Will there be any fluther gatherings?
After a time, when youtube took off, people started having youtube gatherings and meeting each other in real life. Do you suppose this could happen with fluther? Has it already happened? Did I miss it? XD
When should we do a fluther gathering in Colorado Springs? =D
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84 Answers
Some individuals from Fluther have already gotten together on their own time. It’s not unusual.
It’s difficult to plan an official Fluther meet up though.
Edit: @laureth, thanks for linking to that. I was totally sober when I wrote that answer. =\
Of course. That’s what a fluther is, a gathering of jellies.
Count me out…from the way they interact and a certain lack of humor, would not be much fun!
@Cotton101: “they”?!? Aren’t you a jelly?
Do you often insult the people you spend time with?
@cprevite just the truth my friend…if you cannot stand the truth, don’t watch “Cat On A Hot Tin Roof!” Hud and daddy were a hoot!
Beside he asked the question and my answer was not directed at the person who asked the question..just the way I see things here!
@NaturalMineralWater I’m all about Colorado Springs, that’s the closest gathering to me that I’ve heard proposed. But, somebody is definitely going to have to make name tags with our avatars on them so we know who everyone is.
I don’t think we could handle the disappointment of seeing and hearing how ordinary most of us are in comparison with our online presences. Afterward we’d come back here and be tongue-tied.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities haha.. awesome.. you’re right.. we wouldn’t recognize anyone.. unless of course.. you are… Jeff Goldblum…. lol .. lurve for giving a positive answer… haven’t gotten many so far. XD
@Jeruba I’m not that unsure of myself. XD In fact, I’m sure I’m far more entertaining in person than here.. because when I talk, I don’t have to spell or use grammar.. two things which I’m loathe to perfect.
@cprevite Beside, who is spending time together here? Seems to most of my AB friends, and most have left this site, that only longtime Fluther members only socialize with each other. As Daddy said in a “Cat On A Hot Tin Roof,” “Hud do you smell an air of audacity here?”
I probably would if it were a local gathering. I’m too poor and lazy to travel to the international convention. :)
@Cotton101 You surely love that book. It’s the only reference you have. Who have you been hanging around?
Colorado springs is not that far from where I live, so there’s a chance of me going (if there is one).
I would like to meet Jellies here and there but crowds really freak me out- even if they are awesome people with a great sense of humor.
@Cotton101: I don’t agree with that at all. I interact with and enjoy jellies of all stripes, including some former AnswerBag folks.
I frankly, don’t care where you came from – only how you act now that you’re here.
Well that settles it then. We’re doing a Colorado Springs / Denver fluther gathering at a date TBD .. lol…
Come to Florida! You are all welcome. :-)
I’ll stick the kettle on if you all wanna pop over to Scotland for a cuppa?
@cprevite sorry and that would be your perception. Most of us don’t feel that way. Most of us feel like orphans looking for a home.
Got to go…have a great day cprevite..you seem like a very nice person!
Denver is too far away. Maybe we can have three gatherings and skype them all together.
Or we can just stay home and log on to Fluther.
@cotton101: Why cite Big Daddy? His part, as written, is an insensitive, domineering, and egomaniacal man.
In any community, the individual has to do a little conforming or else find a more compatible community. I think, for example, of my trying to play alto sax with a jazz combo. I wouldn’t blame the musicians for my lack of musical skills, would I?
@gailcalled think it made my point!
Oh, more compatible community..I get it!
Rest my case your honor!
we should have it in Canada, we can rent a Tim Hortons…
just not during winter if you don’t like snow
@cyndihugs uh, personal attacks will get you lots of lurves here!
lol, lots of reallly good cookies
Hurry up Dog…i got “rat killing” to do! loll
@gailcalled Oh, know you got skills! Was told about your people skills! Thank you the kind answer!
@Cotton101 funny- I was out on the roof taking down the seasonal decor and forgot I was going to type.
If there was a gathering it would be awesome to stream it.
@Dog LOLL…think we have plenty of steam already my friend!
@Dog I like the streaming idea. That way people who aren’t comfy in crowds can still feel like they’re part of it. There could be terminals set up to chat with people who are at home. or hiding in the hotel room.
