Social Question

Berserker's avatar

Can you tell us a story about your parents getting mad at you?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) December 30th, 2009

Whether it was when you were little, a teenager, or even as an adult…what’s one story you might like to share about how your mother, father, or both, totally got angry at you?
What did you do? Or NOT do? Was the reprehension fair, or totally unjust? Share it all. :)

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26 Answers

SheWasAll_'s avatar

My junior year of high school I went to a party with some friends and crashed at the house of the guy throwing it. I lied about where I was partying. The next morning I was supposed to go to church and give a youth sermon. I slept through it and missed my mom’s calls to my cell. Needless to say, she was livid when I finally showed up, hungover. My dad didn’t care so much about the missing church part, but he was still angry with me. I believe neither of them spoke to me for over a week. That’s how they punish us. We’re never grounded or anything, they just give us the silent treatment and somehow it works to keep me and my brother in line….most of the time.

avengerscion's avatar

I was a pretty good kid. The only time I remember my parents getting mad at me was when I refused to eat my dinner (sauerkraut), and I talked back to my mother. My dad went upstairs and brought down his belt. Man was I scared! My dad threathened it before but had never made a move. I teared up and he told me to appologize to my mom, which I did, and I avoided the dreaded belt spanking.

Judi's avatar

I don’t remember what I was in trouble for, but I must have been around 8 or 9. (It was at least 40 years ago.) My dad was trying to spank me with a belt and I had a banana in my hand. I was running from him. I heard a smack! (he hit my banana) and he thought he got me so he stopped.
I really don’t remember if I deserved it. My dad was a bit bi-polar and he was oxygen deprived from having emphysema. he didn’t always think straight.

CorwinofAmber's avatar

My younger brother broke his arm, of his own volition, and I was (by default) blamed for it. No justice, no peace… ;)

Blackberry's avatar

I lived in WA then my mom moved us to OR when I was 8 or 9 or 10 or something. Whatever age you are entering middle school.
I met a friend that lived in the apartment complex next to ours. Since we were in a new place, whenever I went to a friends house, I had to call her when I got there or have their parents call my mom (I know, lame huh).

Well one day I forgot and when I came home during the night I was shoved against the door as soon as I closed it, proceeded to go to my room for the beating, it was a normal thing by then, but this time it was just the belt. She freaking jumped my ass lol, I was in the corner getting kicked and punched, I just got in the fetal position and waited until it was over.

It’s things like this that happened to me during my childhood and my mom wonders why I call her every 3 or 4 months and talk to her for 5 minutes, I only do it ‘just because’. I hope I didn’t dampen the mood, I just had to get that out hahah, I’m going to sleep lol.

Berserker's avatar

@Blackberry Did you ever tell her how you felt about this?

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

2 stories:

My dad has a construction company, and around our house we had a bunch of his construction materials. One day I decided to grab one of the large cardboard tubes used for forming concrete, and put my sister in it, standing up. Her arms were stuck inside the tube, but her head was just outside of it. For some reason, I walked away for a minute, and she fell down. Without her arms available to stop her fall, she fell flat on her face and broke her nose.

As punishment, I had to give up all of my allowances for several months, to cover the cost of her medical bills. I seem to remember some spankings as part of my punishment as well.

In my old house, we had a wood burning stove in our living room, that could really heat up the place. Apparently I didn’t realize how hot it got, because I set a stack of clean laundry on top of it. I left the room, but a few minutes later I heard my mom screaming Oh My God!, Don (my dad) Come Help Quick! I ran to see what the fuss was about, only to see the stack of freshly washed laundry had caught flame atop of the wood burning stove. Then my parents were frantically running to the kitchen to grab pots of water to put the fire out.

That stunt resulted in 3 months of grounding with no TV, games, or playing with friends. And all for not knowing how hot the stove was. Thanks Mom and Dad! ~

BanginBaxter's avatar

When they found out I was pregnant with my daughter..I was a senior in highschool. Or maybe it was when they found out I was going to marry her father..oh then I remember when my dad had to come and bail me out of jail because my ex husband had me arrested…my poor parents:) You know what though…they have unconditional love…but one time I threw a piece of paper at my ma and my dad threw me into my bedroom! The only problem was the door was shut so I went flying into a door. That’s how pissed off he was!

Grisaille's avatar

Got sent to juvi in high school.

Also crashed my pops’ Jeep into my neighbors’ new car. That was fun.

Judi's avatar

I just thought of a funny one. I was arguing with my mom in an adolescent, bratty furry, when she ran to the kitchen, crying and shaking. She pulled out a pill bottle from the cupboard and cried, “I n-n-need, m-my HORMONES!!”

