Many of those are a bit obnoxious.
However, as an iPhone user I would hate to have to type out the entire word every single time I’m speaking about a particular App. To me it’s a very logical abbreviation. What’s the matter with that ? I mean, it’s not as if they are going away any time soon. Now numerous other companies also have App stores. Using the complete word every time is just needlessly pretentious. Everyone understands what it means. It’s not as if it gets confused with anything else. So I predict that one as a keeper.
I don’t even use this service, but should tweet be replaced by twitted as a verb. Which is worse ? I mean, you have to be able to call it SOMETHING, right ?
So I’m curious what others thoughts are on this. Should it be “I tweeted twice today” OR ” I twittered twice today” OR ” I posted messages on Twitter twice today” OR do you have an alternate nominee.
If one is going to carp about a certain word I think the least they can do is provide a logical alternative. Just banning “tweet” does nothing unless one also wants to put Twitter out of business.
And just for House fans, what else would be more fitting to describe the deep friendship between House and Wilson than “bromance”.
I mean, you couldn’t rightfully use the execrable “Hilson” since they aren’t lovers. But they are significantly more than just colleagues.
I’m assuming all House fans picked up on Wilson’s comment toward the end of the last episode. “She hurt you. She must be punished.”
If that ain’t true bromance I don’t know what is :)
You House fans have any
better word ?
Anyhow, those are my little musings, such as they are.
What say you?