Fluthering at a Fluther get together?
you know your addicted when…
That would be fun,Damnit! ;)
@cprevite oh, btw, gave you a lurve for your answer about insulting people that you spend time with…good answer!
i would love to meet the people that i have interacted with on this site if anyone is ever in the n.y.c tri state area or traveling up I 95 look me up i live 5 min off i 95
GQ @NaturalMineralWater and I love the idea of name tags with our avatars on them.
I look forward to meeting @Jeruba * sigh* and I know I won’t be disappointed at all. I know what AstroChuck and many others look like, especially old friends from wis.dm and those who have posted their pictures in the past. Besides, pictures and looks mean little to me as I don’t see that well anyway – it’s the personalities.
Would love to meet the brilliant founders of fluther, and some of my friends who live so far away like Matt, pd, rooeyy, markyy and too many others to mention by name (am I in trouble now?)
I’ve always been curious about the blondes and johnpowell, daloon and pandoraboxx.
Those who have written negative things remind me of the oft quoted Groucho Marxism: I wouldn’t join a club that would have me as a member.
Bah Humbug!
If I was about 5000 miles closer I’d meet up with you guys in a sec.
Oh, and my avatar and I pose a striking resemblance.
@Cotton101 Aww common cotton we can get together and shoot the shit about our dogs, besides you got enough humor to go around.
@tyrantxseries Do they still have Felix and Norton cookies? They were yum!
I might show up to a gathering, but I’d pretend to be someone else, so you won’t know if I did. Unless, of course, you figured it out.
I think we should have Tim, Ben, and Andrew travel the country in the fluthermobile, setting up local meetups, and making good on their guacamole offer.
I’ll tell people I’m you then. :)
@Cotton101 Count me out…from the way they interact and a certain lack of humor, would not be much fun!
Actually we interact in a lot of different ways, for example, through the chatroom, skype, and other sites. You need to be more friendly and not be so ignorant.
We use the ”~” if you’re being sarcastic.
@Zen_Again well, noticed your remark…brought back a good Groucho remark..you have been here a longtime…but, anyway…forget that..here is the joke!
During his stint as a comedian in a show called “You Bet Your
Life,” Groucho interviewed many participants. On one occasion he
interviewed a Mrs. Story, who had given birth to twenty-two children.
“I love my husband,” Mrs. Story said enthusiastically.
“I like my cigar too, ” said Groucho, “but I take it out once in
a while.”
@phoenyx Loves it! I hadn’t seen that post! Fluthermobile is such an amazing idea – I think Bendrewim should travel the country in one – then maybe get Branson to sponsor a plane to travel here and in Europe – ultimately sending them into space on the next tourist trip there.
@cyndihugs arrogant arrogant arrogant….far from it. If someone expresses their true feelings, that is not arrogance!
If it happens, maybe on a beach somewhere in the sun, with a free Barbecue and some sangrias and some beautiful girls playing Volleyball or beach ball or just sunning it up – hey maybe a nude beach? (cannie be sexist – the guys can be playing too – just for the girlies!)......, well count me out, I hate sangrias!
see what i did there….
@Zen_Again not sure what kind they make, still really good
@tyrantxseries thank you, but not necessary! I’m a big old boy with wide shoulders! Keep it coming!
I’m surprised to get so many negative comments about the idea of it actually happening. XD People just want to see each other’s text and that’s it? Are we that close knit of a jelly family? It’s like that?!
@NaturalMineralWater sometimes, it takes negative stuff to create a much stronger positive. The power of expression is a marvelous thing!
we can hand out those foam baseball bats to people when they arrive, that should help tension, lol
How about we do it but like a “Secret Santa” we all switch names for the night? That would be freaking hilarious! I think I would go if I could be someone else. ;)
@tyrantxseries At this point I’m afraid someone would slip in a louisville slugger.. XD
Ok, got my “ears pinned to the wall,” knew that when those comments were made. Been here for sometime and after today, feel much better. Some of the stuff was deserved, some not….anyway, be happy and have a great New Years!