Berserker's avatar

@Judi Lol nice. Kinda like telling a woman not to eat too much salt because it’s gonna affect her prostate. >_>

naivete's avatar

There are so many stories but there’s one that I’ll never forget. My brother is 5 years younger than me and my parents have grown his hair
out ever since he was born. It’s
a religious thing. Anyways,
when I was nine I decided that
I was fed up with my brothers
crappy hair-do so I took the
scissors and chopped his hair
off. He had enough to grab but
not enough for the turban (my parents are Sikhs). I knew I
was going to be in big trouble when my father got home so I ran to my friends house across the street. I was refusing to go home when my grandmother came to take me home. When my father came home I was hiding under the table but that didn’t stop his kicks and
punches. To this day he doesn’t know what anger management is.

Sikhism is supposed to preach peace but my parents rarely are at peace. I don’t have an answer for anyone who asks me what religion my family practices. Funny thing is, my dad took my brother himself to get his hair cut just three years ago. Hm.

DominicX's avatar

People always talk about how they got grounded every week or so, but it only happened once to me. It was the summer between junior and senior year of high school and there was school the next day and I didn’t have a key to the house, so someone had to let me in. My curfew was midnight by then and I stayed out an hour and a half late despite the fact that my mom called me and told me to come home, but I didn’t. My mom was very mad at me over the phone and was not happy when I got back. I was grounded for the weekend, the one and only time. It was totally fair; I was being a bitch. I remember whining on the phone in front of my friends, but trying to hide that I was arguing with my mom. I didn’t do anything else like that afterward.

chrisf2009's avatar

I was probably around the age of 10 when I was practicing my golf swing outside my house. Well it was a hot day and my hands were sweaty so I lost my grip on the club and it flew into my dads windshield on his truck. This was right before baseball practice and I didn’t say anything so my dad and I were riding down the road in his truck with a golf club sticking out the windshield. When we were five minutes from the ball fields, he asks, “Chris do you have anything to say to me?” Unfortunately the best I could come up with was “About what?” Well the whole practice he was beside the foul ball fense giving me the meanest look you’ll ever see. I was shaking the whole practice knowing the spanking I had coming!

Gossamer's avatar

oh I could tell a story it invovles a coniption fit, a hot wheels track and my arse….well what was left o f it anyway! ouch hurts just thinkin about it!

Silhouette's avatar

@Gossamer HAHAH I can relate I have PTSD related to a Slinky incident.

JesusWasAJewbot's avatar

When i was a teenager i picked up the habit of smoking weed like many other teens do. One day me and a buddy were toking it up in my bathroom, not expecting my dad to walk in when he did. We quickly flushed the roach, opened my windows and left my house as he walked into his room. Needless to say i got a call about it later, the friend could never come over again and my dad has been on my ass about smoking weed ever since.

I moved back to Miami when i was 21 (that happened when i was 17), only to find out my dad himself had been smoking weed, when i caught him he said “Oh you caught me, nothings wrong with it though”. I always thought that was messed up that all those years i got put down for being a stoner, my friends were called names because they smoked too, only to find out he was in the same boat.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

My parents were more or less continuously angry with me. Autism was unknown when I was a kid. My attempts to socialize with other children were total disasters; when I came to that realization and stopped trying, my parents considered that anti-social and tried to force me to socialize. I was simultaneously on the academic honor roll and under suspension for beating up a schoolyard bully. Only starting college at age 14 prevented me from being sent to reform school. The only thing I recall that my parents approved of was when I got my Army commission in 1978 at age 21.

Cruiser's avatar

I was 10 and my mom brought home some new pants for me to try on and see if they fit. I protested and threw a fit. Why? Don’t remember but what I do remember was the F bomb she dropped on me and how pissed she was at me. I tried them on right away!

laureth's avatar

This happened around the time that New Coke failed. My mom got mad at me for something (I don’t remember what it was, it was always something), and she sent me to the store to get her some cigarettes. (This was when they sold cigarettes to preteens, no questions asked.) Mom had been addicted to the old Coca Cola and had been jonesing for it. When I got to the store, I noticed that “Classic Coke” had been re-released, so I bought some with my own money and brought it home with the cigarettes. I thought she’d be so happy!

Not so much. Mom got totally mad at me all over again for thinking that buying Coke Classic was enough to make her happy. She thought I was trying to “bribe my way out of getting in trouble” and that was not going to fly in this house. So I was in trouble for whatever it was originally, plus in more trouble for trying to make her happy. Go figure.

And she wonders why I’m not her biggest fan.

jca's avatar

When i was 18 i had a job at the Reader’s Digest, in the mailroom. Got the job to buy a car before college. Job did not pay well but i bought the car. Interviewed for and got a new job two weeks before our family vacation. My parents found out i got a new job and they were very mad because they knew that no job would let me take vacation two weeks after starting, and they were not about to leave me home alone while they left on vacation.

