Social Question

jonsblond's avatar

How far are you willing to go, by yourself?

Asked by jonsblond (44421points) January 1st, 2010

Would you go out to dinner, by yourself?
A movie?
Sail across the ocean?
Climb a mountain?

What would be the most adventurous activity that you would do by yourself?

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27 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

I have done 1,2, and 4 many times. Granted the mountain was in the Adirondacks and the trail started in the woods behind our camp. I have more fun often when I go to theatre or concerts alone. A good way to meet nice people.

Austinlad's avatar

I have no problem going anywhere or doing anything alone. I go to movies alone, eat at restaurants alone, spend many evenings at home alone, have driven and flown to many new places alone, and spent many holidays alone. I’m not a recluse, though. I like people and enjoy socializing—I just don’t have to be with people to feel okay.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Anything, really. As I grow older and more confident in myself, I am willing to do anything alone and find pleasure in it.

elizabethmae's avatar

I got out to eat alone often, see movies alone occasionally, and while I’ve never climbed a mountain I have went day hiking alone many times. I don’t think there is anything that I wouldn’t try doing alone as long as it wasn’t dangerous. I’m relatively small female in my 20s and I wouldn’t want to invite any danger into a situation so that’s a draw back to being somewhere new alone and wanting to be out after sundown.
I’m very social so even if I start out alone I usually end up hanging out with new people.

john65pennington's avatar

All the activities in my life have been shared by my wife. we have been married so long, that if she is not with me, its like i have lost my good luck charm. same applies to her. no, its not boring to have a shadow.

Jeruba's avatar

1 and 2, yes, many times, and to the theatre, the opera, and other cultural events. I also traveled to Europe alone twice.

Mountains, no. Mountains I leave to others. I did take one little 1-hour mountain hike alone, but that was more than ten years ago.

It’s lovely to have company, but I don’t require it, and I’d rather go alone than go with someone who really doesn’t share my enthusiasm (or who would rather go shopping than visit museums).

Grisaille's avatar

Agreed with others here. Company is very nice, but isn’t a necessity. I do most activities by myself.

naivete's avatar

I’ve traveled to another country alone. I’d be willing to travel the world by myself. I’m scared to die alone though.

arnbev959's avatar

I would not go out to dinner by myself, not because I’d mind the experience, but because I wouldn’t want to spend the money.

I can’t remember the last time I went to see a movie. I certainly wouldn’t go alone, and I’d only go with someone if they dragged me along.

Sail across the ocean? Sure.

Climb a mountain? I’ve climbed mountains alone. There are few experiences as enjoyable.

I love being alone. I’d go pretty much anywhere alone. This summer I want to go on a week (or maybe two week) long solo bicycle ride.

DrBill's avatar

I would want a companion before leaving the solar system

tedibear's avatar

Would you go out to dinner, by yourself? – Sure, as long as I can take a book.
A movie? – Yes.
Sail across the ocean? No. It sounds like an invitation for disaster. It’s not the aloneness, is the idea that I could become too ill to call for help and have no one to do it for me.
Climb a mountain? – No. It doesn’t sound safe. Broken leg all alone doesn’t sound like fun.

Besides, I get tired of myself after a while!

dpworkin's avatar

I send a great deal of my time alone, so I do many, many things by myself. I am not a mountain climber, but I like to hike with my dog, etc. (Does that count as being by myself?)

absalom's avatar

I do 1 all the time; I’ve done 2, but I don’t see movies very often in the theater (I usually download them, which still results in solitary viewing anyway, maybe even more solitary since there are no strangers around as there would be in the theater); I’d do 3 if I were capable, and 4 if I had a mountain around.

I enjoy being alone. As an only child, I’m used to it. If I like having other people around, it’s usually because I like to observe them. (That, though, like loneliness, eventually gets tiresome. I guess I need a balance.)

@pdworkin: I know that I feel much less lonely when my dog is around.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I don’t mind doing anything alone.Substitute the rag boat for a motor noat and I’m there! :)

TLRobinson's avatar

During the weekend of my exhusbands wedding, I went to L.A. by myself, not knowing a soul! One of the best things I could have done.

SuperMouse's avatar

I have no problem going out to eat alone and, unless I am going with my boyfriend to veg out, I would rather see a movie by myself. I agree with @tedibear39, I wouldn’t sail alone across the ocean because of the safety issue. I tend to feel the same about climbing a mountain alone. I am completely comfortable being alone the little cocoon of my neighborhood/city, but for huge adventurous things I like to have company.

janbb's avatar

@SuperMouse I’m with you. Want to go do some huge, adventurous things together?

SuperMouse's avatar

@janbb I’m up for sailing around the world! Let’s start a list!

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I’ve watched movies by myself.
I’ve been to some concerts by myself.
I’m going to go cry now

eponymoushipster's avatar

ive traveled around europe on my own.

Buttonstc's avatar

I have done many activities by myself if there’s no one around to accompany me. I’m certainly not going to forgo something enjoyable simply because I don’t have anybody interested in doing it with me.

Mountain climbing is out due to asthma and I certainly wouldn’t feel safe sailing any ocean by myself. However, I would sign up for a cruise by myself even if I didn’t know a single other soul on board prior to the voyage.

augustlan's avatar

I love to be alone, so I’d do anything (as long as it were safe) by myself. Even when I travel with people, I always schedule in some alone time.

ratboy's avatar

Only when I’m alone am I in good company.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

I have traveled cross-country by myself. I have gone out to eat by myself several times. I’ve been married a long time and do most things with my husband, but it’s really nice to have some alone time too.

jonsblond's avatar

I started the New Year with a little solo sledding after the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve. I couldn’t get anyone to come with me, but I wasn’t going to let this stop me from going. It was very cold, with a windchill of -4F, but it was beautiful under the light of the full moon. After the last ride down the hill, I fell back into the snow and stared at the moon and the sky. It was a moment I’ll never forget. This was the inspiration for my question.

Thank you all for sharing. I have enjoyed reading your answers this morning. I’m ready for another solo adventure now!

Buttonstc's avatar

That’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Too often in our fast paced technology oriented world, it’s too easy to forget a bit of whimsy once in a while.

Jeruba's avatar

Ahh, that sounds like more than whimsy to me. It sounds like equal parts romance, Zen, and madness.

Bless you, @jonsblond, for a magnificent vision.

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