General Question

squirbel's avatar

Does anyone ever click on ads?

Asked by squirbel (4297points) February 28th, 2008 from iPhone

All these companies are built on ads and ad-clicks, but who in the world actally clicks them? I never ever click ads… Nor do any of my friends. Do you?

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6 Answers

Phil's avatar

no but apparently lots of people do

allen_o's avatar

my nan does, it broke her PC

xacrox's avatar

if I see something interesting, usually only google ads, I might open it in another browser and I usually cut the referral link off (is that rude?). But this is very very rare 3 times a year max.

1crazymofo's avatar

If its relevant, and I could use the info. Why not?

fuzzybunny's avatar

I rarely do and when I do it’s only from trusted sites for ads that I also “trust” as a company. (I.e. I never click on an ad from a company I know nothing about)

traviscrawford's avatar

Usually only when I’m shopping online. Never display ads though, they’re super annoying.

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