Meta Question

ChocolateReigns's avatar

Can you actually give yourself a GQ?

Asked by ChocolateReigns (5624points) December 30th, 2009

I just saw that you can click the “Great Question” link on your own question and clicked it and it worked just like anybody else’s question. Did I just give myself lurve?

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9 Answers

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Self-lurve… is this what we’ve gotten to?

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

Give it a try. The link is there to give yourself a GQ but I don’t think you get any Lurve.

Probably just a little trick played by the webmasters. If you haven’t yet, try adding yourself to your own Fluther and see what happens. :3

ChocolateReigns's avatar

@ParaParaYukiko I’ve done that…it takes you to a Wiki article about Narcissism.

Snarp's avatar

I just tried it, it doesn’t actually increase the number, so no, you cannot give yourself a great question.

@ParaParaYukiko I always thought the joke was second to the ease of building the site. They left the link there rather than build in the logic to display the page differently, but altered the functionality based on the user, rather than the page display. Then it made sense to make a joke about it.

Axemusica's avatar

@ParaParaYukiko I usually check the lower corner to see what the actual link name is before I click it, I giggled a little.

Laina's avatar

You should also try thanking yourself for an answer.

Ansible1's avatar

Stick to two pats on the back, friend

Zen_Again's avatar

I was told that if you can give yourself a blowjob, you can email the photo to Bendrewim for extra lurve.

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