How do Air Force Military Training Instructors compare to the other branches' drill sergeants?
How do Air Force MTIs compare to:
1. Marine Corps Drill Instructors?
2. Army Drill Sergeants?
3. Navy Recruit Division Commanders?
4. Coast Guard Company Commanders?
Are the MTIs softer or tougher than the numbered above?
Also, how are they different in other ways?
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7 Answers
I enlisted in the Air National Guard, which is a branch of the Air Force. i was sent to Texas for boot camp. i cannot speak for the other branches of the military, but my boot camp was fairly simple. we lived in barracks, did pt, more pt, and more pt. we each had our turn at kp. i understand this is no more. we marched everywhere. the object of boot camp is to take away your own personality and to become one person with everyone else. like i said, i cannot compare my boot camp to the others. but, i believe the Air Force is much more laxed than the other di’s were not friendly. you just have have to go along with the program. i made the right choice.
Like John65 said, a much better situation with the AF I would say. It was the best choice for me.
When I first enlisted in the military in 1986, I went through Army boot camp and the Drill Sergeants were very strict and all business all the time. They would single you out for disciplinary measures or ass chewings without hesitation. They were fair but firm in how they dealt with the troops. I’ve heard that they can no longer single individuals out but must deal with a platoon or a squad as a whole.
After leaving the Army, I re-enlisted but this time in the Air National Guard (Air Force). I didn’t have to repeat boot camp for the Air Force since I had it in the Army but I did have to attend technical school at Lackland Air Force Base. When I was there, I was able to witness some of the activities of the Military Training Instructors (MTI is such a weird and overblown description) along with my instructors at technical school. I have to tell you that the behavior and standards of the Air Force is so mellow and relaxed compared to Army standards that I’ve often thought that the Air Force may not be adequately preparing young Airmen for a career in the Air Force, let alone the military but that is only my opinion based on my observations. I don’t regret any of the training that I’ve ever been offered by the Air Force and I was sincerely happy with my transition from the Army to the Air Force since I believe that the AF takes better care of their people. They probably just need to be more stringent and serious in their basic training methods.
With that said, they do follow the cirriculum set forth by Air Force standards but it is much easier than what you would find in the Army and Marines. I had a friend and also my younger brother who were both in the Navy for a number of years but they never told me what the basic training instructors were like or what the boot camp standards entailed. I’m also unsure about anything involving the Coast Guard also.
The Air Force MTIs still single people out all the time and bring people to tears. I haven’t been through other service’s basic training so I can’t really speak for that but I didn’t exactly have a nice time at BMT and the MTIs definitely aren’t very nice to trainees. Maybe they aren’t as bad as other branches, but don’t expect it to be a cake walk.
Of course many people think I’m “too soft,” so I hope for a BMT to toughen me up.
How do I toughen up in the civilian world when the job market isn’t too accepting nowadays?
Are you serious? Really, if you’re looking for some sort of recruit training to “toughen you up” maybe you should not join any branch. I am a Marine with family in all branches, even though they tell me stories about their time in boot camp, I refuse to campare. I can tell you that you should not be in the Marine Corps though just based on the nature your question alone. Not only am I a Marine, I am also a recruiter, and if how hard a drill instructor is going to be on you is a concern to you, I would not take you into my branch. Good luck.
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