Laptops in the bathroom, yay or nay?
When somebody who’s diet consist of milk and peanut butter needs to take care of business, it’s going to take a while. What are your thoughts on laptops on the jon?
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29 Answers
I much prefer my iPhone. Much easier :)
Your laptop, your jon. I don’t see that it matters. In fact I’d probably find it funny to hear about someone posting something while they were releasing a dump.
But I’m also quite immature. poop! lulz
Damn- now I have a visual burned into my head.
No thank you. I don’t want anything “leaking”, private information or otherwise, out of the bathroom! And anything I want to put in the re-cycle bin might end up getting flushed down the toilet instead. lol
sigh I remember a time when going to the bathroom just meant doing number one or number two.
sigh, i agree, only cause i feel we can only be interrupted by technology so much, you’re sittin’ down for some personal time on the jon, just let it remain as it always has.
yay. it gets boring in there!
But only if there’s something on my laptop that I can’t get away from. Usually, no.
haha I use to take my laptop in the john all the time. And then I would talk to people on aim and be like. just so you know I am pooping right now and they would be like wtf dude gross. good times.
YAY, especially if you’re like me and have to take off all your clothes.
Certainly a lot easier than desktops in the bathroom.
Definitely laptop in the bathroom. I’ve done it since I’ve got mine.
When I used to use MSN messenger I wouldn’t BRB for the bathroom.
God, no. I don’t need my computer that much. That’s the time when you’re just supposed to think and reflect…without the distraction of technology.
I don’t know about laptops but my 7 year old was sitting on the toilet playing Guitar Hero yesterday. You can see the TV perfectly from the toilet, so I guess he didn’t feel the need to stop his game to poop. I have never carted the laptop into the bathroom but my BlackBerry is a different story.
Nay. I already have enough number two (s) on my keyboard.
Eeeeeewwwww, You guys are all overlooking something. When you flush the toilet, whatever is IN the toilet becomes aerosol. It gets OUT of the toilet and coats every surface. This process takes up to half an hour, so for half an hour after every flush, all the surfaces in the bathroom are being covered with whatever was in the bowl. This is why I cringe at the pictures of chaise lounges and bowls of fruit in the bathrooms of Better Homes and Gardens magazine. So, oh forget it. I leave the rest up to your imaginations and what you do with this information is up to y’all. I personally keep my toothbrush and other things INSIDE the medicine cabinet and I also keep a spray bottle of bathroom cleaner handy. ALWAYS!
Not sure about laptops, but I watched MTV Cribs once and some dude had a microwave in there. lol
Absolutely! I remember the day I discovered that—I have a laptop and we have wireless so it’s perfect! The only part I don’t like is balancing it somewhere while I wash my hands.
The only thing I bring with me to the bathroom is a newspaper
The number of how many I have to bring depends whether or not I had some fine dining at Taco bell…
Nooooo. Now your laptop has the cooties.
I knew a girl that would web cam with me when she bathed.
So, I would have to say. YES!
Bathroom = multiple sources of water.
Laptop + water = very, very, very bad idea.
Conclusion: no electronics of any sort in my bathroom.
laptops in the bathroom can lead to very unfortunate events, especially when video chat, liquor or 420 is involved, or all three.
you are warned.
Newspaper is better; wiping with a laptop is both inefficient and painful.
Gives a new meaning to “data dump,” doesn’t it… :-)
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