Shall I go out with my crush's best mate?
I have a “friend” who says “we are just friends” I really like him & he gives mixed signals. He is back in India until Feb. His “best mate” has been texting me & asked me to hangout & catch a movie. Shall I mention it to my “friend” as during recent talk with him, he wondered why I was still talking to his “best mate” while he himself is out of the country. Shall I mention it & go or shall I not go at all?
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19 Answers
He asks you why do you talk to his best friend? If you don’t like him don’t go out with him. Your friend might like you since he is asking such thing, don’t do it to make him jealous.
@Zean Again – that’s sort of what i’m thinking. If I go ahead with it, I don’t want to get stuck between best friends.
@Tink1113 – oh no, I don’t want to make him jealous, I wouldn’t do anything like that. With his mixed messages I don’t even know if he wants me as a girlfriend for himself. I don’t have many friends so any opportunity to go out is a “maybe i’ll go”.
@Zen Again – that’s sort of what i’m thinking. If I go ahead with it, I don’t want to get stuck between best friends.
Decide which one is the most important for you to keep. If it’s your out of town guy, tell the ‘best mate’ that you’ll ask ‘friend’ what he thinks and then ask.
Well if you’re friend is away in India, you should just mention it casually that you’re going out with his friend. If you’re friend is only giving you mixed signals, you shouldn’t hang on to him and wait around for him to ask you out. Go out with the one who’s giving you more attention
this is just asking for trouble
Hey guys LOL looks like its sorted. I just asked the mate here whether “friend in india” would approve of us “hanging out”. His response was “He wouldn’t Lol”. I sent a message back asking if I should mention it to “friend in india” to which I just got a response saying he didn’t want to risk it so he’s going alone. Lol – phew, now I don’t have to make the decision myself.
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Go with the new guy. Don’t talk about the new guy with the friend in India. It’s none of his business who you date.
Triangle! You have a crush on a guy, who doesn’t have a crush back on you; he says you’re just friends. His friend has a crush on you, and is asking you out. The only reason you would come between friends is if you fall for the second guy and the first guy decides that he really likes you after all, now that one of his friends wants to date you.
I agree with @Violet. Go out with the new guy. You cannot cheat on someone you’re only dating in your head. The first guy is just a friend. He said that he’s not interested in you as a girlfriend.
@PandoraBoxx made a great point. You can’t cheat on someone you’re not dating.
If the guy in India wanted to date you, I think you 2 would be dating already.
Open new ways of liveing.
Do you want number 2 for a short time (it probably won’t last), or risk it all for a chance with number 1? Until you have a direct answer one way or the other, wait for the one you actually like. A little proactive action wouldn’t go astray either.
I agree with Pandora and violet. Going out with a new guy isn’t cheating, since guy #1 never asked you to be his girlfriend. You can always just hang out with guy #2 as friends and then, if conditions are right, upgrade to a romantic relationship later on.
My mum did that – the guy she was really interested in didn’t pay her any attention so she dated his best friend to try and make him jealous. She ended up staying with him. They’ll be celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary this year (and yes he’s my dad).
Dont do it. That guy out of country could be thinkign about you like crazy and just waiting to come back. If you really like out of country dude dont do it.
You “friend” hasn’t expressed an interest in you, other than friendship. If you are interested in his best friend, go out with him. If you are thinking about going out with your friend’s best friend, just to make your friend jealous…don’t do it.
It’s really who ever you like more. If you like your “friend” then try and get with him. If you like his friend then get with him. If you like both, then just think who you like more.
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