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Are you good at talking?
I feel like I use to be better at holding conversations. Now I find myself taking the tact of nodding, smiling, and agreeing with whatever whoever I’m talking with says more and more… It’s like I can’t start a coversation on my own, I need someone else to be the instigator. I mean, I love to talk… just seem to have trouble doing it recently : \ I can’t seem to find anything to say—which is crazy, cause there’s so much in the world.
Some people seem to be able to make anything an interesting topic… others, I’ve noticed, seem to have a quiet tongue like I do now. And when two of us get together the crickets start to sing… What are you? Have you always been that way?
And if you have trouble keeping conversation, why? What do you do about it? My tongue itches for use! Does yours?
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