quiet New Year's, or are you out and about celebrating?

Asked by Jude (32210points) December 30th, 2009

What are your plans?

My girlfriend and I are heading up to the family cottage in Traverse City, Mich. A little drinking, much debauchery and some snow boarding are on the activity menu.

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26 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

Oh, I’m an old fuddy duddy. I like to stay home, maybe have some wine, prop my feet up and relax. There may or may not be a nap involved.

john65pennington's avatar

Normally, my wife and i would have a quite celebration at home. but, i am now retired and do not have to get up early anymore. this year, we are heading to our favorite casino and celebrating in a big way. the room is comped, the food is comped and they have given us free money. so, why not?

mellow_girl's avatar

i’m not doing anything, just hanging out at home with my roommates and my dog, that’s it…

philosopher's avatar

I will spend New Years with my family .

janbb's avatar

We’ll be at a dinner party with close friends which is more partying than we usually do.

Facade's avatar

I normally do nothing on New Year’s. I spent the past two with my man. This year I’ll probably be trying to get some sleep. I’m sure I’ll make up for it later =)

Snarp's avatar

I have a 3 year old. I will be asleep.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I plan on being drunk, drugged and asleep before the damned hands are both vertical. My standard policy from now on.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I plan on a quiet night in with two good friends, good food, good movies, and good beer.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

These days I stay home out of habit. I got into the habit when I lived in Michigan and realized that not everyone who went outside to fire off a gun at midnight was shooting blanks, the damn fools. So I started making sure that I was at least under a roof.

@stranger_in_a_strange_land, isn’t that your policy every night?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@CyanoticWasp True but sometimes up most of the night. On New Years Eve I make a special effort. Two Valiums at 2200 hours.

CMaz's avatar

Hopefully I will be sleeping by 12:05

csimme01's avatar

My wife and I always do something, and try very hard to make it to the Red Wings game!.
On tap for 2009..
Trip to Wings Game then party at the Olympia Club in Joe Louis. Open bar, music ect.
Then a short ride on the People Mover (Mugger Mover) to Greek Town Casino for a little gambling the an eleivator ride to our room in the hotel to sleep it off. Wake up late, drive back home and then to a friends house for a New Years day party. (They call New Years eve amature night)

SuperMouse's avatar

I haven’t done much since all the years I slept on the street in Pasadena waiting to watch the Rose Parade. Nowadays I go to bed early.

Zen_Again's avatar

Gonna flutha.

gggritso's avatar

I’m celebrating twice: once at 4pm and once at 12pm. At 4pm I’ll be home with my family, on Skype with my relatives in Russia. Big meal, Russian movies, all that good stuff. After a few hours I’m going to ditch them and celebrate locally with some friends. Alcohol will be involved both times.


Jude's avatar

@Zen_Again live a little, dude.

I kid.

casheroo's avatar

Since having my son, we’ve stayed in for New Years. The last time we went out was when I was pregnant with my son, and we went out to a fancy dinner, then horror movies in bed. Since then, we lay in bed and celebrate it with our son.

Dabria's avatar

I don’t celebrate new year like everyone else as I don’t drink alcohol..its nice to have a new start to the year but thats about it for me!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I usually choose a quiet new year. This year my dad and I plan on watching Michael Palin’s travel DVDS that I got for Christmas (Pole to Pole and Full Circle if anyone’s interested!) and that to me is ideal talk about life on the wild side eh?! Last year I was working as a singer and had a gig on New Years eve. It was the first time I had been in a party enviroment for New Years in a long time and I was reminded how much I hated it.

pearls's avatar

My evening will not start out quiet, but end quiet. Will be babysitting the grandchildren and celebrating the new year with them. There may be one or two who will be able to make it to midnight. I certainly hope I will.

nebule's avatar

Dinner party with family… I wish everyone a wonderful new year’s moment…and many more moments after that xxx

VohuManah's avatar

I get to celebrate in an interesting fashion by dipping small bits of chicken in oil. A night of wonder and excitement.

Berserker's avatar

I get wasted and pass out in a puddle of my own vomit.

It’s pretty healthy for hair growth, too.

Either way, it’s no different from my average day, anyways…

YARNLADY's avatar

Quiet at home. I don’t want to get killed by a drunk driver. I don’t like partying. I can’t leave my poor dog who has to be tranquilized because he is deathly afraid of gunfire and firecrackers.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@YARNLADY I have the same problem with one of my dogs too.

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