Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Are you making resolutions for the New Decade?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37782points) December 30th, 2009

A New Decade dawns in just a few days. Is there something you wish to leave behind for good? Could there be something you wish to start and be serious about?

Some examples might be:
to give up Froot Loops and eat more Wheaties,
to stop speeding and let the old ladies clear the crosswalk before driving through, and
to stop thumping the sides of the aquarium and rub the dog’s belly on a daily basis.

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24 Answers

ChocolateReigns's avatar

I would like to find myself married before 2020. I realize it’s not exactly a resolution, but I want it to happen before then. It’s not that big of an order, I’ll be 24 in 2020.

Cruiser's avatar

Yes, besides wanting to live for another decade I’d like to….

Learn to River Dance,
Get the recipe for Captain Crunch
Join a poetry slam
and build bird houses for homeless Cedar Waxwings.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I just started on one, early. Absolutely no personal information given out to anyone, F2F or internet. The only mention of my personal life online will be as an illustrative example if I feel it is necessary to answer a question. Complete divorcement from any and all attempts at social contact. I will niether initiate or respond. I was stupid enough to think that the internet was somehow different from real life. What a fucking idiot I was!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land : First, congratulations on making 5000 Lurve. Woot!

Second, knowing what information to give out about ourselves is difficult in any situation. It’s hard in real life and hard here in the virtual world of the Internet. Personally, I have some things I will never reveal and some things that I’m completely open about. I also have a few things that I reveal on an as-needed basis where it is important to the answer to a question.

But to say that you will divorce yourself from “all attempts at social contact” seems extreme. “All” is an awfully big word. I would caution against that.

StupidGirl's avatar

I wish I could get this over with and go to hell straight away.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@StupidGirl : Whoa! That doesn’t sound lighthearted and happy and sunshiney and full of butterflies.

Parrappa's avatar

Graduate high school and college! I don’t really have any real goals, except be always be a good, honest, and nice person. Although I try to be that all the time so it’s not really a goal.

Axemusica's avatar

Stop dating crazies and quit smoking. The smoking one is looking really promising considering I’ve cut out smoking at work all together. I leave my tobacco products at home.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@hawaii_jake In the real life I’m autiatic (Aspergers Syndrome). I made the mistake of thinking that I could have “friends” on the internet when I cannot in real life. I have very recently been victimized once again by someone pretending to be friendly, enticing me to give details of my personal life, then turning it all against me. I cannot judge in “gray areas” thats part of autism. Zero information, zero contacts other than straight Q&A. No e-mails, PMs ignored. I’ve put in my profile an invitation for anyone who doesn’t like that to remove themselves from my fluther list and let me know so I can delete myself from theirs.(It was much simpler on the previous site since it was by mutual consent any I could just deny all requests). I haven’t decided what I’ll do in this area but don’t be surprised if I erase my entire list. I will definitely not add anyone to my list unless they have already added me to theirs.

My decision is final an non-negotiable.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Axemusica : Good Luck with quitting smoking. That’s an important one. I quit 4 or 5 years ago, and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.

Axemusica's avatar

@hawaii_jake thank you, I’ve been at war with it for quite some time and this year I’ve made the best progress. As of today I’ve only had 4. It’s only the weekends that really kill me, but eventually I plan to weed them out too.

JessicaisinLove's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land… stranger, are you going to be ok?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I’m making my resolutions one day at a time. My resolution for tomorrow is to get up before noon and take a shower. (Wow, I just realized that’s two resolutions. Maybe I should back off a bit.)

aprilsimnel's avatar

I resolve to have more fun.

Dabria's avatar

No..I don’t make new year resolution..if I want to complete a task I will go for it no matter what time of year we are at..actually I don’t particulary like the so many people make them..break them..and only to get disheartened..
If you want to do something do it!!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@JessicaisinLove No, but I’m totally indifferent about it.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I resolve to manage my diabetes better in the next decade along with finally retiring from the military within the next 10 years. I further resolve to do more traveling and take more vacations. If I have any time left over, I’m going to learn how to skydive while finishing up my Associates Degree.

Judi's avatar

5 years ago I lost a whole S#it load of weight. 2009 saw some of it creep back on. I resolve to see Jan 1 2011 15 lbs lighter

galileogirl's avatar

I don’t expect to see 2020 so I am concentrating on one year at a time.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@StupidGirl I feel your pain. Already have my reservation made. Third bar stool from the left, Level #7 (Dante System). My punishment will probably be lack of decent single-malt.

faye's avatar

I am also going to try to quit smoking. Champix worked great for me but a months’ holiday with a smoker f’d that. So I’ll try again, and to eat better. I am the Midnight Snacker and it’s not veggies or fruit I’m after.—US calls champix chantix?—

BanginBaxter's avatar

I am going to stop watching so much porn on the internet…that’s what I been doing since the AB got so damn crazy:)

StupidGirl's avatar

@hawaii_jake I am lighthearted and happy and sunshiney and full of butterflies a lot, but he’s gone so it’s really just a dream )-:
@stranger_in_a_strange_land You’re going to ‘psych’ yourself up with 100% aggressiveness and viciousness…?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@StupidGirl Not agressiveness or viciousness. I will remain the same polite person I have always (?) been but will respectfully decline any requests for personal information and will politely deflect any attempts by others to “befriend” me. I’ve been burned too many times. Even a moron will eventally learn to keep his fingers away from a hot stove. I will use personal anecdotes only as necessary to illustrate a point in answering a question; either that or avoid the question altogether. +GA

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