Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

What do you think about this list of 10 reasons to date an older man?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) December 31st, 2009

This is fairly comical, and kind of accurate in my opinion, but I’m not an older man so what do you guys think?

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19 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

I think it should become mandatory reading throughout the Western World for all women aged 40 and younger.

SeventhSense's avatar

Yes all true but they forgot staying power.
I pity these young pups

scotsbloke's avatar

most of it makes sense. as a young (42 year old) guy I’d go with that list…....... it does’nt address other points though

- he rocks your world
– you love him
– he has loads of money
– he wants a trophy girlfriend
– he’s your maths teacher

Plus, it doesnt say how old the girl is….......... that would be important.
But, as a general / comical list – I’d agree…........

Oh, and yea, the staying power thingy too. lol

Blackberry's avatar

@scotsbloke Lol @ he’s your math teacher.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

The oldest man I dated was 39 and he was nothing like this. Most of the men I see around confirmed over 30 are in horrible shape, have no hair and have little ambition- from their gossip I also gather they have horrible disappointing sex. blah.

Allie's avatar

I don’t need reasons to date anyone. If I like them, I’ll date them. I’ve met younger men who are mature and who take care of themselves very well. I also know older men who have no desire to get out and do things for themselves. For me, it’s case by case.
A few days ago I went out with a 27 year old (not old, but older than me) and for most of the date he talked about sports like an 11 year old baseball fan. Not. My. Thing. So that was that.
My ex on the other hand was only a couple years older than me, but he had his own place, a nice job, we went out to dinners and took weekend trips here and there.
Personally, I don’t care how old a guy is (given that he’s not too much older) as long as he’s a man and doesn’t act like he’s ten. I want to date him, not mother him.

laureth's avatar

My husband is 47 (we have a ten-year age difference). I’d say they’re all true, except for me being the cute one. He’s better looking than I am! :D

I don’t know how I scored someone so awesome. But I’m not asking questions.

scotsbloke's avatar

That description (little ambition, horrible shape) likely applies to lots of young ladies too. A lot of guys over 40 have little ambition because they are where they wanna be or know thier limitations at least and accept them.
A young girl who dates older men would doubtless see past baldness, or a little extra weight unless she was a little shallow and was after something specific?

@Allie – I like your attitude! Age isnt a barrier to love – once you get past the numbers, see the person.

(end of the year and we are being profound? wow)

Jeruba's avatar

It’s probably a great description of that one man.

rooeytoo's avatar

Was probably written by a dirty old man, hehehe.

I once dated a man who was 20 years older (I was 52 he was 72). He was an attractive man, very fit, well educated, but jeeez he was old. I wanted to play tennis, golf was his choice (with a cart of course, he had one that looked like a cadillac) I wanted to fish, he was worried about too much sun on his melanomas. I always drove after dark, his night vision was not good.

It wasn’t a great situation. I think it is better to stick with someone closer to your own age.

chyna's avatar

I still prefer younger.

SeventhSense's avatar

We need to clarify. Perhaps a chart is in order.

20–30 youngster
30–40 breeders
40–50 prime
50–60 mature
70–80 getting on
80–90 well done

I trust that clears things up. :)

chyna's avatar

@SeventhSense Funny how 40–50 is bolded prime.

SeventhSense's avatar

Huh..that’s true…funny coincidence I guess.

sndfreQ's avatar

This is not that uncommon in Latin American countries. Here in the states I find it kind if creepy, not to mention that my mom remarried when she was 27 to a 55-year old man and she regretted it. Much incompatibility and a feeling of losing her youth.

Of course it’s all good for the man, but not so much for women (at least not all it’s cracked up to be)...she was married to him for 23 years and as the years wore on all he wanted to do was sleep and watch TV, and this made her miserable.

Darwin's avatar

I married an older man, and things were great for about 10 years. But I would have to take issue with the last “reason”:

“He is going to be this rad forever: Some peeps just lose their lust for life at a certain age, but your dude has still got it! He can not only keep up with your young butt, but he piques your interest. You know for sure that time doesn’t slow him down. He’s always willing to try new things. He’s not going to turn into some couch potato all of a sudden. In another 20 years, he’ll still be l-i-v-i-n’.”

My husband developed heart trouble at 57, and has since developed a number of other health problems that make it seem as if I am living with someone in his 80’s, not someone in his 60’s. Time slows everyone down eventually.

However, I don’t regret marrying him – he was the right guy for me and I still see flashes of the man I married. We are quite compatible in many ways, even if he does tend to sleep a lot.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Why most women should date a younger guy:

1. He remembers where he left his car keys.
2. He can introduce you to cool music (like “The Killers”).
3. He is usually ripped…older men are too, but it is usually in the trousers and you have to mend them while he watches football.
4. He was usually raised by a single mother, so he happens to actually like
self-sufficient women.
5. Sex is something he does with you in bed…not at the computer watching “Wanda Wigglesworth” in a pair of torn boxers while listening to “The Best of Flock of Seagulls.”
6. He actually doesn’t mind cooking, cleaning up and helping around the house. Basically, you don’t get Mr. Cleaver putting his feet up on his easy chair while Mrs Cleaver prepares dinner in her pearls….without perspiring one drop.
7. He is more flexible….interpret that in every way possible.
8. He may not always pick up the tab, put he has no problems with picking up his dirty socks and laundering them himself.
9. He thinks you are the sexiest woman he ever met…thankfully, he doesn’t have that many to compare you with.
10.He can get into the movies at half-price on Tuesdays and every other Thursday.

I think that the article was totally romanticized….most older men from my experience, are happy to sit on the sofa, drink a beer and pass out every night. You are lucky to get a bouguet of flowers from Tesco once a year. I am sure there are fab men out there, but even Michael Douglas looks exhausted trying to keep up with his wife. He definitely looks like a big snoozer.

I think it was easier when a couple married, they were near the same age and they grew older gracefully and together….no botox, yoga, lipo and divorce.

Not so today…’s a whole new ball game.

SeventhSense's avatar

Ah the follies of youth.

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