How guilty have you felt?
Funny question, I suppose, for a new year. Perhaps it is worth looking back as well as forward.
I’m wondering how heavy guilt has weighed upon you? What did if feel like? If you care to talk about it, what did you do that made you feel this guilt? What consequences resulted or what did you do to deal with the guilt? Do you keep a guilty secret to yourself? Confess? What? Are there some guilts that you think can never be removed?
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15 Answers
I felt as though I have not gotten things done as much as I should have….I need to change things this year, no BS.
I tend to feel guilty about everything I possibly can. It can be anything from someone else having a bad day to world hunger. You name it, I can probably feel guilty about it.
My strongest feeling of guilt has been due to:
– not wanting to give what I assumed someone else wanted/needed
– wanting to give what I assumed someone else didn’t want/need
It’s not easy to let go of this, but it is possible with a lot of reinforcement of what you can and can not take responsibility for.
I feel guilty when I pass a street person.
Guilt is something that I often feel, sometimes when I don’t need to. I sometimes feel as though I am responsible for every living thing on the planet . . . I suppose that’s just my ego. Whatever it is, it weighs quite heavily on me at times, because I feel that I should be doing something more worthwhile with my semi-affluent existence than just play internets all day.
Sadly for the world, my laziness is far greater than any guilt I feel by not doing anything.
Feelings of guilt over occupying space and consuming oxygen.
Fact from fiction, truth from ditcion. The only thing I partially felt guilty of is not using time more efficiently or my resources, the second one…...well that is a secret.
I have felt crushing guilt and the worst of those episodes of guilt usually center around those times when I didn’t meet my own standards rather than having not met the standards of others. I guess I am my own travel agent for the “guilt trip”.
I don’t feel guilty very often. More just pervasive shame. When I do feel guilty, it doesn’t feel like much – just like forgetting, mostly, because I repress the memory of the act that made me feel guilty. This year I haven’t felt guilty, because I don’t think I’ve done anything I consider wrong. If I have, then I don’t remember it – this whole repression thing works pretty well until it bursts out in the form of neuroses.
I think that guilts that can never be removed are the ones you cannot bring yourself to ask forgiveness for, and the ones that are by their very nature ineradicable. The latter are the ones that stem from an action which, after you perform it, you can never again be the same person you were before you did it because you have violated a fundamental self-concept – you have torn apart something that you believe in so deeply, it is part of what makes you, you. I have no experience with this sort of guilt; I take my words from Rorty. The example he uses to illustrate this is Winston and O’Brien in 1984 – Winston was broken by the rats because he said “Do it to Julia!” to keep O’Brien from letting them eat his face. And after he had given Julia to the rats, he could no longer be Winston, because Winston was the person who loved Julia.
Good question for the new year, I think – this is why we Jews have Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) 10 days after Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year).
I feel really guilty about making my husband give up his dog. I didn’t force him, but I really gave him no other option. And then the family put the dog down soon after getting him, and it completely devastated my husband and me. I still feel extremely guilty, because I thought it would be the best for the dog and the family seemed like a great family (we met them, and talked online for a while). I still think about it and it’s definitely something I will never forgive myself for, and I completely regret it.
To answer the rest…I’ve never really talked to my husband about it. It was quite traumatic for everyone when it happened, as we were trying desperately to get the dog back and they had just put him down right away. It was terrible. I know my husband doesn’t like talking about what happened, he still misses the dog a lot, so I don’t want to upset him. But I have expressed my apologies to him about it, but we haven’t talked about it specifically in a while.
I don’t feel guilty often either. It’s very rare for me. Maybe that means I’m cold, but I’d take that over chronic guilt any day.
Like @wildpotato, when I feel guilt, it is like forgetting, because I try and repress the memory of what happened to make me feel guilty.
I haven’t felt much guilt this past year. Since I can’t seem to remember anything, I doubt that it was very strong.
I felt guilty when I did sexual stuff with a guy in London when I was engaged to my then fiancee. The guilt coincided with my panic attacks due to quitting Paxil cold turkey. It was not a good time.
A shrink told me once to treat people in such a fashion so that I will not feel guilty when they die. That works not only with people but with situations as well. That was a long time ago and I really haven’t felt guilt since then.
I also had to learn that it is no use feeling guilty about things over which I have no control, like street people. I had to come to realize that I could give every cent I had or made to help this situation and it would not make a difference. I try to help one on one. I will buy a street person food if they ask me for money. That is the best I can do.
not enough to lose sleep, quilt is overrated.
I feel guilt constantly,so I often am kept awake nights thinking about what I could have done instead of what I did do.
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