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Jude's avatar

Are you a procrastinator? If so, what causes you to procrasinate?

Asked by Jude (32207points) December 31st, 2009

Why are you a procrastinator?

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35 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I am a professional procrastinator. Usually take a good tazering to get me moving on stuff that needs to get done. Why? I guess I am busy doing other things like sitting at my computer.

naivete's avatar

All the things that are better than the thing that I should be doing. In this case I should be sleeping but I’m on Fluther.

I’m a really good procrastinator.

Snarp's avatar

Yes. I’m too interested in too many things. When what I need to do is boring, or when it just becomes too frustrating, I procrastinate. Sometimes this is actually good, when a problem becomes too frustrating, sometimes it is good to put your brain on to something else and a solution will come to you. Right now though I’m just procrastinating because I have a terribly tedious and boring project I should be working on.

mrentropy's avatar

I’m gonna answer this, but later on.

delirium's avatar

Damn you, @mrentropy, I was totally going to say that!

But didn’t say it in time…..

lonelydragon's avatar

Sometimes, yes. I only do it if I’m not confident in my ability to perform the task at hand. I am a perfectionist, so if I don’t believe I can do something flawlessly, I balk at doing it. But I am getting better.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Oh yes! If I don’t want to do something I will put it off and put it off until I really have no choice. I don’t know why I am like this.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

No. I’m a type A & I want everything done yesterday, if not sooner. If I get it in my head to do something, I can’t stand it until it’s done. If we’re going somewhere, I want to be there now. It’s hard on my nerves, I’m sure. I don’t rest until things are done. I’m totally organized in everything I do. I sometimes drive myself crazy. I need to learn to take things slower, but I just can’t. When I go to bed, I run things over in my head making sure everything’s done for the day that I was going to do. I’ve literally gotten up out of bed to go some little thing that I’d forgotten. Ugh!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

My problem is that I’m too easily distracted by other things (like Fluther). If there’s something I need to do but don’t want to, and I ‘m around TV or the internet, it only adds to my procrastination.

philosopher's avatar

No I am a planner. My Husband is a procrastinator and it drives me insane. I can use help to motivate him .
I like to know what is next. Not knowing makes me nervous.
It was fun as a teen .

SuperMouse's avatar

I am the Queen of Procrastinationville. I can put things off with the best of them. I am not really sure why I procrastinate, all I know is that when I start something at the absolute last minute I am pretty good at pulling it out and making deadlines.

majorrich's avatar

I ponder that now and again, but meh! I’ll think about it later.

robaccus's avatar

er…not sure

curosity_killed_the_cat's avatar

yep. I like the suspense of doing something last minute

babygirlbubbles's avatar

I procrastinate for friends, parties, and just being lazy. Everything comes out okay in the end, but i think as my new years resolution, i should quit doing that…bad habit.

Pseudonym's avatar

I have many ways of procrastinating:

1. Internet
2. Internet
3. Internet
4. Hey, look- a clock! Let’s see, it’s 8:42 now, look, now it’s 8:43! I wonder when it’ll be 8:44!

5. Internet

In other words, everything is interesting except what I’m supposed to do, and if I get onto the internet, then check back in three hours.

sooz74's avatar

I can and do procrastinate almost all tasks at hand. It is always been something on my self-improvement list but, of course, the work I would need to put into changing such a habitual behaviour would require me to get a handle on the very thing I ‘m trying to overcome first. Seems like a lot of work! :) There are almost no limits to what I will put off and my method of distraction. Yesterday, I was procrastinating taking the dogs for their walk (the one thing I rarely put off) by instead deciding that I absolutely had to make a platypus screensaver for my computer. I have no particular love of platypuses (part of my procratination involved looking up lists of animals and then searching through random pics of the randomly selected animals) or designing screensaver, but convinced myself this task was far too important to put off doing. Its a little shameful :)

Narl's avatar

I procrastinate because I am LAZY… and I find that the most important things end up getting done, and the not so important things never really needed to be done.

Silhouette's avatar

I don’t procrastinate because I’m lazy. I want it done and off my list of things to do so I can lay around like a useless hound dog.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I don’t want to, but I always wind up doing it.

Silhouette's avatar

@ Mike_Hunt Love the username. It’s so Porky’s circa 1982!

tedibear's avatar

Yes, I’m a procrastinator. I have a little issue called fear of success.

Val123's avatar

@philosopher My husband procrastinates BADLY. Back in October I asked him to order an ink cartridge for my printer. I STILL don’t have it! He constantly forgets to remember to take whatever with him. I figured out early on, in my 20’s, that if I need to remember to take something with me, I need to put whatever in my purse or on top of my purse at the MOMENT I realize I need to take it with me. If I don’t, I WILL forget it. I don’t know why some people can never figure out that, really, they really aren’t going to remember and they need to do something about it!

StupidGirl's avatar

I only procrastinate when there’s no-one to do it for.

downtide's avatar

I’m definitely a procrastinator. Mainly it’s because I’ve never really had much sense of ambition. I’m just a lazy slob.

sweetteaindahouse's avatar

Well, if you really want to know what makes me procrastinate. I’ll tell you later.

daemonelson's avatar

@Pseudonym I’m gonna have to agree.

But an updated list would be:

1. Internet

2. Internet

3. 28 Solid hours of stumbleupon

4. WoW

5. Internet

6. Oooh, a clock!

7. Internet

(By now, a week has passed.)

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I have some tendencies to procrastinate due to anxiety over things about which I feel a lack of control.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I can’t procrastinate with any degree of comfort. Unfinished activities leave me in a state of unsettled anxiety.

libkay5's avatar

Procrastination is the “art” of keeping up with yesterday.
-Libkay 5:6…

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

I procrastinate with school work when I don’t understand it. I just put off doing the research. Other than that, i don’t procrastinate to much

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