They say good "fortune" runs in cycles, do you believe this?
I was born into a poor family, and my family had loads of issues. I was so determined not to be poor and battle like they did. I worked hard, and I changed my thinking. (My family were negative). I seem to have had cycles where I chose jobs and battled and made it good, then moved to another job and did poorly.
This happened in 2005 in a big way. Plus I was diagnosed as depressed (amongst other things). Now I have started a new job and the last few years haunt me, I keep saying to myself “I won’t make it again, this time it is different” Am I causing my own downfall?
I guess I am asking, how do I get out of the current bad cycle, is it my thinking? something I am doing? allowing past issues to cause more issues?
thanks for your insight.
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4 Answers
Changing your job seems to have been the deciding factor in your ‘change in fortune’. Work places and their staff vary so much from company to company that circumstances are out of your control. If you feel you are not doing so well, that means you are in an environment that is not suitable for you. A friend of mine always says that you should only mix with people who make you feel good about yourself. I think this goes for work too. There is no point remaining in an environment which is not conducive to your personal growth.
The other avenue to explore is obtaining training that compliments your work experience. This gives you more control when choosing a job that is suitable to you.
It’s all anecdotal, but I’ve been told that bad things come in threes. I used to go through depressive phases that just worked themselves out. This time there are just too many things reinforcing the depression. Medications don’t work and “talk therapy” is just bullshit (especially if you’re austitic and really dislike F2F intereaction). Depression is supposed to be a chemical imbalance, but the means of restoring that balance seems to be more voodoo than science.
Like @Excalibur says, it seems to be related to your work environment. If you can find another jod that makes you feel good and it is within your power, don’t change jobs. Don’t allow anything to change, don’t try for promotions or anything. Find your comfort spot and stay there. Sure it sounds un-American to not be ambitious but people who are mood-fragile can’t afford ambition.
Some people are great at doing a job but are miserable when directing others in doing work. Maybe you are one of those?
You may not be a gambler, but if you ask a gambler, they will tell you that luck does go in circles. you have a time period of just unbelievable good luck, then eveything goes down hill for a while. then, its time for good luck again. everything is about to change for you. if an oppurtunity presents itself for a change, take it, quick. you sometimes make your own destiny. you just have to be smart enough to recognize it.
I think that what happens is that we take notice of things in cycles. When we are down, like you have been, you are more likely to notice a series of bad things happening.
Other than that, I think it is chance.
Patterns, though, are things we create inside ourselves. If you think things are going to go badly, then they likely will.
You have to accept the good in your current situation and look for more. Mine for it. See good things in little everyday things that happen. Take a positive attitude in to work with you. If you have depression, get treated for it.
You can succeed!
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