Social Question

phoenyx's avatar

How do you and your significant other complement each other?

Asked by phoenyx (7419points) December 31st, 2009

A simple example: when my wife and I hold hands (fingers interlocked) she likes to have her index finger on the outside and I like to have my pinky on the outside; our different preferences make it nice.

I’m practically nocturnal and she’s a morning person which means I take care of the kids at night if there’s a problem and she gets them breakfast; the task divides nicely.

We talk about how opposites attract, but do they need to be the right kind of opposite? What if your SO were more like you? Less like you?

(This question could mean physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc.)

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22 Answers

scotsbloke's avatar

I tell my wife she looks great, she tells me to shut the hell up and get the housework done! it works too.
I tell her her bum doesnt look big in that, she tell me to mop up my bloody nose!

But in all honesty, we keep a line of honest communication open at all times, even if we are feeling crappy, We hold hands, I kiss her goodnight every night, even if we’ve both had a bad day, I make sure she feels special and I make sure to include her in 95% of all decisions needing made.
We are very different, but do like the same music and are both kinda old-farty. That helps to make a peaceful house.
(and I AM the house-husband, do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, she works 2 jobs to keep me in the manner I’m accustomed to (yea right lol)). We rarely argue or fight, It’s all good actually.
I treat her the way I want to be treated, It works for us and 16 years together is a good indicator I think.

SuperMouse's avatar

I walk and he rolls. (Sorry Baby, it was too easy to pass up). I have no skills in money management, he is great at it and is incredibly frugal. I think with my heart, he is more logical. I tend to be rather goofy and he skews toward seriousness.

HasntBeen's avatar

We compete to see who can produce the most backhanded form of “I love you”, e.g.:

She: “I love you more than rusted nails”

Me: “I love you more than people who love rusted nails”

She: “I love you more than the people who murder the people who love rusted nails”

… and so forth. This can go on indefinitely, as there is an infinite number of variations of things you can love your mate more than.

marinelife's avatar

I can get emotional about stuff while my significant other remains calm. That means he spends some time talking me down on occasion.

I am quick to react to things and he is slow to react. That translates into me noticing stuff is about to happen before he does.

phoenyx's avatar

complement – counterpart; different pieces that make something complete, rounds out, compensates for lack of in something else

Silhouette's avatar

He is very shy, I am not. He is very logic driven, I’m more instinct driven. He gets very quiet when crabby, I bitch like a fishwife. He tries hard, I try soft, it used to be the other way around on this one.

Facade's avatar

He’s a man; I’m a woman. That is especially useful during sex. :)

Cotton101's avatar

Oh yes, you just have to memorize this sentence! “You are right dear!”

bunnygrl's avatar

Hubby is amazingly calm, all the time. I get upset, and cry very easily. He makes me feel safe. I know it must be something to do with my breakdown, but I still get very fearful, sometimes I don’t even know what of. As I said I cry quite a lot, and when I do hubby hugs me and strokes my hair and whatever it is doesn’t seem so bad anymore. I wouldn’t still be in the world if it weren’t for him, thats a fact.
hugs all xx

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I suppose opposites can attract and similars can attract… Sometimes it doesn’t work out… for example.. my wife loves garlic.. she puts it on damn near everything.. and I hate the stuff.. she continues to make things with garlic in them knowing I don’t like the stuff..

she likes a Thai food place and I think it’s just meh… but whenever she orders food it’s always that place.. knowing I don’t like it… lol

DominicX's avatar

The main complement is that he is more shy and quiet than I am. I wouldn’t say that he is “introverted”, because he doesn’t prefer being alone, he can be quite outgoing when the time calls for it, he’s just more shy and quiet to begin with and that’s just the way he’s always been.

He has a more relaxed attitude in general. I let things like school work stress me out quite a bit. He is more calm, I’ve never seen him angry or cry. I’ve seen him sad and I’ve seen him pissed off, but nothing in either extreme. I tend to be more emotional.

We’re definitely not “opposites” by any means. People think we freakin’ look the same. My calculus teacher called me “Rory” once and this kid in his web design class thought he was me. Sheesh. We also share a lot of the same interests and we have similar views on issues. He even admitted to me that throughout high school, he got a lot of his clothing ideas from me (this was way before we were going out). I honestly had no idea. I thought that was awesomely adorable. :)

Cotton101's avatar

oh well, my answer did not answer the question, but it is funny…for those that like to laugh!

knitfroggy's avatar

My husband is very laid back while I’m kind of high strung. He doesn’t let things worry him too much and I worry enough for three people.

He is very quiet, doesn’t have a lot to say. I’m a chatterbox tjhat could talk for days. So that works out nicely.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

He’s got a great poker face while I have none. He’s also more charming than I & has the great legs and ass.

jerv's avatar

I have knowledge, she has common sense and the ability to deal with people.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

We were like symbiosis. We each had what the other lacked and worked together as a finely tuned instrument. All gone now.

phil196662's avatar

love for food, health and outdoor things to do…

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@HasntBeen haha we do something like that too
I say I love him more than tango and Chocolate Chocolate Chip ice cream
he says he loves me more than guitar and coffee

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

My husband functions best in the morning and I function best at night – together we’re an unstoppable parenting machine 24/7…he is the musician and singer, I’m the dancer and yogini – together we have a really great appreciation for all things artistic…I get things started, he is the follower-through…I speak of concepts, he builds and breaks down…

Personality wise, he’s way calmer than I am…there is a quiet fire within him and it comes our rarely and with certain subjects…in me, the fire never stops…except for him…he is the only one that can get me to slow down…he calls me his intensity and I call him my serenity…together we’re all the seasons, all the elements, all the forces…

I am Russian with my own superstitions and he’s from the Midwest with many American-y things…I don’t know how to explain it…sometimes it really is a meeting of the cultures…but we transcend all that…we can transcend anything together…in each other we find an equal, get inspired by each other’s minds and bodies…his passions are with environmentalism, vegetarianism, globalization…mine are with culture, sexuality, gender politics…we’re activists, atheists, readers together…

YARNLADY's avatar

We both have the same attitude about a frugal lifestyle, how to raise children, the importance of family and sharing. Neither of us is the clingy, joined-at-the-hip type. Neither of us holds to a religious belief, yet feel very strongly about living an ethical life. We are both equally clueless about things like fashion and fads, and enjoy a similar sense of humor. We are both very interested in philosophy and the evolution of a social conscience.

rottenit's avatar

Wife Smart
Me Dumb

Ahhh Zen

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land: like Soundwave and Megatron when Megatron transforms into the handgun :)

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