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ucme's avatar

In the year 2525 if man is still alive. What predictions would you foresee?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 1st, 2010

Future predictions will we progress or regress?

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13 Answers

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

Windows will have finally work out all it’s bugs out of it’s operating systems !
Windows 150 download it to your cranial implanted PC today !

XOIIO's avatar


Have you been smoking something?

I think we’ll be living in domes and suits. The world will have gone to shit, and radiation/ pollution will have killed everything.

ucme's avatar

@XOIIO Yeah but aside from that things will be pretty good.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

I don’t know about 2525, but If man is still alive, if woman can survive, they may find in 3535 they aint gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie. Everything you think do and say is in the pill you took todayyyyy.

Ha good song! thanks for reminding me about it.

HungryGuy's avatar

I hope we have android sexbots by then :-p

pjanaway's avatar

@Pretty_Lilly – Doubt it be called Windows 150. By that year in time it will be companies being run by 5 year olds.. so Windows Boobies might be a more appropriate name.. lol

Trillian's avatar

“They’ll split your pretty cranium and fill it full of air. And tell you that you’re eighty, but brother, you won’t care. You’ll be shooting up on anything, tomorrow’s never there. Beware the savage jaw in 1984.” (David Bowie, 1984)

Haleth's avatar

@Trillian great name!

I think that China will be much more powerful than it is today. If there is no competing world power, neither China nor anybody else will have much incentive to work on things like technology or space travel.

minolta's avatar

I think depleting natural sources will be the biggest issue mankind will have to deal with.

Austinlad's avatar

Air pollution, climate instability, a dearth of newspapers, food and water shortages, skyrocketing healthcare costs, terrorism, rioting… oh wait, that’s 2010!

ucme's avatar

@LKidKyle1985 Reached intended target. Congrats!

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