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ucme's avatar

Do you feel a new year can truly bring a refreshed approach from someone?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 1st, 2010

All around the world people make resolutions, some trivial & probably wont see past January. Others that can be life changing & for the betterment of oneself. Is it therefore a truism to say that a new year heralds a new beginning?

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13 Answers

mrentropy's avatar

For some people, maybe. For others, no.

wildflower's avatar

I think it can be if you want it to. It is a noticeable enough transition that you could say ‘from here on…’, but it’s still a matter of willpower if you’re looking to change a habit, routine, etc.

dpworkin's avatar

If I didn’t feel people could change then I chose the wrong profession, but I’m not sure I trust change related to milestones such as a New Year. Rather, change requires a great deal of focused and guided work.

veronasgirl's avatar

This year, for the first time I have made no resolutions. And this year, I feel hopeful that this is the start of something good.

ucme's avatar

@pdworkin It is dubious to put faith in a new year resolution. However they can be a catalyst for lasting change. Which can only be a positive outlook.

DrBill's avatar

this is referred to as a self fulfilling prophecy

marinelife's avatar

It is a handy marker point to take stock of your life, to stop and reflect on where you are going and where you have been. To look and see where you are putting your efforts and redirect as necessary.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Somebody maybe. But not me. I’m on the express track to hell.

Austinlad's avatar

January 1 is an arbitrary date for refreshing one’s self. I believe every single day can be January 1 in that respect.

Ailia's avatar

I agree with @Austinlad, January 1 is just what you make it out to be. Although I do think New Years is a good occasion to start anew. It certainly helps me. :)

Austinlad's avatar

And I agree with Ailia!

St.George's avatar

I think it can begin any day, not just the beginning of the year. Life changes happen on our own individual schedules. It’s about establishing new habits.

Trillian's avatar

Well,“it’s been a long December and there’s reason to believe, maybe this year will be better than the last.” (Counting Crows, Long December)
I’ve been deleting stress inducing things from my life, one-by-one since last August. I have two things left on my self improvement “to – do” list, one of which I began this morning. I certainly do look at it in the light of making this year better and starting over “on the right track” so to speak. Hooray for new beginnings!

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