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skfinkel's avatar

If this isn't enough to get you off "hamburger", what could?

Asked by skfinkel (13542points) January 1st, 2010

Not all chopped meat, but enough uses this stuff.

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31 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

@skfinkel: That is why your relatives in the Berkshires haven’t eaten hamburger in years.
Happy New Year.

Kayak8's avatar

Worked for me!!!! Thanks for sharing this on New Year’s day. That will help me keep my resolution to avoid fast food restaurants this year!

LeotCol's avatar

It’ll put me off beef products until I’m hungry passing a McDonalds or Burger King.

mrentropy's avatar

Call me old fashioned, but I really don’t want to deal with big companies for food anymore. I’d really like to be able to buy meats and produce locally without having it been shipped all over the country and packed full of preservatives.

laureth's avatar

I buy my ground beef from the guy at the farmer’s market. The cattle (and bison) are grass-fed, and he actually knows each of their names before they’re my dinner. I’ve never had a problem with his ground beef, or any of the other products from the farmer’s market.

It’s not just bad meat – it’s bad people.

Buttonstc's avatar

I was never a big fan of hamburgers from McDs or any of the others to begin with. But way back when Oprah did that program on beef which prompted the lawsuit against her, it solidified my resolve to never eat another fast food burger.

Reading this, I’m so happy I stuck to that resolve. I’ve occasionally had some of the fries but never the hamburger.

I got a chuckle when they said in the article that they’re allowed to call the ammonia a processing agent rather than an ingredient so it doesn’t have to be listed on the label. Indeed.

How many people would be lining up eagerly for their daily helping of ammonia——-yummo!

dpworkin's avatar

I buy slabs of chuck and grind it myself. Tastes great.

AstroChuck's avatar

You’ve convinced me. Oh, wait. I already don’t eat meat.
If that link didn’t do it for everyone then read Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser and see if that will sway you.

gailcalled's avatar

@pdworkin: “Slabs of chuck”. That sounds like a gustatory treat. (Note who’s just penned a quip.)

Or see the documentary, Food, Inc.

AstroChuck's avatar

Slabs of chuck. You know I don’t like the sound of that. :-)

smashbox's avatar

Thanks for reminding me, why I don’t eat hamburgers made out of ground beef, or anything that is ground beef!

Narl's avatar

Oh my. I’m giving up meat. It’s all so disgusting.

jerri_sones's avatar

I don’t eat at fast food restaurants or buy anything but organic meats, and that is the reason.

casheroo's avatar

Ugh. I so need to become a vegetarian

dpworkin's avatar

@casheroo No, you just need to shop at a good butcher.

rooeytoo's avatar

@I’m with @pdworkin on this one. I always grind my own beef, chicken, turkey. I won’t buy it already ground from anyone.

I dislike buying meat from any supermarket or a source where I don’t know how it was raised and killed.

Where it is wrapped in butcher paper, not plastic!

casheroo's avatar

@pdworkin Not everyone can afford that option though.

dpworkin's avatar

let them eat cake

janbb's avatar

Off with his head.

gailcalled's avatar

Jam yesterday and jam tomorrow;

SuperMouse's avatar

After reading Fast Food Nation and Skinny Bitch and watching Food Inc., I was close, but that article sealed it for me.

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled but never jam today!

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb: You are such a big jambon.

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled And a hammy birthday to you, too!

reijinni's avatar

I’m keeping my hamburgers. Veganism wasn’t meant for me.

Buttonstc's avatar

Personally speaking, I’m not Vegan. But I also choose to forgo ground meat either from grocery stores or fast food hamburger joints.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Buttonstc will you eat the stuff they have at Whole Foods?

Buttonstc's avatar

Whole Foods at least tells you upfront about the source of the food. But a few years ago there were instances in several Philly area stores which made the news. Evidently there was pork getting mixed in with the beef ( they are supposed to be ground separately and cleaned in between) so I’m just not a fan of pre-ground beef in any way shape or form.

I live just fine without hamburgers and can continue to do so. If I want ground meat for meatloaf or chili, it’s not that hard to just buy a single piece of chuck, chill it really well and grind it myself in the food processor. Alton Brown did a show on it one time.

But, I can go for incredibly long periods of time without eating any beef at all. Mostly fish and chicken.

But every once in a while there are some really great looking short ribs on sale and I succumb :)

But, I have no difficulty at all in totally avoiding fast food burgers and any type of mass market ground beef. That’s the two sources where all the problems have occured regarding E-Coli and adulteration with stuff like ammonia ( ick and ewww)

gailcalled's avatar

There is the huge surface area of chopped meat just waiting for unsavory bacteria to land.

Room for all.

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