Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

What's fun about answering a question like "In how many states have you had sex?"?

Asked by Jeruba (56185points) December 31st, 2009

This question (it wasn’t mine) was pulled earlier tonight as a straight poll question. But in the very short time it was up, several of us were quick to answer: “four,” “five,” “three and one commonwealth,” more. One member pronounced the question “awesome.” I was busy counting when it got pulled, and really getting a kick out of thinking about it. What is the appeal of a question like this?

(I got to seventeen before I stopped counting.)

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49 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

Because we are experts about where we’ve had sex and we feel good about it?

I have no idea truly.

Sarcasm's avatar

To brag about how many unique screws you’ve had.
I mean, sure, anyone can have sex in the bedroom every day. Boo-ring. When you start talking about how you’ve done it with the missus in the garden, that’s when things are interesting.
States are just on a much larger scale.

It’s not fair for east coasters. You have so many states, and they’re all so small. Hell, I could stand in one state and have my whacker in at least 3 others on the east coast.

delirium's avatar


No, really. That’s it.

holden's avatar

One. Sadly.

Wait, you’re not actually asking?

jrpowell's avatar

I miss the days of this place actually helping people with problems. All this poll bullshit is annoying. Maybe it is time to find a place that is like Fluther used to be.

Jeruba's avatar

If you want to see questions from people who need help with problems, look in the “Orphans” section.

Haleth's avatar

People like talking about themselves and about sex. This question lets people talk about themselves having sex. That makes for a pretty popular question. I answered it.

faye's avatar

Wouldn’t have been a fun question,though?

HumourMe's avatar

We live in a society where sex is force fed to us and considered the ultimate ambition/purpose in life. It’s a culture that has been created where sexuality is praised and openly discussed in the media (TV, internet, magazines).

Decades ago it would have sparked outrage and was considered taboo to even mention the word sex on TV, but that’s all changed now and people can’t get enough of the subject. So it’s understandable that any question even remotely sex-related is going to get people interested and talking.

Sarcasm's avatar

Wish I got sex fed to me. That’d help me out a whole lot. Think of all the effort spent going out and finding it!

Violet's avatar

It was a good conversation topic, especially for those of us who are open about our sex lives. Some of us are not embarrassed, shy, or ashamed to talk about our sex lives.

Grisaille's avatar


The question was awesome.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

As if we should feel good about it? No way!

MacBean's avatar

I like questions like that because they make me think back on times that were interesting and fun.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I am like most of us interested in sex.

I could not care less about how many states you had sex in.
The same is true for models of cars your did it in.

It provides no insight, for me, into human behaviour.

Violet's avatar

@MacBean I totally agree. I get to think back on past vacations, so it’s not just about sex. It’s about travel and vacations.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land feel good about what? How many states we’ve had sex in?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Violet The whole idea of “keeping score” is repugnant to me. It is an act of love, not a sporting event. At least that’s the way this autistic asshole sees things.

Violet's avatar

@Sarcasm it’s not about keeping score, and the 2 people could be married.

Arisztid's avatar

@Symbeline Shhh… you are not supposed to talk about Rule 34.

Eh questions like that are just quick and easy fun things. I occasionally answer them when I am in the mood and they are entertaining enough. Usually they are not my preference.

They are questions that everyone can answer.

HumourMe's avatar

@Arisztid Everyone? Count me out.

Sarcasm's avatar

@Arisztid no no no, it’s Fight Club that you’re not supposed to talk about, not Rule 34.

DominicX's avatar

Probably because it’s not something you think about that often. That, combined with the fact that people are interested in sex. And it’s a chance for showing off and comparison, which humans love to do.

My answer is 2 by the way. California and Nevada. Nevada was the first place. I’m referring only to OS, by the way, guys, jeez.

Zen_Again's avatar

First of all, it’s sex.

Second of all, it’s a list.

Third of all, bragging rights.

That was the men’s reason for interest in that question. I could’ve stopped at just the word sex, actually.

What isn’t taken into account is that not everyone here is from the States. How many countries have you had sex in – now that would be an awesome question, eh?


PapaLeo's avatar

Countries? My list goes to 11.

Zen_Again's avatar

I rest my case.

Jadey's avatar

It’s a reallllly easy question to answer? Especially easy in my case since it is just one They also make you think of the good times perhaps =)

Pcrecords's avatar

States I’ve had sex in. Let’s see. Erm… Drunk, hungover, stone cold sober, bored, randy, nervous, and asleep.

Hope that helps.

PapaLeo's avatar

Good one, @Pcrecords. I was waiting for that one.

Seek's avatar

… To answer @Zen_Again

: two, the USA (two states within) and one tiny Caribbean nation off the coast of Venezuela.

Dog's avatar

If the guidelines allowed polls they would quickly dominate Fluther and those who prefer to have actual discussions, solve problems, seek knowledge would leave.

10 states, 3 Countries.

Cotton101's avatar

It was a fun question…why all the serious comments?

Okay, 25 states!

PapaLeo's avatar

@Cotton101 A Ramblin’ Man (or Woman)!!!

Cotton101's avatar

@PapaLeo Worked catastropes! Hurricane, earthquakes, tornados, hail storms, etc…lot of in and out of a suitcase. Retarded now…lol

PapaLeo's avatar

We live and learn, don’t we?

Cotton101's avatar

@PapaLeo ummm..learned a lot and glad to be living!

Jeruba's avatar

I didn’t even count countries or provinces.

In my case, my husband and I used to attend conferences held in many states, and I used to live in a part of the country where many small states are clustered together, so going out of state for the weekend was nothing major. A large number of states only means travel, not promiscuity! It was fun to reminisce.

Zen_Again's avatar

Okay my randy fluther friends, let’s increase Jeruba’s lurve and prolong this thread by widening the options: How many States/Countries (and thanks to @Pcrecords for reminding us of the other option for “states” – that was funny!) have you had sex in?

How many States/Countries have you had sex in with a different partner each time?

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

What a fun question (about fun stuff)! Beats the hell out of iPhone and facebook questions.

faye's avatar

So why was the original pulled?

Jeruba's avatar

@faye, Moderator @Dog explains here. I reframed the question as you see it, perhaps not entirely successfully, in an attempt to rescue a fun one from oblivion.

Darwin's avatar

So this is a fun question? I wasn’t sure. I thought maybe it was a complaint at first.

And I don’t really know the answer anyway.

Grisaille's avatar

I’d also like to give you a high five for 17.

Sarcasm's avatar

Is this like golf? Do I win for having 1?

Grisaille's avatar


Whenever you need a sex-to-sport analogy, it’s always baseball.

Arisztid's avatar

I took this question as asking why poll like questions get so many replies but not a complaint.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

All 50 states, baby

jonsblond's avatar

Not quite sure. I can say that when my husband and I first met, we had sex in 4 states within 3 days. Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland. That was a fun weekend!

Fred931's avatar

Because you know you can easily twist them into much more hilarious discussions.

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