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LanceVance's avatar

ITunes library is gone, how to use back-up?

Asked by LanceVance (650points) January 1st, 2010

So it’s New Year afternoon, I woke up to see my iTunes library empty. Quick glance in iTunes Music folder tells me that .xml and .itl files have been modified, their filesize being 0 bytes. I do have an old .xml backup but do not know how to use it. Any help, please?

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8 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

Chose Files—-> Add Folder to Library, and then click on the highest folder in your music directory hierarchy, and it will rebuild your library.

Axemusica's avatar

Remove the current existing folder.

Copy back up on to computer. If you’d like under music folder

…and then what @pdworkin said.

@pdworkin bahh you beat me, lol.

jaytkay's avatar

Add Folder does not restore playlists, in case that matters.

Choose File > Library > Import Playlist
Navigate to the iTunes Music Library.xml file

Re-creating the iTunes Library file

LanceVance's avatar

@pdworkin, kind of don’t like the idea because I don’t want all my music in the libraray, many files are duplicates, aren’t properly tagged, etc.

@jaytkay, tried that but did not import my music, only playlists.

But i have figured it out, apparently there was some .tmp file in the iTunes music folder and its size was similar to the size of the backup .xml file. I imported it and now my library is back. Hooray. Thanks and happy new year :)

XOIIO's avatar

One time I had to delete itunes, and when I reinstalled it it came back by itself.

POO123READ's avatar

Listen to the radio

POO123READ's avatar


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