that night, a friend of mine had an illegal handgun. He sometimes took it out, and that night he asked me to hold it for him (very stupid, i know). Did not think it was a big deal, as i was just going home, nowhere else. so i put it in my pocketbook and went home. When i got home, my parents were FUMING because they found out about the new job. My stepfather came over to me and ripped my pocketbook off my arm, to take the car keys as punishment (even though i paid for the car and it was registered in my name). He threw the pocketbook on the couch and the two of them were sitting on the couch while i stood in the middle of the living room explaining. On the couch, between my mom and my stepfather, were the contents of the pocketbook including the handgun. I could not let them see it because i don’t know what they would have done if they found out i had a gun. Call the police? make me admit where i got it from? i did not know and i did not want to find out. So i asked them if i could just have the contents of the pocketbook back, and i scooped it all up and hid the handgun in my bedroom closet. My knees were shaking i was so scared. The next day i gave the handgun back and learned a lesson about carrying other people’s guns for them.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Too many to count
ffs, the earliest memory I can recall is my parents getting mad at me!

buster's avatar

I am 28. When I was 16 I came home late one night super drunk. I woke my mother up bouncing off the walls going down the hallway to my room. My bed was a mattress in the floor. My mom was standing beside my bed chewing me out. I puked on my moms feet. She woke me up really early the next morning and apparently I had pissed myself in my sleep. I was hungover beyond belief. She made me drag my mattress outside scrub and hose it down. Then she made me go to Shoney’s which is a restaurant with a breakfast bar. I ordered a Sprite and sat with my head in my hands. She got the greasiest food on the bar. She made me watch her eat this greasy bacon and I had to run to the bathroom and vomit. I vomited three times during her meal. So I was talking to my mom a couple of years ago about that night and morning. I didn’t piss the bed. She poured a cold glass of water thinking it would wake me then just went with the whole, “Oh my god you nasty boy got drunk and pissed himself.” “Clean that mess up now!”

dutchbrossis's avatar

My dad is one of those people that gets mad at almost everything. One time I don’t even remember what he was mad at me about but we lived out in the country and it was nighttime and he kicked me out of the house. I was standing outside on the porch, I opened the door and asked if I could come in yet because I was freaked out and he said “NO”. So when I finally got to come in I went to sit on the couch and if i started to talk he would scream at me to SHUT UP. Then my friend Angel said something to the dog and he screamed at her to shut up because she was “trying to make me talk”.

Another time he was mad at me because I was doing the dishes and he wanted me to clean out the hot tub. I said okay as soon as I am done with these dishes, he freaked out and threatened to go grab the belt, I laughed at him. He didn’t, but he did spank me pretty hard about 3–4 times, I didn’t cry, I just laughed in his face saying ” yea right that didn’t hurt me ”. As much as it hurt me I didn’t want him to know that it did. He didn’t spank me very often, I have no clue what happened that time though. I hated it though, and have swore that I will NEVER lay a hand on my kids and won’t let anyone else, including my husband, who is against it as well.

xoxjessxox's avatar

Ohh this one always stands out! When I was 6 years old, me and my older sister (who was 8) were both in gymnastics. A family friends (who had 2 daughters: one my age, and one my sister’s age) would come pick us up and drive us to gymnastics, and in return, my mom (who is a teacher) would tutor her youngest daughter for an hour or so. One day, the family friend arrived at our house to drop off the younger daughter. She ran upstairs and waited for me to finish getting ready. After I was ready, we fooled around, running around and having fun, being 6 year olds. We usually did this every day before gymnastics and my mom would call up once or twice for me to get in the car so they could go. Well, this day we continued playing and playing to the point that my sister and the older sister were sitting in the car waiting for me and we were going to be late for gymnastics. My mum must of called up about fifteen times and I ignored her, until we heard the dreaded angry footsteps up the stairs. She pointed down the stairs and my friend ran down to the table they usually sat at, and my mom pointed me into her room. I remember begging and saying how sorry I was (sorry I had been so stupid!) and her ordering me to turn around until finally I complied. When I got into the car outside I had clearly just been crying. I was pretty sure everyone in the car knew of my fate, but when they asked what was wrong I just said nothing and stared out the window. One of the more painful memories… (emotionally AND physically, lol!)

Another story:

When I was about 5, my cousin (who is the same age as me) had a glow in the dark birthday party at the Glow in the Dark Minigolf centre, which I attended. This was at the end of either the Olympics Mens Hockey Game or World Cup, and there was a big crowd in the lobby watching the game on the TV. At the end of our mini golf, all of the adults were in the lobby intently watching the end of the game when the winning goal was scored and the crowd in the lobby went ecstatic. My parents cheered along with everyone, but after a minute or so realized that I was not with them. They started calling out my name and running around looking for me. This was the perfect environment for a kid to get taken in, you see: cheering crowd where no one will see or pay attention to a kid being taken, so they were very worried. Everyone in the lobby got on looking for me, to the point where the people working there were going to turn on the lights in the huge glow in the dark room inside. My mum was walking down a hallway all frantic when she heard 2 giggles coming from behind a coat rack. Looking behind, she saw me and my cousin hiding behind there: apparently, my cousin and I had decided to hide there and (being 5) had thought all of the adults running around and freaking out over me was funny. Her parents hadn’t been next to eachother at the time when everyone was looking for me, and had assumed that she was with the other one, so they never noticed her being gone. My mum was so relieved and angry at the time, I don’t know if she knew whether to hug me or hit me!

Some stories for you! Enjoy! :)

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