@Cotton101 Perhaps you should spend more than 20 days here before you make such judgements.
oh, btw, think that gathering would be lots of fun!
Thank you Joe, but been here more than 20 days, I think…but, if not, you would be correct!
This is a great idea. Maybe it could be an annual convention held in different places so everyone can make it some time. We could have one in Colorado Springs, one in Portland, and one in my backyard. :)
@Cotton101 Yeah they’re friendly goddamn it! LOL Actually, most of them are great there are only a few turds in the punch bowl but you can just float them out of the way. Cheers cotton!
@Silhouette Now who the hell are you calling friendly?!? Huh? Huh?
@phoenyx is perfectly capable of being me at any one of these gatherings. I fully expect him not to survive.
There’s only one person I want to gather with. But you won’t find her on fluther, so it really doesn’t mean much to anyone else.
@Silhouette girl, you are a total hoot! Love ya and Happy New Years..got to run!
@daloon I like all of you, even the turds I’ve run into are fun.
@Cotton101 You have a nice night!
@daloon—Hey, what about what you promised me… when we get together…
I’ll PM you
So will there be pancakes at the convention?
@Dog I love the Secret Santa idea. Now, who to be, who to be…?
Toronto, guys. Seriously. If you’re ever here, I’m all for a mini-meet-up.
I hear Andrew shows up here sometimes ;)
@daloon How do you really know she’s not on Fluther?? ;)
Milo here: I will be the only fluther who lives up to all expectations; additionally, I play a mean jazz alto sax ( compared to the tone-deaf and butterfingered person who takes care of me). I will be prepared, to autograph 8 X 10 glossies of me.
Sure, I’ll be back in the Springs in March. Hope you don’t expect us all to come party on base, though, that’s a pain. We should all go over to Garden of the Gods, do some sunrise hiking. Or, ever been to Front Range Barbeque? Its over near Manitou; good times. Or we could play some pool at Phantom Canyon. But whatever, as long as Fat Tire is involved.
oh fluther is so cute. I’m so glad I joined. If we all get together, we have to have a question and answer period
The hard part is getting the word out. I have arranged to have a Fluther Gathering in April here in Northern California, and have been planning it since October. I have set up a Yahoo group for people who want to attend, with updates as they become available. I visited several motels in San Francisco this week, and will be evaluating them through the next couple of weeks.
Hey, there are all kindsa pancakes in Vegas! ;)
@cyndihugs Actually we interact in a lot of different ways, for example, through the chatroom, skype, and other sites. You need to be more friendly and not be so ignorant.
We use the ”~” if you’re being sarcastic.
Glad we talked about this comment Cyndi in the comment section. But, still don’t understand why someone would be called ignorant and all the other stuff I was called on this question because I expressed my true feeling about this site. (have to get this off my chest) If I had to do over again, would say the same thing. My AB friends feel the same way. When you come to someone’s home, you either feel welcomed or not welcomed. We came to your home…did we not??? Everyone here knows what I’m talking about. We AB’s have never felt welcomed here. Only one Fluther member welcomed me in the beginning. Go ahead and take your shots, have your fun, called Cotton ignorant, etc….that is cool. Have not lost any sleep over it. For the kind remarks made on this quession and those that made welcoming remarks in the private comment section of the site after this question, thank you very much!!!!!
@Cotton101 You guys never felt welcomed? But, but…we had the banner up. And the chatroom. And I welcomed several of you folks on threads and via PM, and added people who seemed interesting to my fluther right away…and I know I was not alone in such actions…now I’m a sad potato :(
At any rate, welcome to fluther! Hope you stay!
~ ~ ~ when I joined no one welcomed me or put up a banner or opened a chatroom :( I don’t feel welcome anymore boo-hoo sob, I find this site cold and heartless now sob snf ~ ~ ~
LET’S ALL MEET AT TIMES SQUARE FOR THE NEXT MILLENIUM – Midnight, Times Sqare New York – 3000. Be there or be…
The April 2010 Fluther Gathering in San Francisco is very close to being confirmed. Contact Yarnlady at the address in my profile for more information.
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