What is your biggest time waster that you wish you could do without?
Asked by
Cruiser (
January 2nd, 2010
What do you do or have you done that just is something you wish you could do or have done without?? Sleep for me is an obvious one but today out driving I guesstimated I have driven 500,000 miles in my life!! OMG that is way too many precious hours of my life behind the wheel of a car!! What has eaten up too many hours in your life???
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38 Answers
cooking. i love it but very time consuming.
This computer! I’m not kidding….and I’ve lived without a computer before, so I know that it can be done….I just really don’t want to.
Any moment I am doing something and not listening to music. That is a waste of time. Work, fluther, reading, travelling (train, plane, car) I try to accompany with music in one shape or form – when I don’t or cannot – and become aware of it – I feel I’ve wasted time.
The rest is a matter of choices and priorities.
@AnnieB Don’t even begin to add up the dollars spent of hardware too or you will headed straight for the padded room!! lol!
@Zen_Again I totally agree on the background music! Major pain reliever when stuck in these time warp activities!!
I don’t like to think of really anything as a time waster. I try to enjoy everything I do
Definitely the internet. I was going to say the television because it’s on non-stop all day. But it doesn’t really prevent me from doing things I need to do.
The internet, but since I enjoy it I’m going with laundry.
Must get a dishwasher.
Trying to play a stringless banjo.I’m almost fed up ;)
@lucillelucillelucille You are just going about it the wrong way. Take the SB and pack a cooler and a ham sandwich and shove off in your canoe and paddle with that SB to your favorite island and have a picnic preferably with someone who can appreciate your stringless banjo sing alongs!
You are right!I also play the air trumpet!It’s amazing!No,actually it’s mind blowing.
Depression and alcoholism.
@Cruiser -I play the bagpipes while swimming the English Channel…sometimes a girl needs a break from all that frantic paddling!
World of Warcraft.. it’s a big time waster, eating up most of my week-nights >.<
This internet thing has got me trapped. Right now, I indulge far too much. Maybe one day I’ll live a more minimalistic lifestyle and be rid of it.
@lloybird agreed! I absolutely despise washing dishes! A dishwasher would be so convinient and time saving…except for the fact my bloody apartment doesn’t come with one ..other than me!
Getting ready for work in the morning. I have that awful habit of changing outfits 3 or 4 times before I’m satisfied, and I I insist on fiddling around with my hair, even though I always end up leaving it down. I probably waste an entire hour each morning, just bumming around and halfway listening to NPR.
I actually need to waste more time. I have unread comics stacking up, DVDs still in the shrink wrap, audio books not listened to, etc.
I run on so much guilt that I’m always forcing myself to do something productive.
I just got a Wii and had to get the FIT package so I can exercise and justify it’s purchase.
I’d say Fluther, but I think I learn so much here. Maybe Fluther.
Driving to work.. It takes me about 30 minutes to get there and about 45 to get back because of traffic. I hate traffic.
Television. I was without one for about 8 months and it was great. The reprieve ended when my roommate moved in (who is a great NFL fan).
Bus Rides. There are so many more interesting things I could be doing each day than riding on a giant metal Twinkie for an hour.
Repetitive television commercials.
Travelling to and from work. Wasted time
Yep, @partyparty, couldn’t agree more. Whenever I sit in rush-hour traffic I always envision the day someone really does invent teleporting from Star Trek. Sleep also – I often lie in bed knowing I need to sleep, but wishing I didn’t need to. Also eating, pooping, waiting in any kind of line (particularly airport security lines), and anything else that needs to be done routinely like checking the mail, watering plants, maintenance – they are all inefficiencies to me.
@lilikoi I am with you there on the wasted time, but I think travelling to work is the biggest timewaster. It is something we NEED to do, but we don’t get paid for it LOL
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